"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

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Couldn't agree more about the religious nutjobs trust me they hurt us religious people to, but attacking a religion because of it's exceptions is like attacking a race because of their stereotypes.

Emp you poor baby. Very touching story.

Joseph Stalin responsible for killing over 40 million people. Joseph Stalin closed down over 48 000 churches, and attempted the liquidation of the entire Christian Church.

(I personally know people that lived through this time. If you were caught or snitched on by your neighbor, you went to jail. Once you're in jail you get a choice you either denounce God or face the consequences. Very nice older gentlemen I know; had toothpicks shoved under his nails, hands jammed by doors, hunger, property taken, family torn apart. Of course for some it was the ultimate; death. Victor was lucky to survive and was sent to a Siberian prison.

Dictator of China Mao Tse Tung launched the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution, Mao was responsible for killing about 72 million people.

Marxist-Leninist-No God movement in the 20th century. This death toll is one of the bloodies genocides ever seen. Saying it didn't happen would be like saying holocaust never happened. I'm sure the religious nuts are keeping up with multi million count death toll. Oh yeah they would also spit in their faces.
People do a lot of crazy shit in the name of the greater good, bus signs aren't so bad. Except of course when the group responsible for them's motivation was to spread hate. Which is how I interpreted it.

You get more bees with honey, athiest activists should adopt a more friendly moto.....such as love thy neighbor.
Good to see some balance but why do atheists care so much what others believe?

The same way recent converts of any religion feel the need for the rest of the world to find the "True Way" or be "enlightened."

I remember when I first started meditating and experienced a state that 'blew my mind'. I wanted to share and show everyone that inner peace can be attained. Then I grew up and shut the fuck up and let everyone find their own path, theist or not.
I stated this before (a few motnhs ago)

As soon as the religious fuckers leave me alone, I will leave them alone.

Translated to WF, this amounts to:
Any religious thread, I will shit in.

Rusky... very touching. You know hitler was a christian, right?

very funny how alwasy the argument comes up (from Eli this time) that one should not judge religion by the extremes, and then someone comes up with the extremes on the atheist front.


PS: I had a run in very early this morning, so I am very, very grumpy indeed.
I'm not sure how Blond Hair, Blue Eye, Ultimate race comes into this. Plus doesn't Christianity get its roots from Judaism. (Jesus was Jewish). Why would he be attacking the race of his Savior. Just a thought.

Just came from the gym my self, drinking on raw eggs. I'm getting used it now, they taste okay with a little salt on top.
I didn't say it made sense what Hitler did. Far from it, actually.

Hehe, love this quote:

However the Methodist Church said it thanked Professor Dawkins for encouraging a "continued interest in God".

I mean if God doesn't really exist, why state the obvious?!?
You realy need to read the article if you havent done so already. There are many many reasons why we shouldn't just roll over and let the religious have it all there own way. I pretty much totally agree with emp on this so no point in me saying anything else.

Society is moving forward. As expected.
Yeah, just not quickly enough some times...
be open-minded enough to know that just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there!

Be smart enough to understand than just because you can see or sense something doesn't mean it's there. You have to be able to see it again and also show others what you have seen so they can study it. If this is not possible then that person should STFU.

Atheists are a LOT more open-minded than any religious person. If you can show empirical evidence that a god exist, no atheist would call himself atheist. But if you show a religious person evidence against their religion it doesn't really matter. They will defend it until death by using irrelevant arguments, lies, twisted facts and twisted definitions just to preserve their dogmatic view of the world.
the new "evangelical atheists" are just like the "anti-smoking" crowd.
light a cigarette across the street from one of these crybabies and they start coughing. mention God in passing like "thank God" or "god bless you" and they start crying about how your "shoving your religion down their throats".

if i were to proselytize, and i don't, it would be out of compassion for people who have no meaning in their lives and out of love of God. "evangelical atheists" hate that others have something they don't and want to take it away. they are all well off white suburbanites who finally found something they can be a "victim" of.

there are bad people and stupid people are not in short supply. they won't disappear in your utopia of "no religion". those who manipulate the weak using religion would use something else. more people died in wars this past century that had nothing to do with religion but ideology.

in fact, i don't really think these Richard Dawkins atheists are really atheists at all. it seems to me that someone who was truly absent of any belief wouldn't give a shit and would need to prove anything to anyone. the atheists who scream the loudest, trying to "prove" there is no god and trying to convince everyone else are really trying to convince themselves.

yes, yes, there probably is no god, stop worrying about the big questions, go back to watching tv, selfishly live to only satisfy your basest desires, your not happy? no problem we have pills for that, let us do the worrying for you.
LazyHippy you remind me of this guy. But in your own way.


Eh? I'm not preaching anything other than think for yourself.
Not sure what you meant by this.
"I'm an agnostic, but very much against organised religion)"
"Stalin's actions against the church"
Seems like you both agree.

But I probably shouldn't start.

I believe in no God as such, but think there may be some form of higher/different level of existence. I'm fairly convinced that all religious groups are just passing on tradition and doctrine with little connection to what may actually exist in a spiritual sense and don't encourage people to think for themselves about what may or may not exist. I think the first Buddha might have been the closest... shame the way Buddhism went (after he said don't worship me).

I referred to Stalin as Riddarhusetgal described the bus signs as extreme left wing actions...

Make sense?
Militant atheism and militant religious belief are two sides of the same coin.

They are both based on a narrow-minded and unimaginative view of what God/YHWH/Allah is. The main difference is that Atheists say if you don't believe as they do, you'll suffer in this life, Theists that you'll suffer in the next.
God doesn't want you to believe in her because she's tired and wants people to shut up and stop bugging her. Even deities get burned out.

I am an Agnostic with no religious convictions whatsoever. I don't cop to the Messiah thing (except to recognize that a Messiah/and or God is a parent substitute).
I am an Agnostic with no religious convictions whatsoever. I don't cop to the Messiah thing (except to recognize that a Messiah/and or God is a parent substitute).

The word is meaningless. We are all agnostics since absolute knowledge is unobtainable. You only have two options.. atheist or theist.
The word is meaningless. We are all agnostics since absolute knowledge is unobtainable. You only have two options.. atheist or theist.
I lack the certitude for those stark choices, and would rather straddle the uncertain middle. I would prefer there be a god for the sake of cosmic justice, but waiting for proof.

Maybe when she gets back from vacation. :rasta:
I lack the certitude for those stark choices, and would rather straddle the uncertain middle. I would prefer there be a god for the sake of cosmic justice, but waiting for proof.

If you don't specifically believe in a god, then you are an atheist. :rasta:
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