the 600 blogpost thread: 4 different spun articles - 1800 backlinks!!

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Another pre-order here, just hit me up when you get back on track!

One question, if I send you 4 articles to spread them out, could each article(and spins) link back to a different site?

For example:

Articles #1 has links {health|colon|doctor} directing to
Articles #2 has links {seo|backlinks|serp} directing to
Articles #3 has links {marketing|advertising} directing to
Articles #4 has links {grants|mom grants|college grants} directing to

Just need around 100+ posts/links per site, dont really need the full 600 posts to one single site.

Let me know when you get the chance.
PM your paypal address and email address so I can send over details.

Whats your turnaround time?

I will be providing the article.
hey Andly..

I pmed you an order a couple days ago ... did you get it?

Just need to know your paypal address to order the discounted package I locked in from your special before you left for vacation.

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