Terrorism hits Norway...

Apparently they held bombing exercises at that building a few days prior:

» Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

It was a most empty building because it was a public holiday, why would you bomb a building you knew was going to be empty? Also the shooting happened at the same time as the bombing but several hours away.:

» Oslo Bombing: Why Would “Terrorists” Attack Near-Empty Office Building on Public Holiday? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Sillyness. Stop arguing like a kid or just stfu.


Here, jerk off to your hero:


Apparently they held bombing exercises at that building a few days prior:

» Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

It was a most empty building because it was a public holiday, why would you bomb a building you knew was going to be empty? Also the shooting happened at the same time as the bombing but several hours away.:

» Oslo Bombing: Why Would “Terrorists” Attack Near-Empty Office Building on Public Holiday? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jones is an idiot.

The explosion occurred at around 3.30 PM, and police received a call about the island massacre at 5.30. The distance between these two locations is ~50 km which is well within the time frame.

He talks about little impact, but fact of the matter is that the current death toll is already at 80+.

As for excluding the gas pipe theory, I read somewhere that there were no gas pipes in the building.
But according to that video and stats I read around the net (don't know if that video is reliable), 83 out of the 86 rapes were by 'non-westerners'.

14% of Oslo is non-western. So according to the numbers in the video, their rate of committing rape is around the average for the US.

So what? The point is that before mass immigration from primitive countries where women are treated like trash, there were practically no outdoor rapes. There were no ghettos. There were no fear of going out after dark. That's all that matters.

What happens in fucked up America isn't relevant. Some parts of the US is like a third world country and can't be compared to a country like Norway.

Again, so what? This isn't really relevant to Norway or any northern European country in any way. That also seems to include indoor rape which is something different.

It "seems to include" indoor rape? Why wouldn't it?

You are trying to divert into a discussion about the overall effects of immigration. What I was mainly addressing was your claim that the presence of Muslims is enough to drive normal (with "normal" being an important abjective here) people insane, to the point of shooting school kids.

You said there was "constant rape" in Norway, so it is natural to compare/contrast that with rape rates in the USA. Going by your logic, there is ultra-constant rape going on in Alaska. Therefore, also by your logic, the more constant rape should be causing even more normal people to go insane in the US.

Immigrants nearly always have higher crime rates. There used to be problems with the Irish in New York, for example. I've never seen anyone say the Irish drove normal people to kill school kids, though.


This cartoon, published in Puck in the 1880s, reinforces the stereotype of the Irishman as an essentially combative troublemaker. Uncle Sam reprimands him, "Look here, you, everybody else is quiet and peaceable, and you're all the time a-kicking up a row!"

The editorial that accompanied the cartoon asserted: "the raw Irishman in America is a nuisance, his son a curse. They never assimilate; the second generation simply shows an intensification of all the bad qualities of the first. . . .They are a burden and a misery to this country."
Newest reports puts 80 dead children at the island. He either shot them all to death or they drowned trying to escape.
It will be interesting to see how this all comes together as the story solidifies into what is hopefully the truth.

1 guy with an automatic weapon? He must not have had it on automatic unless he was carrying a lot of ammunition.

Too bad none of the adults on the island were carrying, or were they? How did the guy get stopped?

I find it amazing that a single guy can take out 80 teenagers unless he was a hell of a shot, had a lot of ammunition. or had one hell of a weapon. - I guess it will all come out in the next few days.

Maybe there are more news articles but the ones I read did not have any answers.
He had a ton of weapons apparently. Automatic shotguns, assault rifles, and a couple of pistols. How the hell did he manage to carry all that I have no idea.
87+ dead now.

The biggest question is what is Norway going to do with this guy. The maximum jail sentence in Norway is 21 years. Will he really walk after this?
He had a ton of weapons apparently. Automatic shotguns, assault rifles, and a couple of pistols. How the hell did he manage to carry all that I have no idea.

He drove a van on a ferry to the island. The van likely had everything he needed.
"We heard shooting, lots of shooting, and we were calling our families and we were calling the police. Suddenly somebody said, 'The police is here! We are safe now!' And then we saw a man with a police uniform coming down the hill and he started shooting people. We turned around and we ran for our lives" - Utoya island camper Stine Renate Haheim

"He stood first 10 metres from me and shooting at people in the water. He had a M16, it did look like a machine gun. When I saw him from the side yelling that he was about to kill us, he looked like he were taken from a Nazi-movie or something." - Shooting victim Adrian Pracon

"I just saw people jumping into the water, about 50 people swimming towards the shore. People were crying, shaking, they were terrified. They were so young, between 14 and 19 years old." - local resident Anita Lien near Utoya island

"I saw him, so I laid down and acted as if I was dead. He approached me and he was maybe two metres from me. I could feel the heat of the machine gun." - Adrian Pracon

"I saw people being shot. I tried to sit as quietly as possible. I was hiding behind some stones. I saw him once, just 20, 30 metres away from me. I thought 'I'm terrified for my life', I thought of all the people I love." - Island survivor Jorgen Benone

"Some of my friends tried to stop him by talking to him. Many people think on the island that it was a test ... comparing it to how it is to live in Gaza. So many people went to him and tried to talk to him, but they were shot immediately." - Adrian Pracon
Terrorism does not pick on color, religion or any nation. My heart goes out to the lives lost from products of a sick mind like this. Peace and prosperity will still reign in the end.
Muslim scum at it again..

Religion of peace has the right to kill everyone else (according to their "Book")


According to norweigan news, the shooter was described as a "norweigan looking man between 30-40"

«Det kommer en sølvgrå varebil. I den sitter en politimann iført politiuniform og skuddsikker vest» - VG Nett

This had nothing to do with Islam. It was a lone Norwegian who was a military veteran and had issues with the government.



Just what I thought. This is your source to "Norway is full of antisemitism." One would assume that such a bold statement was based on more than a Wikipedia article. At least some empirical data of your own..Besides, antisemitism in these parts of Europe is negligible compared to xenophobia and islamophobia in general. That's at least my opinion after living here for more than 20 years.

In any case, this is most likely irrelevant. Antisemitism has probably very little to do with this. This guy did not snap due to a "strong string of antisemitism" in recent years because he was not a Jew. Although a (Christian) Zionist, it was probably mainly to the fact that he hated Islam with a vengeance.

LOL and an ethnic Norwigan can't be Muslim.

Dumb fuck.

Hey shit stain,

Read my post on top of this thread. The "international terrorist theory" was debunked pretty quickly after it was established that it was an ethnic Norwegian, no matter what security "experts" on CNN tell you.

And I made it pretty clear early on in the thread that it was a Norwegian man, but I still didn't draw any conclusions until later on about his motives.


dumb fuck