Seal Team 6 Dead

Why was one of the most elite groups in the US military using a fucken Chinook helicopter? Didn't the same group use some kickass, high-tech, classified technology copter when they killed Osama? And now they're cruising around in Chinooks?
what would be SWEEEET is if we weren't in a fucking war and no one had to do this bullshit and die doing it ... shit's fucked - what are we fighting?
A business acquaintance of mine has a son on ST6 -- kid's a sniper. I really don't even want to know if the names of the dead are available.

Professionally this man is an incompetent douche, but personally he's a nice guy.

what would be SWEEEET is if we weren't in a fucking war and no one had to do this bullshit and die doing it ... shit's fucked - what are we fighting?

We're too busy worried about the people abusing the food cards down at the local supermarket. Once we clean up our social program abusers, then mayyyybe we can touch on the whole war/foreign occupation thing.

Now, the entire corporate/wealthy takeover of our country is another issue that we MIGHT be able to analyze at some point in the next decade...if only these people on welfare weren't bringing our country to its knees and we had the resources to actually change course...... :updown:

I honestly think we need a solid 2-3 decades of straight up isolationism so we can get our shit together. That sacrifice would be much better long-term than the current path we are headed down IMO.

The great Steve Earle said it best: "Just another poor boy gone to fight a rich man's war"

I can't wait until the Fall when Israel/Palestine really get "popping". With the addition of the Syria/Iranian news lately, things are shaping up pretty nicely for the military industrial complex to really "ramp up", regardless of what funds are being cut and where.

Remember kids...there is ALWAYS enough money to kill people. Now, enough money for basic healthcare and the like is an entirely different story in this country though.
I have to be honest and sort of agree with some of the guys in this thread, they are trained killers. They are there because they want to be there. They haven't been drafted and no matter how you look at it this isn't fucking WW2 or some war where they are actually DEFENDING our country or someone who needs defending. If we really gave a fuck about human suffering we would go in and free North Koreans, but North Koreans have nukes and they have no oil, so fuck the millions of starving slaves and torture going on over there.

These are offensive and political wars, so I would never throw around terms like heroes when talking about them just as I wouldn't throw the term around when talking about police. A lot of these guys are fucking adrenalin junkies and/or people who are prone to violence and simply getting in where they fit in which is fine, but the word hero is thrown around too much.

If China attacked us tomorrow and we had to go to war to defend our country from a standing army who was invading us, I'd call that heroic and noble. Getting paid money to go to another country and kill people voluntary isn't exactly hero status IMO.

Let the negs begin.

P.S. Just so we are clear, I'm not saying soldiers are bad guys and I am not saying there aren't real heroes in our armed forces. I'm just saying the blind following and respect of any dickhead with a uniform on is slightly disturbing to me.
Remember kids...there is ALWAYS enough money to kill people. Now, enough money for basic healthcare and the like is an entirely different story in this country though.

Who is not getting health care?

I have to be honest and sort of agree with some of the guys in this thread, they are trained killers. They are there because they want to be there. They haven't been drafted and no matter how you look at it this isn't fucking WW2 or some war where they are actually DEFENDING our country or someone who needs defending. If we really gave a fuck about human suffering we would go in and free North Koreans, but North Koreans have nukes and they have no oil, so fuck the millions of starving slaves and torture going on over there.

These are offensive and political wars, so I would never throw around terms like heroes when talking about them just as I wouldn't throw the term around when talking about police. A lot of these guys are fucking adrenalin junkies and/or people who are prone to violence and simply getting in where they fit in which is fine, but the word hero is thrown around too much.

If China attacked us tomorrow and we had to go to war to defend our country from a standing army who was invading us, I'd call that heroic and noble. Getting paid money to go to another country and kill people voluntary isn't exactly hero status IMO.

Let the negs begin.

P.S. Just so we are clear, I'm not saying soldiers are bad guys and I am not saying there aren't real heroes in our armed forces. I'm just saying the blind following and respect of any dickhead with a uniform on is slightly disturbing to me.

1. If we were taking the oil why is gas at $4?
2. So if we did not kill and dismantle those that want to kill us in their country they would just sit back and not plan to kill us in ours? That really did not work out well in the past, hence what started this whole program.

The soldiers are fighting the front lines in the war on terror, even OBL admitted this - you may think they are not saving the motherland - but they are.
"Who is not getting health care?"

I am sorry, I can't get into an intelligent conversation with someone that believes there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the US healthcare system. That is just beyond thank you for the laugh. I am well aware that people CAN access healthcare, it is the entire corrupt system I am referring to and I don't care to go into great detail about what has been unfolding in this country for decades,

You're right, people in the US CERTAINLY are granted physical ACCESS to that care. But what happens after that for hundreds of thousands of americans? All good, correct?

You're right, we are ALL good on the healthcare thing. People that need quality healthcare get it when they need it, no issues, no life-changing decisions need to often be made like "sell the house to live", etc. Move along socialists...we are all set here in the states with our wonderful system.
"Who is not getting health care?"

