Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Dude. I targeted the home page of My home page has FINALLY breached the Top 10.

It's kinda gone like this:

New domain, launched March. BacklinksArena Review copy got it to #14 with some Red_Virus social bookmarks. Xrumered those all. I then neglected it and it dropped to #60 for a bit while Google felt it out. A sub-page got to #2 for a nice term and stuck.

Then I ordered this along with Jacky8's Xrumer in-content post service (which I'm NOT sure if it's begun yet)... went from #60 back to #13 - yes!

Today... boom, I'm #6. 40,500 exact matches and I really haven't put much money into this.

Finding out if my Xrumer posts have started yet, but I don't think they have. I think this boost is ALL River.


Update - my bump to #6 was ALL River. Jack hasn't started yet. And I haven't even received my report yet so I think there's still more action to be had

Pure River win.

I am new and starting out and would love to use your services and get a package,can you please send me the info. Thanks Brian
New order forms - Drip Feeds open for orders too!




Form completed for: Regular Blast
(with $5 extra for Description writing & spinning)

Payment Made
PayPal Transaction ID: 0LE16793HR6712406
On one of my packages, my primary keyword was hovering around the #7 spot in a fairly competitive niche. 3 days after I ordered, I've jumped to the #4 spot and have been maintaining well.

I'm off to xrumer...

Thanks again river
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