I just read that. To me it reads as a bunch of weak excuses and confirmation bias. He really shouldn't trade.
He says he's transparent and wanting to learn from his mistakes. Nothing in that PDF, to me, implies any rational objectivity, it's just excuses.
Firstly, he doesn't need a bigger account, he needs a smaller account as he's not capable of keeping his fear and greed in check, he's got to stop trading at levels beyond his comfort zone. In fact, he should stop trading, he comes across as a total chancer.
I mean whinging about 100-1 leverage, using that as a cause and saying he wants less? Trade smaller sizes then you cock. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
I can relate to some of what he says, but that PDF makes me shake my head and want to tell him to stop the excuses and "trading" (gambling). He doesn't even have stops at support or resistance, but an arbitrary figure of either 10 or 20 ticks?! Jesus!
Insufficient account size, slow execution and high leverage are not a "cause." Small brain is.
(This is not a reflection on you, Mr. Grunin, I love what you're doing, but I don't agree with that gambler.)