Social Bookmarking Bomb • 1000+ SB sites, Report with bookmark urls,Minimum footprint

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Just paid for my 2nd bomb. I paid the $5 extra to have you spin my description.

I look fwd to receiving my report. Paypal Trans ID: 9GF35874Y9880543L


Holy fuck, this shit is sweet. I love the report, easy to read, easy to understand, gives me the correct URL so I can xrumer it, What else can I say that hasn't been said?

This package is just full of win. All my private clients will be using this package now.

A+++++++++ Expect many more orders from me.
I've used the bookmarking bomb on 4 sites now, and I love it.

The report is great, and I've used this on keywords with exact match searches from 5,000 to 200,000, there is consistently an obvious move from the bomb, and every single time it has been nice and easy to get me close to page 1 or 2 of google.

It's a great foundation as one tier of your linking profile.

I plan on using this on every project...

ordered last week and there was a bit of a problem, the descriptions werent spun.
River was very professional and sorted it out:) already placed another order

great service
got my drip feed report back and it was full of win

this dude and his service is the shit.

the end.
Preliminary Results - Wow

Went with drip and didn't really expect a lot. Just got my report back today and it is a very nice report.

I gave him a site I have had for awhile that I have never done anything much with. 4 kw phrases that are fairly competitive and I was nowhere on any engine. Certainly not in the top 100.

Anyway as I said I just got the report today so I wouldn't expect much for awhile anyway. But what do I know?

kw #1: #10 on google, 200k exact match, 8.4m broad
kw #2: #50 on google, 1.42m exact match, 47.5m broad
kw #3: #62 on google, 623k exact match, 25.4m broad
kw #4: still nowhere, 164k, exact match, 13.6m broad

Pretty amazing results considering they just finished and from what I can tell a majority aren't even indexed yet.

Great service!
Got a job from this guy a few days ago...communication was good, we did have a bit of a problem but he sorted it out without dramas and the work got done in good time, recommended!

Dude. I targeted the home page of My home page has FINALLY breached the Top 10.

It's kinda gone like this:

New domain, launched March. BacklinksArena Review copy got it to #14 with some Red_Virus social bookmarks. Xrumered those all. I then neglected it and it dropped to #60 for a bit while Google felt it out. A sub-page got to #2 for a nice term and stuck.

Then I ordered this along with Jacky8's Xrumer in-content post service (which I'm NOT sure if it's begun yet)... went from #60 back to #13 - yes!

Today... boom, I'm #6. 40,500 exact matches and I really haven't put much money into this.

Finding out if my Xrumer posts have started yet, but I don't think they have. I think this boost is ALL River.

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