Hi River, Just purchased 4 packages: Transaction ID # 4R902084D75139229
Was interested in purchasing more but haven't heard back about the 10+ bulk pricing.
hi River. can you let me know if you offer any bulk orders.
would like to order for multiple sites. please pm me if u offer some discount. thanks.
PMs sent, if anyone else is interested in 10+, contact me.
Hey Jon,
I've been trying to contact you but not sure which email you're on (assuming the one I get my reports from does not accept incoming???)
Also tried PMing you...
I've placed two orders for the same URL and would like to cancel one order, or use for another site. I've ordered over 20 of these from you now and want to make sure the duplicate order doesn't go through.
Thanks Jon, hope to hear from you!
Fixed, and thanks for repeat biz!
Hi, could you please check on my order. I placed it on the 16th and have not received a report.
Paypal Transaction ID: 2DV86412TK829681C
Your job has started though, checked Spam?
One thing I will say is to be sure to do the writing/spinning yourself for the description. I opted for them to do it on a few orders and the results were pathetic. Not worth the 5 bucks for sure, as my 3 year old could have done a better job.
I did the writing/spinning on my first order and the results have been awesome so far. Hopefully, the atrocious descriptions on my subsequent orders wont hinder the results.
With spins, it's always a tradeoff between quality and uniqueness. As the vast majority of these sites will never be moderated/visited by a human, we opt for uniqueness. However, your feedback has been noted so I'll update the service with two options: less spun, more quality or more spun, less quality.
Glad you like the serp movement though
Be careful with hitting the same domain twice guys. I tried it out on one of my domains 2x and today my site jumped back like 17 spots (went down / back to page 3 from page 2). Anyway just be careful, we'll see if this shiz bounces back. Hope it does!
This is definitely not typical. A ton of clients hit the same domain or subpages multiple times with good success. I can't recall many reports of ranking drops in those cases, if any at all. There could be something else at work but in any case, I hope you regain.
This service sounds great, but is it possible to split the links up between multiple URLs? Let me know, if so I'll be ordering.
Yup, PM sent. I'm keeping custom offers under the table right now but it's doable.
how long before you see SERP movement with this? What is the general timeframe? I am running a drip campaign with this if that matters.
With regular blasts, it's most commonly between 1-3 days, and I've seen very rare cases where sites didn't move much for 5-7 days, then shoot up significantly overnight.
With drips it's a bit different, mostly depending on competitiveness. If you're doing a 1 week drip for a competitive kw, your first 150 bookmarks sometimes just aren't enough to move a keyword much, so first results might be slower. If lower competition, first results can be seen in a day.
While you were snoozin', your bookmarks were already done
just ordered looking forward!
am i going to get some confirmation for ordering or just get the report when its done after some days?
Wufoo will send an email confirmations after you place the order, and you get the report from our system when your job starts & completes.
I ordered 2 SBB drips and received only 1 e-mail with the URL for the report. I got both confirmation e-mails just not the follow up e-mail with a link for downloading the report.
I've checked my mail and junk and cannot see an e-mail for the other order so I don't actually know whether the project has started yet, I ordered it at the beginning of the week.
Can you check it out and send me the e-mail.
They both started at the same time, e-mail with report links resent.
I have ordered 3 times, never seen social bookmarking work as well as River does it. Thanks
I don't post on here often enough, I buy so many of this service, I just hope Jon never goes away. This is by far the BEST service in the SEO world, at least for the sites I'm involved with. I frequently get top 3 rankings by ONLY using this service. It's a steal, I hope he doesn't figure that out and raises his prices, but even if he did, it's gold. If you're not doing it, well, kick yourself now, for me, it's a couple buys per week.
Fuck Jon! What can I say... 10 days in and I have finally jumped from #2 to #1. I have been trying to take over the number one spot since April!
We will see if it sticks, but so far I must say....
another package in today, another great jump. from nowhere to #2 for a brand new post that I have the #1 spot for already with my main page.
Best bang for the buck that you can get online! This service always amazes me no matter how many times I receive a bomb.
I placed an order for a site that was not ranking in the top 1000. Within a couple of hours of receiving my report I am now ranking in the top 15. I am sure that by the end of the weekend i will be sitting pretty on the first page
Genius i tell you!!!
Its been 3 days since my report and here are the results:
The bomb works
Ordered for local real estate term. No previous backlinking on day old domain. In three days im at te top of page 2. Thanks for all your hard work Jon!
ordered 2 more and once again awesome results.. was quick and gave a nice SERP boost. Purchase with confidence!
Life is good! Thanks for repeats guys. We're working on making this service even better, look forward to some cool updates soon.