This is what made me rack up muslim kills

…most of the 9/11 terrorists were SAUDIS…
And our "friends" the Saudis paid for it, too. Our billions in petrol dollars go toward their jihad causes and terrorism pet projects, and it's not going to stop until we stop buying foreign oil and become energy self-sufficient.

If we just stop funding it, Islamic terrorism will join the history books as a trend that came and went, like hijacking planes to Cuba. The problem will go POOF!, like magic. All gone.

At a critical moment, Bush had the opportunity to declare an energy Manhattan Project to make it so, but of course this wasn't compelling enough. He had to man up and invade two countries, one of which had no involvement in 9/11 at all. In spite of what Bush believes, history will not be kind to him.
American soldiers I stand behind you 100%

What I cant understand is why we are still in Afghanistan? Are we there to keep the poppy fields in fresh bloom?

To the rest of the world we must look the same was as Hitler did when he was doing his thing.

Fuck spending billions of dollars that we don't have (America is broke), we are borrowing money from China to fight in Afghanistan?

I am thinking America is a house of cards and if we don't wake up soon the shit will really hit the fan.
If Popeye served with such strong convictions I'm surprised he wasn't dishonorably discharged or imprisoned had he came face to face with one of the possibly 10,000+ muslims actively serving in the US military. So I call bullshit.
Hey guys, lets over throw foreign governments, invade other countries, setup 100s of military bases , fire missiles into countries we're not at "war" with, have slaves make our shit...ah no worries! The world loves America, right? What bad could happen to us?
I wouldn't be surprised if Popeye is for real.

When I was serving we had some serious mental cases training with us.
Hey guys, lets over throw foreign governments, invade other countries, setup 100s of military bases , fire missiles into countries we're not at "war" with, have slaves make our shit...ah no worries! The world loves America, right? What bad could happen to us?

Shut the fuck up Canada, I'm tired of paying for those bases and subsidizing your safety.
This. There's definitely a difference between Muslims and Terrorists, there are alot of peaceful Muslims out there that don't want any of that terrorist low life peasant shit

There are also a lot of Muslims THAT SERVE IN OUR ARMED FORCES.
So is this a really solid troll or truth? If its true, thanks for your service. With that said, I understand your posts now.
When are the retarded rednecks going to realise that being Muslim is nothing more than believing in a particular religion. Same as being Christian, Jewish, or whatever floats your religious boat, if you are into that.

Plenty of Americans are Muslims you fuckwit.
When are the retarded rednecks going to realise that being Muslim is nothing more than believing in a particular religion. Same as being Christian, Jewish, or whatever floats your religious boat, if you are into that.

Plenty of Americans are Muslims you fuckwit.

They really mean Arab when they're saying Muslim (even though most Muslims are Southeast Asian). Doesn't matter if they're Zoroastrian, Hindu, or Christian most Americans are uneasy about Arabs.

How often do you hear them talking about the Tamil Tigers who are MUCH stronger than Al-Qaeda and a bigger danger to democracy or the CPP (who regularly take Americans as hostages in the Philippines)?

Americans are treating Arabs the same way they treated the Japanese years ago, then they have the nerve to say "we're not racist". Yes Jimbo, you are racist.

If a Burmese guy chanted La ilaha illa Allah on a plane everyone would just look at him like he's a weirdo, but if he was Arab he'd probably be attacked by Air Marshals.

It's just how it is, we're racist.
Popeye, Thank you for serving our great nation. Putting your life in danger to help the greater good is not an easy calling, and I respect that you've done that.

However, I still think you're a fucking idiot, just one who now has some of my respect for serving.
Unlike a lot of sheep, I won't thank an anti-American solider for his "service" to the country. If you think being a patriotic American is about joining up to go kill people, you don't know a fucking thing about being a ( free, liberty-loving) American.