Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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2 days later after receiving report, my website is moving from no where on Google to #8 on page 1 for both keywords I target. Very happy with the results. I'm thinking about doing SBB one more time to get it ranked #1

Any advice Jon ?
Actually, brat Slovenac, I'm wondering about two things.
1) What's your take on double-blasts (to build upon what Joe 0074 said above).
2) What are the long term effects that the clients have seen with quick blasts or drip blasts? Are the effects long lasting or is this just to give it a quick push and then the KW rankings drop off, necessitating a long-term strategy?

Had badass results last time I used SBB. Finally got my ass in gear working on my own stuff again and am ready for another one - 4CJ40776F21240308

At least 2 more coming in the next couple weeks.

Fucking hell.

It's just a tad over 24 hours after placing my order. Haven't even received my report yet, so I know my shit isn't done yet.

And my site has already moved up 2 spots and is on page 1. Gonna do nothing but get better, too.

Sonofabitch this is one badass service.
Guys, don't let your success distracts you, you need to keep building links so keep ordering.
When using the SBB for a foreign site, does it make a difference if the description that's used is in the same language or does an English description written by your staff get the same results?
I've got some great results with a highly spun Dutch description, but your service is much more easy to scale if your description gives equal results.
Another order Placed.I cant find a word to describee how good this service is !!! Everytime i use it i have great results! Highly recommended!
Got unbelievable improvement in SERP after this service. More orders are coming!!!!

Kick-ass service. 5 Star rating given to the thread!
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