"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

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I'm willing to bet that there are fewer religious people among affiliate marketers, than there are among those who buy crap.
yea... anyone who trusts what some preacher says would surely put more trust into what Laura or Becky say.

i wonder how well a site with a pic of a preacher saying how "god wants you try acai" would work

Err... nope.

I target anyone who believes in an invisible being and insists on telling me about it.
I just get more Christians around here than Muslims.

I'm not sure what everyone is bitching about.
I've been feed NO GOD textbooks K-12. That's free advertising.

Besides what benefits has Atheism brought the world? How are you better, smarter, superior, or benefiting the society more then everybody else. Please indulge me. Well you sure bitch allot without real substance, will give you that.

Here's another dark side. This might show you why I believe Hitler Murdered because of NO GOD proving Darwin.

Hitler + Eugenics = "The forced sterilizations beginning in January 1934, and altogether an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 people were sterilized" This isn't Jewish People. (so dont give me that "he was a racist" shit)

What is Eugenics and were does it come from?
Eugenics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warning you can close your eyes here if you want to.
"The modern field and term were first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1883, drawing on the recent work of his cousin Charles Darwin"(after Darwin's Cousin found out there was no God, he must have stopped worrying and enjoyed his life)
Back to point; so he was Darwin's cousin, and was inspired by Darwin's recent work. No connection there at all to Darwin. (I believe Darwin was the one that proves no GOD, I think I'm not sure.)
Hitler was a Christian, yet he used Darwinian inspired theory of Eugenics to kill over 300,000 people. Makes sense.
I always like a visual, so here's one.

Nazi eugenics propaganda of World War II.
If you cant read German I found a translation.
"This is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the Community of Germans during his lifetime Fellow Citizen, that is your money, too"

I'm not sure what everyone is bitching about.
I've been feed NO GOD textbooks K-12. That's free advertising.

Besides what benefits has Atheism brought the world? How are you better, smarter, superior, or benefiting the society more then everybody else. Please indulge me. Well you sure bitch allot without real substance, will give you that.

Here's another dark side. This might show you why I believe Hitler Murdered because of NO GOD proving Darwin.

Hitler + Eugenics = "The forced sterilizations beginning in January 1934, and altogether an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 people were sterilized" This isn't Jewish People. (so dont give me that "he was a racist" shit)

What is Eugenics and were does it come from?
Eugenics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warning you can close your eyes here if you want to.
"The modern field and term were first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1883, drawing on the recent work of his cousin Charles Darwin"(after Darwin's Cousin found out there was no God, he must have stopped worrying and enjoyed his life)
Back to point; so he was Darwin's cousin, and was inspired by Darwin's recent work. No connection there at all to Darwin. (I believe Darwin was the one that proves no GOD, I think I'm not sure.)
Hitler was a Christian, yet he used Darwinian inspired theory of Eugenics to kill over 300,000 people. Makes sense.

Are you still at this?

The main point is that the all the mass murders/killings etc were mainly carried out by the German people, not Hitler himself.

And one of the main ways by which he convinced his supporters was..guess what? religion.. go read his speeches or his books.

Even if Hitler or anyone else was somehow inspired by the theory of evolution(which he wasn't), it does not in any way disprove the theory of evolution.

It would be like jumping of a building and saying the theory of gravity is wrong because it killed me.. it's a retarded argument against the validity of a theory.
Darwin was also religious at one point. Plus have you ever heard of religion being used for political purposes. Mein Kampf was a political book. Please don't give me quotes from it.
Also I'm not implying Hitler was an Atheist or Religious. He had many weird ideas. Eugenics being one of them, I'm simply stating were the idea of Eugenics originated from. Makes sense.
yea... anyone who trusts what some preacher says would surely put more trust into what Laura or Becky say.

i wonder how well a site with a pic of a preacher saying how "god wants you try acai" would work

Sounds like it's worth a try ;)
Besides what benefits has Atheism brought the world? How are you better, smarter, superior, or benefiting the society more then everybody else. Please indulge me. Well you sure bitch allot without real substance, will give you that.

We are superior because we are rational and see the world as it is. Not like we wish for it to be.

Hitler + Eugenics = "The forced sterilizations beginning in January 1934, and altogether an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 people were sterilized" This isn't Jewish People. (so dont give me that "he was a racist" shit)

Irrelevant. As long as Hitler didn't state: "i do this in the name of atheism", it has nothing to do with atheism.
Here's a quote I found which sums why Im not a believer. Don't know who said it but here it is...

"So you believe that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in all humans because a women made from a rib was convinced by a talking snake in a magical garden to eat the fruit from a magical tree, which made an invisible man who lives in the sky very angry?"

