Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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With the Drip Feed Bookmarking, do I recieve my report at the end of the TAT or each day after a blast?


You'll receive it at the end, but report will clearly state the timestamp of each bookmark, so you can verify it manually if you want to.
Ordered 6/7/11, received 6/11/11. I'm constantly adding shit to my pages; but feel this service did the majority of the boost. I ordered 1k; got 990 (but who cares). When I ordered position was 29; as of today position is now 13. A+. iTrader left
Ordered a regular blast on june 4, but haven't received any report yet...

Sent to your email.

Ordered 6/7/11, received 6/11/11. I'm constantly adding shit to my pages; but feel this service did the majority of the boost. I ordered 1k; got 990 (but who cares). When I ordered position was 29; as of today position is now 13. A+. iTrader left

You're in one of the bitch niches, getting about as many rejections as "penis pills". I'll submit your next order to 1500 unique sites, let's see how many of those get through. Thanks for review and repeat biz!
Jon is truly a stand-up guy, highly highly recommend you work with him. This service rocks but more then the service is the man behind it. Nicest provider I've ever worked with. On gchat all the time, answers questions, and does quality work.

Unlike 99% of SB services, he gives you a beautiful report linking to the actual bookmark page (not account!) and over-delivers big time. These pages actually get indexed b/c of his 'secret sauce' as well. I can't recommend Jon & his service highly enough, go buy it, now!
What would be your recommendation, if I have two main keywords that I mainly want to rank for and then two more longtails in terms of percentage?

80% for the main keywords and 20% for the longtails?
What would be your recommendation, if I have two main keywords that I mainly want to rank for and then two more longtails in terms of percentage?

80% for the main keywords and 20% for the longtails?

Impossible to give an exact recipee, depends on competitiveness, your overall backlink profile, onsite..

A lot of clients even like to do two separate bookmarking runs, one with 1-3 main keywords, other with 30-40 longtails.
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