Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Used River's SBB and I got to agree with everyone here. Customer Service is top notch and I am seeing good results. I will be ordering from him again.

I am a total noob and have been having issues with me moving up in the SERP's. River's SBB has been a big help.
Received my report after 2 days. Not in top 500 (It's an EMD: www dot keyword dot net). It's only been 24 hours, still not in top 500 but river always delivers. I'll report back once things kick in, hopefully in a few days here. BTW River; I fixed my paypal account (yay); lol... I placed 3 more orders.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 8SE019277L774730S.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: 74V5929717179500J.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: 1KF012133G754241A.

From here it looks like you landed at #12, not sure if you did other links meanwhile, but your secondary blasts to subpages can help too.

2 days later after receiving report, my website is moving from no where on Google to #8 on page 1 for both keywords I target. Very happy with the results. I'm thinking about doing SBB one more time to get it ranked #1

Any advice Jon ?

Second blast for the same keywords can help somewhat, but is typically not as effective as the first. Bookmarks are good, but they can only take you so far. I'd rather save my money for some diversity.

Exceptions where second blast makes sense

  • use different keywords or longtails. For my own stuff, I always run a second with 10-30 longtails, variations, top 10 competition titles (removing brands and what doesn't make sense), sentences that normal people would use, etc.
  • blast same keywords to a subpage, try to get that double listing and maybe they will both move up
  • blast at a later date. Bookmarking sites come and go all the time, a few months from now we'll probably have like 500-700 new sites and that's significant enough to make a good impact again.

Actually, brat Slovenac, I'm wondering about two things.
1) What's your take on double-blasts (to build upon what Joe 0074 said above).
2) What are the long term effects that the clients have seen with quick blasts or drip blasts? Are the effects long lasting or is this just to give it a quick push and then the KW rankings drop off, necessitating a long-term strategy?


So far so good, 6 months later all my control sites are still sticking and clients seem to agree, see

See this for some thoughts on drops:

But a good long-term strategy will always include diversity :)

Jon just made payment for the most juicy package. ;)

What's the turnaround time like?

Most orders start same or next day, yours did too, thanks!

When using the SBB for a foreign site, does it make a difference if the description that's used is in the same language or does an English description written by your staff get the same results?
I've got some great results with a highly spun Dutch description, but your service is much more easy to scale if your description gives equal results.

Yeah I strongly recommend your language. Theory is, G will assign more value to your Dutch anchor if it detects more matching language on the same page. We actually use Google Translate to translate the spintax, it does the job just fine, just mention in special instructions when ordering.

Has anyone seen a noticeable difference by using (or not using) the lindexed add-on option for this?

It definitely seems to help. I'm doing more controlled tests to get some hard data, until then I'm not making any specific claims and that's why I haven't announced it here yet. But a lot of clients requested it, so it's an option.

Great Hype, just ordered: 77V02996RW792884K.

Check your email, problem with the order :)
fyi, that site we blasted/bombed 2 months ago is ranking like a mofo, no other links built to it at all whatsoever, serpiq diff level = 60 lol. Nice work!

Second blast for the same keywords can help somewhat, but is typically not as effective as the first. Bookmarks are good, but they can only take you so far. I'd rather save my money for some diversity.

Exceptions where second blast makes sense

  • use different keywords or longtails. For my own stuff, I always run a second with 10-30 longtails, variations, top 10 competition titles (removing brands and what doesn't make sense), sentences that normal people would use, etc.
  • blast same keywords to a subpage, try to get that double listing and maybe they will both move up
  • blast at a later date. Bookmarking sites come and go all the time, a few months from now we'll probably have like 500-700 new sites and that's significant enough to make a good impact again.

didnt know you were offering BH/GH/WH link building advice lol, hit me up i got some questions, would definatley like to hear your advice on multuple blasts on our sites since you do these fully automatic and have alot of insight on other niches.... look forward to talking with you some more on these
Hi all,

Just thought I'd discuss my results so far. I ordered a 2 week drip feed about a week ago.

I have got to 3rd spot in Bing and Yahoo for a variation of my keyword phrase. But for the same phrase (and the original 3 keyword phrase) I am not in google top #100 at all.

I think I saw it rank in google for around #70 for a couple of days but since then has disappeared again for the past few days. I know people talk about the google dance, but this seems a bit extreme.

Should I be concerned?

Btw, my site is 4 months old and the drip feed is about 40% complete.

Apart from that, the service took a couple of days to get started from ordering, but since then has been great. I get daily updates of the links that are created.

I am also new to ordering these packages, so probably a bit impatient :)

I have ordered. Just from talking to River, this dude knows his shit. He is probably one of the nicest guys that offers a service that I've ever had the pleasure of speaking with!

Can't wait to see the results!!!!

Thanks again Buddy!

Just got my final report. This service rocks the SERPS like there's no tomorrow! Thank you very very much :) Let's what it can do for my other projects.
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