Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Got the report! Good job! - But WHY do you never answers my questions which I sent you via email?

I want to order new bombs but at first have to know the status of the old ones.

I just received the report for my last order. Good, fast work as always. It's too early to see the results on this latest package, but I have used this service enough to know it's going to help.
Ordered on July 8th (PP transaction 9PG56262DK8486835), no report yet, not even a reply to my email (Sept. 8th). Could you please clearify this?
yeah some dumb ass that is working on one of our pages on our site i am testing these on purchased one of these unauthorized by me to the page and i want it cancelled ASAP.

you can pm me or send me an email or a skype message about the matter, great links otherwise when i know they are being built, lol.

River, I'm upset. Even though your individual service is worth waiting you promissed that you are going to send me the report already 4 days ago!

Please reply asap via email.
Still no report for my order from July 8th. Can´t even cancel my PayPal payment since it´s too late now. Would be nice if you could clearify this...
Hey guys, I've unexpectedly been offline for 3 days. All regular orders ran on time, but anything that required special treatment might've been delayed. I'll find a way to make it up to anyone affected.

I'll be catching up all night, sending out a ton of reports, PM responses & emails.
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