I am sorry, I can't get into an intelligent conversation with someone that believes there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the US healthcare system. That is just beyond thank you for the laugh. I am well aware that people CAN access healthcare, it is the entire corrupt system I am referring to and I don't care to go into great detail about what has been unfolding in this country for decades,

You're right, people in the US CERTAINLY are granted physical ACCESS to that care. But what happens after that for hundreds of thousands of americans? All good, correct?

You're right, we are ALL good on the healthcare thing. People that need quality healthcare get it when they need it, no issues, no life-changing decisions need to often be made like "sell the house to live", etc. Move along socialists...we are all set here in the states with our wonderful system.

Your post presumes many things.

I agree with you - there are fundamental problems. But consider the following:

1. Insurance is not a free market. Open it up to true market pricing.
2. Most municipalities have free non-recourse health care to those below a certain line in income. If you make more than that then maybe you should purchase catastrophic insurance coverage. Maybe with a $10,000 deductible. Most people can weather a $10K catastrophic occurrence.
3. People have 2 cars, eat out, have a mortgage (which you pointed out), yet do not buy insurance. Hmmm...... why?

Have you really thought out your positions? I am a firm believer in a safety net and better market mechanisms need to be opened up to more people. But you were comparing military spending to health care - it was a bad comparison. One is mandated by the constitution, the other is not.

Just so you can think a little more:

1. 9/11 cost the economy $1 trillion.
2. The wars may be at $1 trillion as of 2010 a little above that now.
3. One more attack, just one, would have cost much more than $1 trillion because it would have shaken confidence too much - a confidence that was quickly regained after 9/11

So is it worth it? Take the fight to those that want to annihilate our way of life, or simply taken the economic hit of a few more attacks, and then jump into a war? You see, the war was inevitable. They were at war with us for a long time - it was just a matter of when we would fight back - not "if".
Who is not getting health care?

1. If we were taking the oil why is gas at $4?
2. So if we did not kill and dismantle those that want to kill us in their country they would just sit back and not plan to kill us in ours? That really did not work out well in the past, hence what started this whole program.

The soldiers are fighting the front lines in the war on terror, even OBL admitted this - you may think they are not saving the motherland - but they are.

Damn dude, you obviously have never worked in health care or been middle class in your life. However, I have done/been both and you clearly are in denial if you think all peoples in the US have health care. One of my most successful campaigns I have running right now is a health insurance offer to those that DONT have it for w/e reason.

Also, do you think if we did go in for the oil, and obtained it, that gas should be less then $4 per gallon? In what world does owning more of something drive the price down ALWAYS? Demand is up and always will be up for the time being. Just because you own more of something doesn't mean you drive down your price.

Case in point, does the price of electricity go down in the summer when we have more sun? How about when we get more rain or when we have windy days? How about when we find more coal?
Your post presumes many things.

I agree with you - there are fundamental problems. But consider the following:

1. Insurance is not a free market. Open it up to true market pricing.
2. Most municipalities have free non-recourse health care to those below a certain line in income. If you make more than that then maybe you should purchase catastrophic insurance coverage. Maybe with a $10,000 deductible. Most people can weather a $10K catastrophic occurrence.
3. People have 2 cars, eat out, have a mortgage (which you pointed out), yet do not buy insurance. Hmmm...... why?

Have you really thought out your positions? I am a firm believer in a safety net and better market mechanisms need to be opened up to more people. But you were comparing military spending to health care - it was a bad comparison. One is mandated by the constitution, the other is not.

Just so you can think a little more:

1. 9/11 cost the economy $1 trillion.
2. The wars may be at $1 trillion as of 2010 a little above that now.
3. One more attack, just one, would have cost much more than $1 trillion because it would have shaken confidence too much - a confidence that was quickly regained after 9/11

So is it worth it? Take the fight to those that want to annihilate our way of life, or simply taken the economic hit of a few more attacks, and then jump into a war? You see, the war was inevitable. They were at war with us for a long time - it was just a matter of when we would fight back - not "if".

except for eating out, most people make payments over time on a mortgage or cars.. a 10k deductible is not something you can make in payments. LOL @ most people can come up with 10k in one lump sum. If that were true, there would be less people needing credit.
Damn dude, you obviously have never worked in health care or been middle class in your life. However, I have done/been both and you clearly are in denial if you think all peoples in the US have health care. One of my most successful campaigns I have running right now is a health insurance offer to those that DONT have it for w/e reason.

Also, do you think if we did go in for the oil, and obtained it, that gas should be less then $4 per gallon? In what world does owning more of something drive the price down ALWAYS? Demand is up and always will be up for the time being. Just because you own more of something doesn't mean you drive down your price.

Case in point, does the price of electricity go down in the summer when we have more sun? How about when we get more rain or when we have windy days? How about when we find more coal?

I explained myself further in my last post which I posted when you posted this.

