This is what made me rack up muslim kills

Today isn't a day for stupid political flaming.

I'll never forget the lives ruined and lost by 9/11

Bless all who serve or served... even Popeye.
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I never served... but I respect those who have. Your irreverence is particularly revolting on this day.

Anyone can make a post on a forum, anonymously, saying they served. Bragging about "killing muslims and racking up the kills" makes it pretty fucking obvious that it's bullshit.

Until he says which branch and unit he served with, I don't believe it for a second.

Hey guys, did you know I served in WWI? I did.

the OP is just trying to make monies online like everyone else... he's no soldier. He wishes he was, but the closest he got was playing Far Cry on PS3...
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Here's 3 posts of you stating with utter certainty, and zero proof, that he never served.

Popeye never served in the military...

he never served...

I can spot a poser from a mile away...

its pretty fucking obvious that it's bullshit...

Then you realize you might have gone too far and allow the possibility:

Until he says which branch and unit he served with...

And if he proves it, then what? You look like an idiot, which you always do. Nothing changes.

This is why people don't waste time on you.
Don't kill Terrorists, Kill Terrorism.
~Quote of the Day

errr... well... Dear Aristotle,

What If Terrorism = Terrorists

What If Terrorists = Muslims
Here's 3 posts of you stating with utter certainty, and zero proof, that he never served.

Then you realize you might have gone too far and allow the possibility:

And if he proves it, then what? You look like an idiot, which you always do. Nothing changes.

This is why people don't waste time on you.

Cowboy, he won't post proof.

And you ALWAYS waste time on me. I think you kind of love me. And no, I won't go out with you.

This is one of the videos that made me enlist after 9/11. Can you imagine your family member having to jumb to thier death? This is why I went to the middle east and took care of business. Do I regret killing muslims that danced in the street after 9/11...nope.

I am a warrior and I fought for my country. I gave up the girl I loved and my life at the time to defend the inocents that were murdered in 9/11.

fuck the muslims that killed my brothers..

fuck the idots that protested my the time I spent there.

You don't know what I did or what I experienced. Have you ever killed a man...I have..many...Im drunk so Im out.

Every time I watch this it makes me come to tears.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Fuck you terrorist smypathitic bitches.

Please...always remember.

lol @ raging

u put other ppl who served to shame. did you even serve at all ? so u think ppl here are gonna respect u cuz u served sucking dick ? u got no photos to prove it, so stfu.

Did you ever ask a terrorist why he joined ? Hmmm probably after Americans drop bomb killing his entire family, torturing and maiming his people, otherwise completely shitting on their country and race while jacking all the oil.

A terrorist is also a hero in their home country. You and terrorist are no different, you are both fighting for your own personal beef instilled by government and media.

good job dumbass.
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Congrats on 3,000 posts, Subigo


(sorry for interrupting this gai political internet argument with hetero images)
Congratulations Popeye, you've officially disrespected our troops and the sacrifices made by these great Americans and their families.

It's not quite as bad as Hellblazer actively wanting violence to occur against our troops, but it's still horribly shameful.
lol @ raging

u put other ppl who served to shame. did you even serve at all ? so u think ppl here are gonna respect u cuz u served sucking dick ? u got no photos to prove it, so stfu.

Did you ever ask a terrorist why he joined ? Hmmm probably after Americans drop bomb killing his entire family, torturing and maiming his people, otherwise completely shitting on their country and race while jacking all the oil.

A terrorist is also a hero in their home country. You and terrorist are no different, you are both fighting for your own personal beef instilled by government and media.

good job dumbass.

Your a fucking dumbass, I never get involved in these threads, but youve shed light on your own stupidity. A terrorist is not a hero in their home country, and no soldiers and terrorists are not the same thing. Im so baffled and befuddled by your post that I dont really know how to respond. Did you ever ask a terrorist why he joined ? Your joking right?
Your a fucking dumbass, I never get involved in these threads, but youve shed light on your own stupidity. A terrorist is not a hero in their home country, and no soldiers and terrorists are not the same thing. Im so baffled and befuddled by your post that I dont really know how to respond. Did you ever ask a terrorist why he joined ? Your joking right?

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" is a very common thought.

You think the Arabs we're invading and killing are just thrilled we're there?

Would you be thrilled if they were over here spreading what they consider good (i.e. sharia)?

Not trying to get into an argument, just elaborating on what I thought was obvious that he was saying...
Your a fucking dumbass, I never get involved in these threads, but youve shed light on your own stupidity. A terrorist is not a hero in their home country, and no soldiers and terrorists are not the same thing. Im so baffled and befuddled by your post that I dont really know how to respond. Did you ever ask a terrorist why he joined ? Your joking right?

Not that I am for the person you're responding to, but I have to say that you're the one who just showed complete ignorance. A terrorist is definitely a hero to his home country in many many countries - especially in the middle east.

Terrorists and soldiers are often the EXACT same thing. Do you think Bin Laden calls himself a terrorist? Of course not. He even officially declared war on the US in a public way before he started attacking. It's all about who has the best propaganda and who eventually wins the fight that determines who is called what.

The brits called Patriots terrorists during the revolutionary war.

And not that I'm disrespecting Popeye or soldiers, but the U.S. has been guilty of terrorism countless times in the last 100 years. Just look at all of the things in Latin America that we've pulled off. With a public that has no clue what's going on outside the U.S. our government could historically do anything it damn well pleased and often did.

Some of the things the U.S. has done in Latin America has even been condemned as terrorist attacks by the UN.

I wasn't gonna post in this thread but damn i always get sucked in with one thing or another.