sharing fb knowledge

Any recommendations for tracking the clicks and split testing your lander? Is everyone still using Prosper202? RevivedMedia has a nice one but its out of budget.

Any recommendations for tracking the clicks and split testing your lander? Is everyone still using Prosper202? RevivedMedia has a nice one but its out of budget.

I use CPV lab for my tracking, it makes it incredibly easy to split test multiple lander and offers through one destination link. So you can test multiple variables on a % share and it allows for quick and efficient testing.

I've used Propser202 before but it's been awhile.

I'll be around for the next week or two so I'd like to open this post up for more questions if you guys got em.

I've been dabling in multiple different new fields on FB and I can probably shed some light on the right questions.


-Randall / Rancor13
I have some questions about FB. Spending about 5k a day now but I am having trouble getting beyond that. I use 2 accts both with 5k limit but they really die out for the day after spending about 50% of the acct limit for the day. Budgets are set high like 6k on each campaign. I want to spend 10k a day and I know traffic is there, we just seem to hit a ceiling each day....any ideas?

Tell me about your bidding strat. Optimized bids? Manual? Some insight on that might lead me to help you.

What I do to try and maximize spend involves lots of work. So if a broad targeting ad is working well and I want to spend more on it...

Lets say the targeting for the ad is 25-45 demo. Once that is working and I want to scale I start making duplicates of the ad bust instead of making the range 25-45 I'll do it 25-25, 26-26, 27-27 this will increase CTR and lower cost while in my experiences increasing the volume / spend per those demos. Let me know how that works.
For oCPM ads, do you leave the bid at the default $30/CPM bid or do you adjust that from the beginning using some strategy?

I heard that for oCPM ads, they should all be put in the same ad set as that's how they are optimized. Have you found this to be true, or do you put 1 per ad set like most do with CPC?

For oCPM ads, do you leave the bid at the default $30/CPM bid or do you adjust that from the beginning using some strategy?

I heard that for oCPM ads, they should all be put in the same ad set as that's how they are optimized. Have you found this to be true, or do you put 1 per ad set like most do with CPC?


1 ad per ad group. Sounds crazy and tedious but it's how I get the best ROI.

When doing oCPM I don't adjust the initial bid at all.

I noticed increasing the budget as you hit it works well for me and starting low makes best ROI.

So total campaign budget would be $100. as I get to $95 I'll raise to $200. For me it seems like it optimizes cheaper that way as opposed to just opening the budget to like 10k.

I hope that helps.
Here for a few hours tonight if you guys have any questions. Hope everyone had good thanksgiving (if you celebrate it)
Do you guys use Facebook behavior at all in your targeting?

Any latest tips on getting more targeted b2b leads is appreciated

I've been using Audience Insights to dive into b2b shit.

Place your target demos, and keywords into audience insights and it will display numerous pages that have high affinity. Find the pages with highest affinity, and use those as my keywords in my ads.

Does that make sense?
I have couple ad sets doing really well, but every time I increase daily budget for said ad sets my CPC goes up causing me to loose money.

Here is an example of a winning ad set currently running:

Age group: 35 - 44 This is the age bracket the most profitable after test splitting different age groups for this audience/interest.

Monthly Reach: 5M

Daily Reach: 380 - 3000

CTR: 7% - 10%

CPC: 0.5 - 0.12 varies but stable at high $0.9

Location: United States

Couple questions:

How do you go by increasing daily budget without disturbing current CPC?

How would you go by scaling this single ad set to be able to spend $1000s budget per day?

I know you've mentioned breaking down large demos into smaller /tight age groups. My concern with this approach is ad frequency. Any other scaling tips?
I have couple ad sets doing really well, but every time I increase daily budget for said ad sets my CPC goes up causing me to loose money.

Here is an example of a winning ad set currently running:

Age group: 35 - 44 This is the age bracket the most profitable after test splitting different age groups for this audience/interest.

Monthly Reach: 5M

Daily Reach: 380 - 3000

CTR: 7% - 10%

CPC: 0.5 - 0.12 varies but stable at high $0.9

Location: United States

Couple questions:

How do you go by increasing daily budget without disturbing current CPC?

How would you go by scaling this single ad set to be able to spend $1000s budget per day?

I know you've mentioned breaking down large demos into smaller /tight age groups. My concern with this approach is ad frequency. Any other scaling tips?

RUN OCPM and duplicate the campaign 10 times with $100 budget each campaign. Report back on how that works for you.
Here's my situation:

If I have a site which allows people to sign up on the main page, what is the best way to track my Facebook ads to see which ones are resulting in signups?

My thought is, if I place the FB conversion pixel on the main sign up form thank you page, the pixel will fire for all traffic. This would make it impossible to see which ads are converting from FB.

Is making a separate sign up page for the Facebook traffic my only option?
Here's my situation:

If I have a site which allows people to sign up on the main page, what is the best way to track my Facebook ads to see which ones are resulting in signups?

My thought is, if I place the FB conversion pixel on the main sign up form thank you page, the pixel will fire for all traffic. This would make it impossible to see which ads are converting from FB.

Is making a separate sign up page for the Facebook traffic my only option?

send fb traffic to, write php or whatever to place a cookie if ?fbads is in the URL. on signup, if the cookie is present, show the fb pixel.
send fb traffic to, write php or whatever to place a cookie if ?fbads is in the URL. on signup, if the cookie is present, show the fb pixel.

That makes sense, but I'm not a coder. Is there a tute on this somewhere?
Here's my situation:

If I have a site which allows people to sign up on the main page, what is the best way to track my Facebook ads to see which ones are resulting in signups?

My thought is, if I place the FB conversion pixel on the main sign up form thank you page, the pixel will fire for all traffic. This would make it impossible to see which ads are converting from FB.

Is making a separate sign up page for the Facebook traffic my only option?

Why don't you use something like prosper202? You really are an old bastard aren't you?
Why don't you use something like prosper202? You really are an old bastard aren't you?

This is the best way to do it, use Prosper to track the keywords and conversions. It will do it all for you.

Volumm and other trackers will give you these functions also.
great thread, thanks for taking the time to do this.
more of a technical question. if you do 1 ad per campaign (i do the same) and you use the power editor, is there any special way you can still adjust a few ads together?
as far as I can tell not?
I loved the power editor but at one point I got to just do 1 ad per campaign as well now, and still many times I want to adjust similar things (take certain geographies/cities out) yet it seems running in different campaigns I have to do them all one by one.