Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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ah, just checked and my report came in.

awesome service as usual, you cant beat the quality of this guy's links for bookmarks along with the volume and other options he provides.
This is one of the best values on WF. All of my keywords jumped multiple pages from page 5 to page 2 for a 6600 Exact. Even related keywords that I did not target went up. I have ordered before and I ordered the drip, in my honest opinion the blast works way better but we will have to see how it fares over the next couple of weeks. Will order many more! Service recommended!
Just ordered Drip feed social bookmark bomb (1500 bookmarks over 4 weeks + lindexed service).
Transaction ID: 5CL55388GA869601X

This is my first SBBomb, so excited!
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