Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Do we need to index (ping or blast) these links? I've just checked 33 of them and only one is indexed so far (after 3 days).
Thats a good question qualo I would also like to hear what other people are doing like pinging or linklicious or linking profiles blasts to these.
Do we need to index (ping or blast) these links? I've just checked 33 of them and only one is indexed so far (after 3 days).

Thats a good question qualo I would also like to hear what other people are doing like pinging or linklicious or linking profiles blasts to these.

I personally don't worry about indexing at all. Spiders crawl bookmarking sites like crazy so I know they're going to pick up most of these bookmarks without any extra effort.

However, I'm doing a detailed case study about bookmark indexation and its effects on SERPs. Stay tuned.
Hey River, any news yet on the URL Spinning feature? That's all I'm waiting for to give you more than a couple of orders...

Doable to some extent... are you okay with titles & descriptions being mixed between all urls, or do you want to use a unique title for each url?
Doable to some extent... are you okay with titles & descriptions being mixed between all urls, or do you want to use a unique title for each url?
The KWs/Titles would definitely have to be restricted to specific URLs.

Basically I've got a large volume of different domains to promote across every niche under the sun.
Of course, we could accomplish the same thing if you sold a smaller-size package, something in the $5-$10 range for a comparable number of bookmarks...
Glad to see you got the order form up and running + the option to have the descriptions written, huge time saver. Do you do bulk discounts?
Glad to see you got the order form up and running + the option to have the descriptions written, huge time saver. Do you do bulk discounts?

Yup, $30 per for Regular SBB and $40 per for Drip Feed, starting at 4 packages.

No order form for bulks though, wufoo is bad with quantities.
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