The Bullshit Side of the Internet Marketing Guru Industry


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
First off, MAJOR KUDOS to the Verge and Salty Droid for their collaboration and work on this piece. This is EXACTLY what I had personally started off fighting with WickedFire and many of you from day one. Ultimately, it was a losing battle because for every guru fuck that we've eliminated, ten more pop up to take their place. War of attrition with a lack of ROI for our efforts. Its unfortunate too, because they all make us look horrible, and the general population will never remember the good that we've done, only the damage that these scammy fucks have left our side of the industry to deal with. I'm not saying we are squeaky clean, because we aren't. But we are NOT scammers. We are NOT shady fucks. We are just... creative, out of the box, and rogue when it comes to the old rules of doing business in the marketing realm of the internet.

This is real journalism. 60 minutes style.

Joe Flatley deserves an award for this, and will have my respect for a LONG time. I hope he earns yours too after you read this... Everyone needs to read it now. No cliff notes.

Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster | The Verge

Suck a dick warriors. This is all of you mashed up and there is not a goddamn thing you can say or do to convince anyone otherwise. Now go fuck yourselves.
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Was there a non-bullshit side of the internet marketing guru industry?

Yeah, I don't think all of the guru fucks are scammers. I happen to truly believe guys that I'm friends with like Kelly Felix, Steve Iser, even Scott Rewick, those guys are the real deal and have proven themselves long before they launched their own brand of systems. Plus they've all got that hardcore hustling mentality, which they were born with. Hustling doesn't mean scamming. That's the difference between the scammers and the real guys. Its a fine line, but Kelly, Ryan and Steve set a price, and leave it at that. They are also transparent with their business models, they do refunds, and the info/advice they sell is legitimate.

Compare that to the Frank Kern or Yanik Silvers of the world, guys who run around doing these million dollar conference (which I have respect for actually, because they leverage persuasion) but at the same time they are just selling the same shit, repackaged, over and over and over again, coupled with obscene promises that will never happen. I've heard some calls they've done for their operations.. its sick.

Like the woman who flat out says she's broke, and they get her to take out a second mortgage to buy their shit because they GUARANTEE that she will make millions and miss this "once in a lifetime opportunity". That woman followed through, and went broke. She is also a guru seminar addict. I guess its an ethical and moral dilemma, because she's a fucking idiot for not stopping and realizing that she's too broke to even be there, and that clearly, she's not going to be getting rich. But I guess at the same time she feels she's "pot committed" and can't break away now. But for them to go that extra mile on her, even when she tells them "I don't have the money for this..." and they "hold her hand" and "walk her through getting a second mortgage to pay for this new course". Now THAT is fucked up shit right there. That is a calculated and deceptively fucked up thing to do to someone. Both sides are pathetic for it.

But hey, it is what it is.
Fucking love the saltydroid for being able to troll the syndicate like he continues to do.

It continues to reinforce the addage of those that can't "do" teach, except in this case they sell bullshit teaching. I've watched a couple of the seminar videos and they really are absolute crap. The visual cues for them highlighting success by downplaying were so over the top. It is like they read Cialdini and immediately tried to use it...sadly it works on idiots and there is no shortage of idiots.
They are also transparent with their business models, they do refunds, and the info/advice they sell is legitimate.

This is the key. I've followed these FTC lawsuits against these groups for quite some time now. There is a pattern -

1. garbage earnings claims/promises ("you'll recoup your investment in three months time!" or "You'll be able to retire in a year...")
2. hidden rebills
3. a non-existent refund policy (or you disclose a refund policy and don't adhere to it so that you don't have to give the money back)
4. no fulfillment after the sale

There's a right way and wrong way to do things. If you do things the right way you'll still have a boat load of people who don't end up making money because they are just lazy/stupid/etc... but that's not what we're talking about here.
Its a really dumb idea to reject refunds... they just result in angry customers that go out of their way to report you to their AG or FTC, plus almost always issue a chargeback or two. Then again, a lot of the operations that don't give a fuck, they either 1- Don't give a fuck because they don't know any better OR 2- Don't give a fuck because they are piggybacking off of other MIDs owned by other operators and they are there for the cash out churn and burn game. But hey, I'm no rat and that is an entirely different war on its own that I am just not interested in fighting.
Originally i joined wickedfire because it was the only antiguru forum i could find.
Then I stayed for the gay webmasters.
WarriorForum really loved the voice of reason I brought to the forum!

LOL I squashed one of the WSO's that was written on POF (along w/ a few others), now Warriorforum doesn't let me log-in. Oh well, I just genuinely feel bad for those people :p

A guy sells niche websites.

He sells them for 17 bucks and hosts them at a free hosting and sells them with no domain.

And taunts that they make $15,000 per month.

His credentials are that he is a doctor and he ditched his carrier to do internet marketing.

I make a comment like "so, basically you are a doctor, who ditched his medical carrier to make $17 websites?"

He proceeds with a lenghty answer how he is a certified doctor(bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery) and blah blah blah.

I make a post to reveal how full of shit he is, and that there are not such things as "bachelor of medicine and surgery".

Needless to say I got a ban and all my posts deleted.

I really feel bad for these people. They really believe they are the shit and people like us are just haters...

edit: here is a thread from him, for the blessed ones, who don't have a ban yet:
Its a really dumb idea to reject refunds... they just result in angry customers that go out of their way to report you to their AG or FTC, plus almost always issue a chargeback or two. Then again, a lot of the operations that don't give a fuck, they either 1- Don't give a fuck because they don't know any better OR 2- Don't give a fuck because they are piggybacking off of other MIDs owned by other operators and they are there for the cash out churn and burn game. But hey, I'm no rat and that is an entirely different war on its own that I am just not interested in fighting.

They didn't offer refunds for the reasons you gave and they just didn't understand/appreciate what the FTC could do to them. Their entire lives are frozen overnight - literally. All personal and business accounts frozen and the owners of these boiler rooms are forced to beg a federal judge for an allowance to live and pay their lawyers. The funny thing is that some of these guys really think they are running a legit business and doing a service for people. One group I know well claimed to be the "gold standard" of the industry right before he was taken down by the FTC last year. His case is still ongoing here in Vegas.
He proceeds with a lenghty answer how he is a certified doctor(bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery) and blah blah blah.

I make a post to reveal how full of shit he is, and that there are not such things as "bachelor of medicine and surgery".

Isn't that what MBBS stands for? What most doctor's are?

Either that, or my whole life's a lie. :ticking:

Lol at a doctor giving up his career and making and selling $17 websites!