Terrorism hits Norway...

but to say that this entire trend is invalidated by two examples

Where did I say that? I merely posted facts, which often seem to cause people who interpret things in black or white to imagine words that weren't there.

The Lord's Resistance Army is also not "Christian", it's a hybrid of Christian and Mysticism based more heavily on the 10 Commandments:

The person I responded to was using a loose definition of "Christian", indicated by them labeling Hitler as a Christian. There is a wide variety even among Christian groups in the USA. There is no standard definition accepted by all.

"Muslim" terrorists have repeatedly been denounced by Muslims who do not consider the terrorists to be true Muslims.

Is suicide bombing justifiable? Survey | Pew Global Attitudes Project
Al Qaeda Favorability Survey | Pew Global Attitudes Project

If you are going to consider Muslim extremists to be Muslim, then you have to do the same for Christian ones. You can't have it both ways.

If you are going to consider Muslim extremists to be Muslim, then you have to do the same for Christian ones. You can't have it both ways.

The big difference is the LRA has alleged to be "mystics", as well as calling itself Islamic at one point in time. I don't think the Islamic terror groups have ever called themselves Jewish or Witches - LRA doesn't even stick to its own identity.
The big difference is the LRA has alleged to be "mystics", as well as calling itself Islamic at one point in time. I don't think the Islamic terror groups have ever called themselves Jewish or Witches - LRA doesn't even stick to its own identity.

Good points, but I'm gonna throw out this related stuff...

Christian mysticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

al-Qaeda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While the leadership's own theological platform is essentially Salafi, the organization's umbrella is sufficiently wide to encompass various schools of thought and political leanings. Al-Qaeda counts among its members and supporters people associated with Wahhabism, Shafi'ism, Malikism, and Hanafism. There are even some whose beliefs and practices are directly at odds with Salafism, such as Yunis Khalis, one of the leaders of the Afghan mujahedin.

He is a mystic who visits tombs of saints and seeks their blessings—practices inimical to bin Laden's Wahhabi-Salafi school of thought. The only exception to this pan-Islamic policy is Shi'ism. Al-Qaeda seems implacably opposed to it, as it holds Shi'ism to be heresy.

(Shi'ism is the second largest denomination of Islam)

Al-Qaeda is intolerant of non-Sunni branches of Islam and denounces them with excommunications called "takfir". Al-Qaeda leaders regard liberal Muslims, Shias, Sufis and other sects as heretics and sometimes issue attacks on their mosques and gatherings.

Sufism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can Sufism Defuse Terrorism and Radical Islam? - TIME

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U15nvY15bdI]‪Adam Pearlman From Jewish Goat Farmer To Al-Qaeda Propaganda SITE Video Actor‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
From his compendium:

Regardless of the above cultural Marxist propaganda; I will always know that I am perhaps the biggest champion of cultural conservatism, Europe has ever witnessed since 1950. I am one of many destroyers of cultural Marxism and as such; a hero of Europe, a savior of our people and of European Christendom – by default. A perfect example which should be copied, applauded and celebrated. The Perfect Knight I have always strived to be.
Well, It's not official yet, because thereligionofpeace.com hasn't yet published the # of Muslim killings this last week, but we may very well be able to soon say:

Congrats, Right-Wing Christians!

You FINALLY were able to kill more innocents in a day than Muslims did that same day!

(Yes, since Hitler. Although we don't know the score for muslims back then so that one is still iffy.)


Well naturally, since he allegedly claimed he was "Christian" and "conservative", that must mean he was what we in America would consider "Christian" and "conservative". That should be good enough for my stringent standards and is not influenced at all my by overflowing, irrational bias!

You guys are so desperate it's laughable.

From someone who is presumably capitalist, this is priceless.

Communism is designed for efficiency, just not economically. Their whole goal is unrestricted power for those in the system, which it accomplishes quite well.

