Realistic revenues for beginner after 3 months

How much you made after 3 months from the start

  • Less than $0

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $0-100

    Votes: 513 25.5%
  • $100-500

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $500-1500

    Votes: 255 12.7%
  • $1500-5000

    Votes: 200 9.9%
  • $5000-10000

    Votes: 102 5.1%
  • More than $10000

    Votes: 215 10.7%

  • Total voters

Not as pimp as Ferris yet.... but I started serious in June, and I've done 6 figures gross in the last 8 weeks. This has actually been a slower month than October for me, great stuff to see Ferris having his biggest month.
in the world of internet marketing there really is no limit to how much can be made how fast. Its all about how much action you put in to reach your goals, if you do the right actions things can really change over night

In the span of 1 week:

Day 1) Obtained a list of 500K targeted opt-in email leads - cost me $2,500.

Day 2) Got private payday loan offer which pays me $80 per fully completed app. Sent 100K emails to test various templates.

Day 3) Received approx 350 clicks and 18 conversions from text, $1,440 revenue.

Day 4) Isolated optimal templates, discarded shitty ones, sent remaining 400K. Received ~2,000 clicks and 80 conversions, $6,400 revenue.

Day 5) That's all, I just needed 4 days.

Night 5) Hire a few hookers. Priceless. :D

$7,840 revenue
$2,500 list cost
$5,340 profit in about 5 days.

Worth pointing out that I make this kind of money because I know what I'm doing and I got access to lucrative offers with high payouts. In fact, I think there are payday offers that pay even more that $80 for a full app, but who knows if the fuckers will pay you when all is said and done.
How long ago was this?

Payday has slowed quite a bit from say 2-3 years ago.


In the span of 1 week:

Day 1) Obtained a list of 500K targeted opt-in email leads - cost me $2,500.

Day 2) Got private payday loan offer which pays me $80 per fully completed app. Sent 100K emails to test various templates.

Day 3) Received approx 350 clicks and 18 conversions from text, $1,440 revenue.

Day 4) Isolated optimal templates, discarded shitty ones, sent remaining 400K. Received ~2,000 clicks and 80 conversions, $6,400 revenue.

Day 5) That's all, I just needed 4 days.

Night 5) Hire a few hookers. Priceless. :D

$7,840 revenue
$2,500 list cost
$5,340 profit in about 5 days.

Worth pointing out that I make this kind of money because I know what I'm doing and I got access to lucrative offers with high payouts. In fact, I think there are payday offers that pay even more that $80 for a full app, but who knows if the fuckers will pay you when all is said and done.
I paid for college in cash e-whoring and posting phony job listings on CL back in the day. Not going to throw numbers out.
Payday has slowed quite a bit from say 2-3 years ago.

2-3 years ago probably would have made at least twice as much for the same effort. Rebills are still the "flavor of the week" and will continue to be, but lots of people looking for extra money now especially with holidays coming so payday/cash advance offers are still lucrative.
Depends on your resources (how many domains you can buy), and also how hard you work. But if your starting with nothing, I would say about $600.00 a month after 3 months if you get into the right thing.
I've been trying PPC for the last 3 weeks and am down about $500.

I'm envious of those who hit a profitable campaign from the get-go.

If I can't make any internet monies after dropping about 2k it's probably a sign that I suck and should give it a rest.
I've been trying PPC for the last 3 weeks and am down about $500.

I'm envious of those who hit a profitable campaign from the get-go.

If I can't make any internet monies after dropping about 2k it's probably a sign that I suck and should give it a rest.
Your losses should diminish over time as you make improvements. It will be a lot harder for you to lose the next $1500 than the first $500.

Unless you're a dummy.
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In the span of 1 week:

Day 1) Obtained a list of 500K targeted opt-in email leads - cost me $2,500.

Day 2) Got private payday loan offer which pays me $80 per fully completed app. Sent 100K emails to test various templates.

