Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Just did a test order to a foreign site, and it went from #17 to #11 to #5 It is a medium competition keyword and the site hardly has any backlinking done. So thanks for the great service and results.

To the other costumers, how are your experiences with long term rankings? Do the rankings tend to stick or are they fading off after a while?
Just did a test order to a foreign site, and it went from #17 to #11 to #5 It is a medium competition keyword and the site hardly has any backlinking done. So thanks for the great service and results.

To the other costumers, how are your experiences with long term rankings? Do the rankings tend to stick or are they fading off after a while?

Nope, if anything they keep going up. My #1 keyword is now sitting pretty at #3 on Google, granted I have done a few other things, but the SBB has been the BEST and most efficient SEO related thing I have done for my site. I am doing it on a second site and cannot wait for my report to come through, it's rather exciting. :xomunch:
Transaction ID: 61202582MH119360J

Another order placed! Couldn't afford to try the velocity this time around but next time I'll make it happen!

Thanks Jon
Daily updating

Hi river,

Just wanted to let you know that I haven't received my link to daily-updating yet.

You can get 2, but discounts start at 4 packages ($30 for regular and $40 for drips)

Thanks! You'll receive a link to a daily-updating report when your job will start. Just re-download that file to see the daily bookmarks.
Hi River,

I was wondering if I can use social bookmarking bomb to rank my youtube video on page 1 of Google ?

Don't know if you try it before ?

Got my order today. A single blast of 1000 bookmarks (actually 1300ish).

Biggest jump was +22 spots for a pretty decent keyword and the lowest was +1 spot. It's stupid how well this works for boosting sites and getting them where they need to be to rake in the cash.

This is all after a few hours so I expect more movement and I'm stoked to see what happens.

Can't wait to get a velocity package soon or you could just give me one :) hahah

It's stupid how well this works. Highly highly recommended!
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If you've already ordered for you main page, would it be best to order fora inner page? Or would you see more good using a bitly link to your main page?
I placed my order yesterday: #5B659411FJ855572E

Looking forward to the service and will report with some SERP movements.
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