Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Thanks for positive comments folks <3

I can't find any recent order with your name, just wanna make sure I don't miss it, PM or email me the url? Transaction IDs are different for buyers and sellers so I can't track that.
Sent you a PM. Did you get it?
I'm wondering if anyone has seen dramatic SERP increases within just a day or two of ordering. It could just be coincidence, but the site I ordered a package for on the 23rd has seen nearly every keyword move by at least 2 positions. And some of the longer tail keywords have jumped from the 50's up into the 15 range. I haven't done anything else to this site in a long while, so these movements sure seem like they are related to the SBB package.

We ran it on the 24th-25th so it's likely. Established sites typically respond faster and we're also doing some secret saucin' in the background to power speed it up.

Ordered another to see if the last one wasn't just a fluke. I'm thinking it wasn't. New order ID 37Y04225LD096953T. Thanks.

Bring it on.

Uh, nisam znao da si brat Slovenac. Samo rokaj! :D (ENGL: I didn't know you're a Slovenian brother, keep rockin').

Bilo kuda juga svuda :)

Sent you a PM. Did you get it?

I did, it's all good and your job is running
seriously the best service i ever worked with, i literally went from nowhere to page one and more than 100 vistors per day for a keyword with more than 20,000 exact searches immediately after the report came...

from the one hand i really want to help this man and his service , but from the other hand i want to keep it all to myself :)

i can't phraise this service enough , will probably going to order a lot more....if your not using it your stupid , seriously....

please contact me for bulk discount if you can offer those
thanks a lot!
ID: 04M11879JV778480L (this one is from a couple days ago but forgot to post the ID# in the thread)

ID: 6B64798047238020U (this one is from today)
ordered 4 submissions today...would be great to get retrospect discount for them :)
looking forward to it!

update : order another one :) so 5 today! looking forward!
btw 4 of those 5 domains are on the same hosting account, i hope it wont be a problem to blast all the sites at the same time with the same what you know to be best.
Dude, please answer your emails. You suck at email support. I just sent it via PM too.

You've got m@il =)

seriously the best service i ever worked with, i literally went from nowhere to page one and more than 100 vistors per day for a keyword with more than 20,000 exact searches immediately after the report came...

from the one hand i really want to help this man and his service , but from the other hand i want to keep it all to myself :)

i can't phraise this service enough , will probably going to order a lot more....if your not using it your stupid , seriously....

please contact me for bulk discount if you can offer those
thanks a lot!

Sweet! The more business we get, the better this service will get, so no fears.

update : order another one :) so 5 today! looking forward!
btw 4 of those 5 domains are on the same hosting account, i hope it wont be a problem to blast all the sites at the same time with the same what you know to be best.

Thanks! Will email you how to handle discounts and bulks in the future.

Same hosting account isn't a problem.

Brate, ordered another one. Paypal 1515-8858-7163-3244. Hvala!

hvala i tebi, just started it.
Another order completed. Another satisfied customer!

This is by far my favorite service on WF. I've even told people who aren't on the board to get a blast and see how it works for them.
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