Thinking About Buying a Bike

BTW, I LOOOOVED my 2000 GSXR750 before I left it looking like a crushed Coke can on the side of I-95. I haven't ridden in years (age getting to me?) so this is the first I've heard about the different modes on them.

If you tuck in to a tight ball and roll instead of a spread eagle slide it lessens the damage and the scab jars don't fill up as fast.
and imo don't go with a 250. You'll be bored of it in a week. Its like a moped. I would just go with a 600 and take it ez and don't push your limits
If you or a friend has someplace to ride, my advice would be to skip a street bike and get a 125 or 250 dirt bike. Then ride the hell out of it on dirt trails and places without traffic. You'll learn really fast, and not have to worry about center punching a car. Also, it hurts less to wipe out on dirt / grass.

You can probably pickup a decent 125 for under a grand. 125cc may sound small, but ask anyone that's ridden then if they're slow. In a lot of cases a 250 is too big for a beginner. Too powerfull. A friend of mine had a 250 ATK and we used to go to his grandparents farm to ride. He could pull 4th gear wheelies (and he weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 pound). If you get an enduro style bike, you can also ride on the street when you get more comfortable with it.

/edit/ The dirt bikes I'm talking about are 2 stroke, not 4 stroke. A 250cc 4 stroke will bore even a child to death, but the power band on a 2 stroke is completely different.
Just be careful. I ride (rode) occasionally with a few buddies that all have multiple bikes.
Was pretty close to convincing the wife to let me pull the trigger on buying a honda when a kid I grew up with ended up with his head splattered all over the hwy like a grapefruit.

She quickly vetoed my buy. So I convinced her to let me get this and this is how I roll now...

Also, it hurts less to wipe out on dirt / grass.

lol NO. It may seem that way, but when you find yourself in the ER getting clay and/or tree bark removed from the wounds of your face you may feel differently.

You can probably pickup a decent 125 for under a grand. 125cc may sound small, but ask anyone that's ridden then if they're slow.

A 125cc is NOT small, that I'll agree with. That, and you can't get arrested for speeding on the dirt. I found that I'm more bored on a 250cc than a 125cc.

That being said, if the guy wants a street bike then more likely than not, he wants a street bike to cruise on and for girls to see him on it - not necessarily to just ride. Telling him to get a dirt bike is apples to oranges...its just not going to fly. They're vastly different areas.

Just had to quote this again:

Also, it hurts less to wipe out on dirt / grass.

lol NO.
Okay, fine. Personal experience, it hurt ME less to hit the dirt (did it more than once) than the one time I went down on concrete.

Clarified. :xmas-smiley-016:

:) Fair enough. I've already painted myself as enough of a reckless dumbass (in my youth, anyway) from my motorcycle stories in this thread to share another but from my experience, when going fast enough, just about anything hurts like a sonofabitch...even water.
Was going to buy a bike, used the money for this instead :)
If yuo are in Colorado, have a whole collection, including a 556 swat from olden years.

Agreed on all of the above posts. Buy a used 600 - the R6 is an awesome bike, and learn to ride it properly. The 600 will be plenty for you as a beginner. The only complaint that I had about the R6 was that it had a smaller frame (I'm 6'4), and I flew through the gears too quickly. At least with the R1 and CBR1K, I'm not shifting all the time. I went from a Kawasaki Ninja 250 to a Yamaha R6 to a Yamaha R1, and now I have a Honda CBR1000.

I've been riding various bikes/atv's since I was about 8, and while I've wiped out plenty in the dirt, thankfully I've never went down on the road on one of my sportsbikes.
Funny this thread came up when it did, I'm going to check out an '02 R6 on Thursday. My first bike was a yamaha maxim 650:

^ not mine, but similar.

I got it dirt cheap and beat the piss out of it. Time to step up to a nicer model... Found out a friend of a friend was selling this bike for significantly less than bluebook, and if all goes well I should be an R6 owner by Thursday night. Will post pics if everything goes through.


'02 r6

Anyone have any advice on going from a "street" sportbike to a crotch rocket? Never ridden a rocket before... I'm sure I won't lay it down right away... I have plenty of practice on my other bike- but I'm still a little bit nervous.
Looks like the Ninja back tire has a few burnouts on it.

Yea, bought it that way.

First bike is an 06' Suzuki SV650 and the second an 08' Ninja 250R.

To OP: I highly recommend at least a 600 if you plan on taking it out on the highway or high traffic areas. The 250 just lacks response and that alone can be dangerous.
I dont have a street bike not just because of my love for speed but because 95% of people just straight up cant drive.