But you're kind of a moron, so I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
sorry, but i couldn't care less. would i ever visit norway? no. this is as relevant to me as something happening in greenland.

If you want to talk about how you were molested as a child we are here for you.

This is weird, I think it's a setup somehow or a distortion of what really happened. How would killing children stop the "Islamification of Europe"? The PR campaign we are going to see(and have already partially been witnessing) by the Communists is going to be HARNESSED to go after guns.

Obama will use this to go after people here, the Communists in Norway will use it to go after the opposition party, and they'll go after Wilders too. Same as the campaign we saw against Murdoch, and the campaign we saw against Strauss-Kahn.

The Communists are nothing if not efficient.

Do what?
Communism is designed for efficiency, just not economically. Their whole goal is unrestricted power for those in the system, which it accomplishes quite well.

The goal of communism is a classless society. Concentrating power on a select group of people is actually the opposite of true communism.
yet it is the inevitable result. Did you read this link earlier? I am not certain who placed it but it was a good read.

Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth
Ludwig von Mises

It very logically and rationally makes my argument. A worthwhile read.

A true communist state suppose to come after a socialist one. Mises seems to be saying that a 100% socialist one is impossible to begin with.

A similar comment to the one I replied to, but from the other side, would be something like "the whole goal of free market capitalism is to divert power to corporations by giving them special benefits." That's actually the opposite of true free market capitalism.
A true communist state suppose to come after a socialist one. Mises seems to be saying that a 100% socialist one is impossible to begin with.

A similar comment to the one I replied to, but from the other side, would be something like "the whole goal of free market capitalism is to divert power to corporations by giving them special benefits." That's actually the opposite of true free market capitalism.

It takes a free market, truly free market as defined in Economics, to put a true value on goods and services. The closer you get to the true free market the closer you get to accurate pricing.

Of course we would both agree that we are in anything but a truly free market. If we were in a free market gas would be $1 a gallon and Solar would be viable. Both of which are not true today.

By the way, The Norway killer apparently copied parts of his manifesto from the Unibomber, now I have not collaborated this and it was hearsay when I heard it, but interesting nevertheless.

One last thing - why is no one addressing the fact that the children thought it was a test, as if they were in Palestine, and therefore they walked up to the bomber. ----- what kind of lunacy are they teaching this kids?
The goal of communism is a classless society. Concentrating power on a select group of people is actually the opposite of true communism.

There's what Communism promises, and what Communism actually is. People like you who actually believe the con are known as useful idiots and are disposed as soon as their purpose is over. It's really just a blueprint for installing dictatorships in countries and tricking the citizens into handing their freedom over to the state. Marx and Lenin were no idiots. Evil motherfuckers, but no idiots.
There's what Communism promises, and what Communism actually is. People like you who actually believe the con are known as useful idiots and are disposed as soon as their purpose is over. It's really just a blueprint for installing dictatorships in countries and tricking the citizens into handing their freedom over to the state. Marx and Lenin were no idiots. Evil motherfuckers, but no idiots.

Do you have access to lost writings by Marx that nobody has seen? In Marxist theory, socialism is the "dictatorship of the proletariat", while communism is the anarchistic stage after that.

A true socialist or communist state has never happened. If you are saying that was actually Marx's secret plan, then that would be pure speculation, unless you want to reveal to the world the lost chapters of the Communist Manifesto that you are hiding in your basement.
^ Just because its in a book doesnt mean thats EXACTLY what Marx's views on communism and all that shit is about. People write books all the time. For example, have you read the bible? LMAO

The bible clearly isnt for salvation, its a means to control people. It doesnt say that in the text, but it takes no rocket scientist to figure that one out...
All we have to go by is Marx's writings. Hellblazer isn't just saying that what Marx wrote wasn't his exact views, but that his final goals were actually the polar opposite of what he stated.

The Old Testament and parts of the new one might be about controlling people, but to say that the goal of the words of Christ was really to control people, that is also just speculation.