Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Thank you Jon for your prompt reply.
Yes, I'm targeting
Hopefully, my website will come back higher in SERP
in the next 2 weeks :)

Thanks again.

I just checked your ranks in Scroogle and it's dancing, sometimes I see you at #7 & #21 and sometimes lower. Not sure if you're targeting canada though.

It's only been 2 days since your blast so this is typical. SERP hikes with SBB are often quick so it's easy to get spoiled... but not always, it can take up to a week to stabilize.

In any case, keep building variety & quality links, bookmarks are only one piece of the puzzle :)

After my posting above, I go checking my ranking. My website is now sitting on page 1 ranking #2 for my 1st keyword and #14 for my 2nd keyword.
I can't believe my eyes. I'm totally shocked right now. I'm so grateful with your service Jon. You delivers the results every time.
I should wait at least 3 days before posting my concern above. Sorry about that :(

New order is coming on the way.


Dunno what you're getting, but I see you as #2 in, only yellowpages ahead. Other kw #14
Just got my report.
Nicely formatted, easy to read and it contains just what you need to know. Besides, river was kind enough to overdeliver so I got a few extra links.

Before blast
kw1: #25
kw2: #19
kw3: #19

kw1: #8
kw2: #7
kw3: #7

LMAO. I love this service, and I love it too much. Thanks River.
Hey. Question:

1. Can I get 2x packages? If so, any discounts?

You can get 2, but discounts start at 4 packages ($30 for regular and $40 for drips)

Just ordered your new package with drip feed. Is there periodic reporting during the time period?

Thanks! You'll receive a link to a daily-updating report when your job will start. Just re-download that file to see the daily bookmarks.
Just a quick bump for River; I bought a few dozen times in August and will keep doing so -- it works great in satisfying some of the social component I require for my portfolio.
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