sharing fb knowledge

One more tip is to create 3 copies of the same ad in one campaign (don't use more than one different ad in a single campaign, always make a new campaign for each one).

Why only 1 ad per campaign?

Biggest key to Facebook is streamlining accounts though... try to build up as many as you can if possible.

I've even used family and friends.

Why is it necessary to have many accounts? Just in case of banning?

(I`ve only ever used one account. But I`m not really doing heavy volume)
Thanks for doing this, I've been an advertiser with Facebook for almost 5 years now.

In a given overall campaign (I don't mean FB campaign) how many total ads / campaigns are you running concurrently?

When split testing (or "if split testing")Do you determine your "winning" ads strictly based on CTR or do you also take into account conversion rate during that time?

One thing that used to frustrate the shit out of me was getting an ad with sick CTR and terrible conversions.

I see your account has some history, do you run multiple accounts?

How many images do you normally run per copy?
Why only 1 ad per campaign?

It gives every ad a fair crack at the traffic, otherwise FB will allocate the traffic based on the ctr of the ad (usually initial) so some ads wont get a good chance and they may have ended up with a much better ctr. But, as we all know, ctr is not the most important thing anyway, the epcs on an ad with a bit lower ctr (and higher cpc) could end up being much higher than a better ctr one, and if you don't give them the proper chance you will never know.

1 ad per campaign and 3 copies of that ad is what I have seen as the optimum (for me).
Is there a way around to send Friend Requests to people who have liked a particular Page?
Yeah, that's what I don't understand. How the hell are you supposed to manage all these camps doing it this way?

I delete campaigns / ads right as they fizzle out and move on to new ones. Work in the power editor and you can manage things in bulk.

Once you delete a campaign you 100% can STILL view the reporting on it. Simply must tell fb reporting system you want ot see stats for deleted ads/campaigns as well.
It gives every ad a fair crack at the traffic, otherwise FB will allocate the traffic based on the ctr of the ad (usually initial) so some ads wont get a good chance and they may have ended up with a much better ctr. But, as we all know, ctr is not the most important thing anyway, the epcs on an ad with a bit lower ctr (and higher cpc) could end up being much higher than a better ctr one, and if you don't give them the proper chance you will never know.

1 ad per campaign and 3 copies of that ad is what I have seen as the optimum (for me).

This is good advice.

When you put multiple ads in one campaign, whatever the "winning horse" ad is... well receive about 98% of the "CAMPAIGNS" traffic. So if you put single ads into it's own campaign you're giving that ad 100% chance to receive the "surge" of traffic gives off the bat. This is a clean cut way to find your true CTR. I'd also like to mention I've had incredibly good CTR on some ads, but didn't yield amazing conversions. So it's important to measure closely.
Something interesting I just did that is obviously really easy but many people won't think about it...

One of the pages I currently am sending traffic too..

Facebook gives you notifactions via admin panel of the fb page that tells you when someone new likes your page.

I often find myself clicking on new fans fb profile and looking through their "recent likes" or "other likes". You would never believe how many times by diving in there I was able to find my competitions FB page, etc. Generally because I heavy interest target the persons fb profile i'm looking at has SEVERAL other pages in my exact niche. great for research...

I've even stumbled across people sharing my competitions ads straight on their FB wall. Nice little sneaky tactic.
What is your experience with the news feed ads? Seems like a much higher cpm but haven't really heard much about how well it performs for CPA type offers.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge here.

Was wondering, what do you do for your Dentists? What works really well for them?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge here.

Was wondering, what do you do for your Dentists? What works really well for them?

workplace targeting. target people who work for companies that you know provide PPO insurance after six months.

Example, Abercrombie and Fitch ,Banks, etc, etc.

trust me the quality towards the dentist will be huge.

Hardest part about this was for me... compiling the work places list. which is now more then 2,500 wide. So it a tidious process to make ads for too
Thanks for doing this, I've been an advertiser with Facebook for almost 5 years now.

In a given overall campaign (I don't mean FB campaign) how many total ads / campaigns are you running concurrently?

When split testing (or "if split testing")Do you determine your "winning" ads strictly based on CTR or do you also take into account conversion rate during that time?

One thing that used to frustrate the shit out of me was getting an ad with sick CTR and terrible conversions.

I see your account has some history, do you run multiple accounts?

How many images do you normally run per copy?

I'm running 6 total campaigns, that incur around 30k spend daily.

As far as winning ads go... of course CTR is great.. but of course conversions are king. So I base all my optimization around conversions.

I currently work through multiple accounts yes, I run my riskier stuff on smaller accounts because Facebook voodoo leads me to believe that interns might run approvals for smaller accts ;)

I'll be at ASW if anyone wants to buy me a drink!
I have some questions about FB. Spending about 5k a day now but I am having trouble getting beyond that. I use 2 accts both with 5k limit but they really die out for the day after spending about 50% of the acct limit for the day. Budgets are set high like 6k on each campaign. I want to spend 10k a day and I know traffic is there, we just seem to hit a ceiling each day....any ideas?