Preliminary Results - Wow
Went with drip and didn't really expect a lot. Just got my report back today and it is a very nice report.
I gave him a site I have had for awhile that I have never done anything much with. 4 kw phrases that are fairly competitive and I was nowhere on any engine. Certainly not in the top 100.
Anyway as I said I just got the report today so I wouldn't expect much for awhile anyway. But what do I know?
kw #1: #10 on google, 200k exact match, 8.4m broad
kw #2: #50 on google, 1.42m exact match, 47.5m broad
kw #3: #62 on google, 623k exact match, 25.4m broad
kw #4: still nowhere, 164k, exact match, 13.6m broad
Pretty amazing results considering they just finished and from what I can tell a majority aren't even indexed yet.
Great service!