The Official Trading Thread

mgrunin hedge fund coming soon

ROIShare Fund?


In all seriousness, I have zero plans to profit from anyone on this challenge, and I have 0% interest in charging anybody for anything. Consider this as an act of philanthropy. At no point in time during this challenge will I ever, ever try to squeeze a dime out of any viewers.

mGrunin, want to manage a portfolio for me? :)

Thank you for the offer Will, but I am not in the position right now to take on any outside portfolios. Not to mention that on the legal side, I do need the proper licenses to offer such an arrangement publicly.

I have had similar arrangements in the past, and it has been difficult since often times, my risk tolerance and swings do not necessarily match the comfort levels of the clients.
well lets go. whens this thing going to kick off live? You could start the thread and auction off the tags for the $10K
Go for it Martin, would love to see some of your action mate. :)

I just checked out your forum again, the message they left... they went full retard with whatever the fuck they're talking about Syria...

Good luck recovering it mate!
I'd love to follow along and make the same trades, just with a couple of thousand instead of 10k.
I know fuck all about this stuff, so I see it more as a great way to learn more than anything, win or lose.

Super great of you Martin.
I made a lot of money between 2009-2012 but in 2013 Im down 18k thanks to gold miners 3x leveraged etfs. I have about 10k left of "play money" that I could use to follow your trades. It's money I can afford to lose so Im willing to take risks. What is your website? I'd like to join
Haven't read the entire thread but would be interested in what your doing. From the screen shots I've seen, it just looks like your buying calls? How far OTM are you buying?
Any other details?
Alright fellows, it looks like I will be doing this challenge. The last thing to figure out now is the start date. Looking at the calender for the rest of this month, I feel it might be best pushed off until the New Year. Next week is my 22nd birthday on the 15th and I know I will likely be away for the weekend as well as a few days in that following week. Right after that we have Christmas followed by New Years - I feel it would be most appropriate and most convenient to begin it starting 2014.
You can't be selling options in this low vol environment so your just buying calls?
What indicators are you using?
Alright fellows, it looks like I will be doing this challenge. The last thing to figure out now is the start date. Looking at the calender for the rest of this month, I feel it might be best pushed off until the New Year. Next week is my 22nd birthday on the 15th and I know I will likely be away for the weekend as well as a few days in that following week. Right after that we have Christmas followed by New Years - I feel it would be most appropriate and most convenient to begin it starting 2014.

Pussy. I'll be quaded up before you even start ;-)

Just kidding. Can't wait