Sent you a PM. Did you get it?Thanks for positive comments folks <3
I can't find any recent order with your name, just wanna make sure I don't miss it, PM or email me the url? Transaction IDs are different for buyers and sellers so I can't track that.
I'm wondering if anyone has seen dramatic SERP increases within just a day or two of ordering. It could just be coincidence, but the site I ordered a package for on the 23rd has seen nearly every keyword move by at least 2 positions. And some of the longer tail keywords have jumped from the 50's up into the 15 range. I haven't done anything else to this site in a long while, so these movements sure seem like they are related to the SBB package.
Ordered another to see if the last one wasn't just a fluke. I'm thinking it wasn't. New order ID 37Y04225LD096953T. Thanks.
Uh, nisam znao da si brat Slovenac. Samo rokaj!(ENGL: I didn't know you're a Slovenian brother, keep rockin').
Sent you a PM. Did you get it?
ordered 4 submissions today...would be great to get retrospect discount for them
looking forward to it!
Dude, please answer your emails. You suck at email support. I just sent it via PM too.
seriously the best service i ever worked with, i literally went from nowhere to page one and more than 100 vistors per day for a keyword with more than 20,000 exact searches immediately after the report came...
from the one hand i really want to help this man and his service , but from the other hand i want to keep it all to myself
i can't phraise this service enough , will probably going to order a lot more....if your not using it your stupid , seriously....
please contact me for bulk discount if you can offer those
thanks a lot!
update : order another oneso 5 today! looking forward!
btw 4 of those 5 domains are on the same hosting account, i hope it wont be a problem to blast all the sites at the same time with the same what you know to be best.
Brate, ordered another one. Paypal 1515-8858-7163-3244. Hvala!