Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Me again: :)

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 8PW64948US956522M.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 5UK69327EY7232729.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 8HE46194B31732834.

Just ordered SECOND blast to a domain (first was in August). Posting data to be updated post blast 2.

Domain is aged (from 2002) and in a highly competitive service niche (lots of aggressive SEO)

PreBlast 1 (august)
KW1 - Single Word - 165k [exact] - CI 72 (SerpIQ) - 54th
KW2 - Double Word - 9k [exact] - CI 59 - 38th
KW3 - Double Word - 10k [exact] - CI 61 - 8th

Post Blast 1, Pre Blast 2 (End of September)
KW1 - Single Word - 165k [exact] - CI 72 (SerpIQ) - 14th
KW2 - Double Word - 9k [exact] - CI 59 - 16th
KW3 - Double Word - 10k [exact] - CI 61 - 4th
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