sharing fb knowledge

Here's my situation:

If I have a site which allows people to sign up on the main page, what is the best way to track my Facebook ads to see which ones are resulting in signups?

My thought is, if I place the FB conversion pixel on the main sign up form thank you page, the pixel will fire for all traffic. This would make it impossible to see which ads are converting from FB.

Is making a separate sign up page for the Facebook traffic my only option?

email confirmation link page? I mean you could place it there right? or in the frame with the sign up?

how do u pick offers to try out with fb?

what kind you focus on? free trial, email/zip submit, etc.?

From what i know social offers are few on cpa networks.
Are there any specific ad networks that have a lot of social campaign offers?

any criteria u use to decide what might work good on facebook?
Here's my situation:

If I have a site which allows people to sign up on the main page, what is the best way to track my Facebook ads to see which ones are resulting in signups?

My thought is, if I place the FB conversion pixel on the main sign up form thank you page, the pixel will fire for all traffic. This would make it impossible to see which ads are converting from FB.

Is making a separate sign up page for the Facebook traffic my only option?

Google Analytics can manage data for a specific funnel placing the right JavaScript code on each page of the funnel.
how do u pick offers to try out with fb?

what kind you focus on? free trial, email/zip submit, etc.?

From what i know social offers are few on cpa networks.
Are there any specific ad networks that have a lot of social campaign offers?

any criteria u use to decide what might work good on facebook?

I don't run the norm in terms of "diet/skin" but I know those do still work well.

The majority of campaigns you see take social traffic, (just ask your AM) they can usually get you approved for it.

I've done well in gaming offers, very well in Lead Gen, and PayPerCall.

You can do e-mail submits to... but I suggest if you're going to build someone else's list just focus on building your own so you can build something of value for years to come. Know what I mean?

Networks that accept FB traffic, ringpartner, xy7, neverblue, Cash Money Media, just to name a few... TONS of network have deals you can run.
This is the best way to do it, use Prosper to track the keywords and conversions. It will do it all for you.

Volumm and other trackers will give you these functions also.

Yeah, you can always go this route, but from what I've heard from a couple of people, the FB conversion pixel will actually filter out other traffic and only report on traffic coming through the campaign link.
Yeah, you can always go this route, but from what I've heard from a couple of people, the FB conversion pixel will actually filter out other traffic and only report on traffic coming through the campaign link.

Do you even need a FB conversion pixel if you're running through Prosper202?

I don't use FB pixels on any of my campaigns, mainly because I don't want FB having any data on the pages I'm running.
I just wanna say +1 for Cash Money Media Network. Until I sent them traffic, my life was not complete. 24/7 availability. Monthly contests with private jets. I can now die a happy Pub. :frenchman:
Hey boys & gals.... here for the next 3-4 hours if anyone has some questions or needs some guidance. Have a great night
How you feel about latest FB updates:

Facebook newsfeed algorithm changes for publishers - Business Insider

1) Facebook users will now be able to see more than one NewsFeed post from the same source in a row. Facebook's algorithm previously prevented that. Facebook says it's "relaxing this rule" so that users who don't see much content in their feeds can start seeing more.

2) Facebook will start prioritizing NewsFeed content posted by friends. "The second update tries to ensure that content posted directly by the friends you care about, such as photos, videos, status updates or links, will be higher up in News Feed so you are less likely to miss it," Facebook writes. It says you'll still see content from news organizations and Facebook pages you enjoy though.

3) Facebook will begin hiding posts that say what your friends have liked or commented on. This sounds like it could really diminish a publisher's second-hand reach. "This update will make these stories appear lower down in News Feed or not at all," Facebook says.
Have you changed your approach since you started this thread?
I'm curious what have your Ad Relevance Scores been since that was rolled out?

Amazing insight in this thread.
Have you changed your approach since you started this thread?

It has in certain ways..

Like most "affiliates" (and I really hate that term) I've starting working a long term method into my business model. Focusing more on campaigns that won't compromise my FB accounts. FB is really cracking down on new account creation. Lots of people get flagged...and believe it's because of the offer they are promoting, or they didn't "warm up" accounts long enough.. but I don't believe it's any of that.

I think it's purely a case of FB have a real issue with people stealing credit cards and running traffic with them. It's very common for any new account to be flagged 90% of the time now just simply because they want you to verify claim of identiy is true... although this is a whole other can of worms...

Lately I've been focusing on Pay Per Call and developing tools that connects with FB open graph to help boost CTR and lower costs of whatever niches I'm promoting.

I've also come to a point where I'm not really working with many networks anymore, more like 1-2 and we have exclusive relationships with them. I've been spending lots of time building those to a place where I have a partnership advantage with my work as well...

I hope that somewhat answered your question
I'm curious what have your Ad Relevance Scores been since that was rolled out?

Amazing insight in this thread.

For some of my campaigns that are "broader" in reach... I've seeming 2/10 and still making money.

On my other campaigns that I'm interest targeting, anywhere from 8-10, to 10-10

I would suggest if you're super far off and not making any conversions you're probably hitting the wrong demographics.
If you were to start over with fb ads with a small budget (<$1000) what would you promote?
If you were to start over with fb ads with a small budget (<$1000) what would you promote?

To maximize the most profit possible? Without worry about ethics or losing accounts... Purely bang for my $1,000

Probably weight loss or casino shit.
To maximize the most profit possible? Without worry about ethics or losing accounts... Purely bang for my $1,000

Probably weight loss or casino shit.

Thanks for the quick response.

What's a general idea of how much $$$ it takes to test a campaign?
Do you do any B2B? If so do you have any tips on marketing B2B services? My most recent thing is going after personal trainers.

Thanks for any input.

If you look @ first page of this thread someone already asked this question.