And here's what Einstein said about religion..

"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this."

"For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them."
Lack of power? When did he say that? I'm guessing prior to the creation of Israel.

Be careful not to confuse "God" and religion.

Religion - for the most part - is crap, but I think there is a possibility that there may be some form of existence that could be perceived as God or gods, so cannot call myself an atheist and find it hard that intelligent people can believe that there is no possibility - however remote - that there is any thing other than material existence.
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What perplexes me is that this generation is so much against Christians, yet Muslims are the ones stoning, cutting heads off and blowing them selves up in the name of their god.

If you are a true atheist then It would seem to me that Islam would be your first target to discredit?

Oh yea..... speaking out against Christians is safer than denouncing Islam

yeah there are muslims doing some ugly shit. most of them belong to a violent sect of a sect. calling them muslim and condemning islam because of them is like holding christians accountable for sects like the branch dividians.

instead of judging muslims by the actions of some ignorant half-retarded maniacs get to know your neighbors. get to know some american muslims who are just as offended by the type of stuff you just mentioned - instead of worrying about what some illiterate "shaikh" in the afghani country side has to say.

anytime some nobody village imam from the far side of the planet issues a "fatwa" you hear about it on the news. how many people have heard of Hamza Yusuf or Zaid Shakir? those two have the ears of more american muslims than some faraway village imam who makes the news because of some weird fatwa.

and maybe atheists aren't challenging muslims because muslims in general are not challenging basic science. people's faith in God shouldn't be challenged every time we make scientific advances.
Lack of power? When did he say that? I'm guessing prior to the creation of Israel.

Be careful not to confuse "God" and religion.

Religion - for the most part - is crap, but I think there is a possibility that there may be some form of existence that could be perceived as God or gods, so cannot call myself an atheist and find it hard that intelligent people can believe that there is no possibility - however remote - that there is any thing other than material existence.

I do believe in the possibility of a higher power but I also believe we are basically our own gods. Here's the Einstein article.
I do believe in the possibility of a higher power but I also believe we are basically our own gods. Here's the Einstein article.

I read the Quantum Enigma recently - there's some pretty mind bending implications of Quantum physics discussed in there (although they are very careful to make it clear beyond a certain point only conjecture is possible).

The reductionist/materialist view of consciousness doesn't look particularly well supported by the science these days. The fact that a conscious observer is required to a collapse a wave function could been seen to point to consciousness being separate to our physical existence.
Be careful not to confuse "God" and religion.

Religion - for the most part - is crap, but I think there is a possibility that there may be some form of existence that could be perceived as God or gods, so cannot call myself an atheist and find it hard that intelligent people can believe that there is no possibility - however remote - that there is any thing other than material existence.

Well said, religion is man made and is very wrong on many levels.

To state it a different way ... how can one consider himself intelligent if you think you know everything about something we know nothing about (the origin of life).

$rep ++ ;
We are superior because we are rational and see the world as it is. Not like we wish for it to be.

Irrelevant. As long as Hitler didn't state: "i do this in the name of atheism", it has nothing to do with atheism.

Eat your heart out you less superior and irrational Religious freaks.

"We are superior because we are rational and see the world as it is. Not like we wish for it to be"

Evolution of the Ape at its best.
meh.. I'll be stating my resignation from these threads.

Religious people just won't change.

Duh... living their life after a 2K years old book (or similar scripture) and I expect them to be open to new ideas?

This joke is on me.

What ideas?
I can say the same thing about your side. Most of us dont drink, smoke, cheat, and have good values. What new ideas are you talking about.
Eat your heart out you less superior and irrational Religious freaks.

"We are superior because we are rational and see the world as it is. Not like we wish for it to be"

Evolution of the Ape at its best.

If you are going to open your mouth, at least try to make some sense.

Most of us dont drink, smoke, cheat, and have good values.

Who fooled you into thinking that?
What's good or evil is subjective to the individual.
meh.. I'll be stating my resignation from these threads.

Religious people just won't change.

Duh... living their life after a 2K years old book (or similar scripture) and I expect them to be open to new ideas?

This joke is on me.



Of course people like Rusky are lost souls (I pun, I pun!). But all hope is not lost on those that are wavering or just now coming to terms with a logical awakening. Trust me there are people out there that have been submerged in the brainwashing (I was one of them) and need people to constantly be a voice of reason. If these threads have put even a tiny seed of doubt in someone's head, and actually makes them think a bit, then it's worth it.

Also you can't just leave me with the religious fanatics. I will come to Germany and kick your godless ass.

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