But I keep hearing on Bloomberg etc that oil prices are not for lack of supply , they are because of speculation. It is not a supply/demand dynamic were are facing. And yes, if we took the oil, I would expect it to be cheaper, if we simply secured the worlds free flow and supply I would expect it to be cheaper. Once again, I am not a commodity expert (which you are probably saying "no shit") but I keep hearing that there is not a supply problem. Maybe the commentators I listen to are wrong.

Yes, I admitted a fundamental problem with health care. But most of this can be handled with proper choices and a free flowing market system. Maybe a touch of tort reform too. But poor Americans get free world class non-recourse health care. Non-recourse as in no bills - nothing.

Middle class Americans are in a tough spot but there are choices that can be made. One of which is have less children, have one car, buy a smaller home, do not have cable TV, etc. There are choices and insurance is rarely a consideration. Plus a $10,000 need to be too expensive. I know it is a burden but taxing the country for inefficient and wasteful care is ridiculous. It is simply saying that your neighbor needs to pay for your insurance. You have 10 kids and I have none - so I have to pay taxes to cover for your 10? Of course if you have 10 kids and are not making enough money you are already getting coverage through the available assistance programs. Like I said before I am 100% for a safety net.
except for eating out, most people make payments over time on a mortgage or cars.. a 10k deductible is not something you can make in payments. LOL @ most people can come up with 10k in one lump sum. If that were true, there would be less people needing credit.

The $10K is billed to you after the fact, the providers all take payments, and yes it is a burden. But not one that will make you sell your home.

My payments comment was they take their payments and apply it toward an insurance policy instead of the car.
Yeah and Bin Laden was dumped in the ocean and is currently in the form of shark shit pellets on the ocean floor.

somewhere there is a magnificent lie...
all sarcasm aside, I honestly just cannot relate to your worldview at all I guess REIMktg, as it goes against everything I have personally witnessed and experienced, and situations I have seen others experience and go through.

without life/health, we are nothing as a species..literally. to me, that would make it numero uno on the priority list of things that modern governments should provide for their without this, or without a STABLE, reliable, and OPEN system to distribute this care without making people make life-altering/crushing financial is a huge failure for mankind in the year 2011 IMO.
1. If we were taking the oil why is gas at $4?

Why is it $5 in Canada (one of the top oil producing nations)? Why is it $8 to $10 in much of Europe?

"the Middle East, with two thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies, even though companies are anxious for greater access there, progress continues to be slow." - Dick Cheney, 1999

Iraq is on pace to quadruple oil production. The whole landscape of Iraqi oil has changed since the invasion. The amount and variety of oil companies that can now gain access has increased and I'm sure they now get better deals.

2. So if we did not kill and dismantle those that want to kill us in their country they would just sit back and not plan to kill us in ours? That really did not work out well in the past, hence what started this whole program.

According to the CIA and the terrorists themselves, the main reason why they wanted to attack the US was because of the US involvement in other countries. This has been repeatedly pointed out here and elsewhere, but cognitive dissonance is a heckuva thing.
all sarcasm aside, I honestly just cannot relate to your worldview at all I guess REIMktg, as it goes against everything I have personally witnessed and experienced, and situations I have seen others experience and go through.

without life/health, we are nothing as a species..literally. to me, that would make it numero uno on the priority list of things that modern governments should provide for their without this, or without a STABLE, reliable, and OPEN system to distribute this care without making people make life-altering/crushing financial is a huge failure for mankind in the year 2011 IMO.

In my county a family of 4 can make up to $44K a year and have free healthcare. A single person can have $20K in income and have free care. The family can buy a good health program from Kaiser for $586/month the single guy $150 month - but with the income levels above there is no need to buy it. None of this is ideal and it does not leave much for other things. But then again these are not catastrophic policies, these provide free checkups free regular visits, $10 prescriptions etc - a true catastrophic policy would be much cheaper.

The presumption too is that most of these people can work for companies that offer health care if they choose - or at least one or the other spouse can - but they choose not to. The situation is not nearly as dire as most put it out as being.
Who is not getting health care?

1. If we were taking the oil why is gas at $4?
2. So if we did not kill and dismantle those that want to kill us in their country they would just sit back and not plan to kill us in ours? That really did not work out well in the past, hence what started this whole program.

The soldiers are fighting the front lines in the war on terror, even OBL admitted this - you may think they are not saving the motherland - but they are.

1. I don't know about the gas question but it's the only thing that makes sense. We fucking invaded Iraq after 9/11 but Iraq didn't even fucking attack us, so WTF were we doing there? If anything we should have gone into S.A.

2. You really think us going into Afghanistan and Iraq has made us any safer? Come on bro.

I'm 100x more worried about what my own government is doing to me or what they may do to me than any fucking terrorist. I've never walked down the road or driven down the road and thought "fuck, I hope a terrorist doesn't get me". I have, however, said "shit, I hope this cop doesn't fucking cornhole me or harass the shit out of me" or "fuck, I hope the IRS doesn't anal fist me this year".