Day 3) Received approx 350 clicks and 18 conversions from text, $1,440 revenue.

Day 4) Isolated optimal templates, discarded shitty ones, sent remaining 400K. Received ~2,000 clicks and 80 conversions, $6,400 revenue.

Day 5) That's all, I just needed 4 days.

Night 5) Hire a few hookers. Priceless. :D

$7,840 revenue
$2,500 list cost
$5,340 profit in about 5 days.

Worth pointing out that I make this kind of money because I know what I'm doing and I got access to lucrative offers with high payouts. In fact, I think there are payday offers that pay even more that $80 for a full app, but who knows if the fuckers will pay you when all is said and done.

I don't know much about e-mail, how many times can you mail that list different offers?
is 100k by the end of this year unrealistic for a newbie?

I did a little IM a few years back but other then that I just started up again about a month and a half ago.

I have been doing some bum marketing, maybe spending an hour or so a day on it and have been making about a hundred a week, saved that up now I'm dumping it in to Facebook. With a little more practice and some luck that goal wouldn't be all that crazy. (From the time when you made the post, not in the next 10 days obviously)
You tried and failed, but learned that you should make sure your traffic estimates are accurate before putting in any hours. You learned something and next time around you won't make that mistake (I hope).

There's nothing worse than ranking #1 for a term you suspect will get a shitload of traffic only to find that you're getting no more than 1-2 users trickling in a day. Of course that won't convert.

Just to add $0.02 to this. Spend a few bucks on PPC and test your keywords first to see if there is actual traffic -- even if you don't get clicks, you didn't pay anything and can see keyword impressions...

Even if u spend a few bucks, it's still less than putting in countless hours...
So I sat here for about an hour and a half reading this completely forum. This might help those not wanting to read the whole thing. The following points stood out to me the most:

1. Getting AM knowledge before hand is important, but you'll never get anywhere unless you try. If you try and fail, take in as much as you can through the process and improve your methods. Try again.

2. Keyword Analysis was something I read a few times on this thread. The only thing I could not gather was what kind of analysis should be done but I'll explain what I'll do after the points are made on my first PPC campaign with an AM offer. One piece did stand out, come to think of it, using long tail keywords.

In my time as an SEO writer and Niche site builder, I've come to realize that the above stated is true. Getting targeted traffic using long tail keywords brings in less quantity in terms of traffic, but a lot of quality in the few numbers.

3. Direct Linking seems to be much more affective then sending click-through traffic to a site that then has to try and convert the traffic to the AM offer.

Taking these three things into consideration. I've managed to get a few AM offers that I think I would personally be interested in purchasing due to their low price and subject matter and so I would only assume some other joe would probably be interested as well.

In any case, I will soon start using about 200 dollars in Google adsense funds to promote two particular AM offers.

1. I've compiled a list of keywords that I would personally try and optimize on a niche site pertaining to this offer and the subject matter it's about.

2. A Second set of formulated keywords includes keywords that are closely related to these offers that have folks searching these particular keyword phrase (long tails). List one was purely made up of words that I would use to optimize a site and have very little traffic searches made to them. (This is interesting because I had never realized I could have been optimizing some of my niche sites with keywords that aren't searched at all!)

3. I plan to make two separate campaigns one for each of my offers. These ads will be done through Adwords.

All keywords without impressions after first two days will be canned. All others kept.

Finally, I'll keep everyone here posted and hope that my trial here works out. Wish me luck! I'm going to test for a week. I'm assuming things might slow down a bit because of holiday but I'm also confident that there are a lot of people looking into these types of deals right now to try and gain knowledge about what to do the coming year in terms of setting goals.

In any case,

I'll report back. Hope this helps someone! I love helping folks, even if i am a noob at AM.
What can a newbie expect? I would say the average newby can expect a net LOSS!

3 months is just enough time for the newbie to start looking at the first ebook they bought, give up on it midway, then move on to a few other "guru" recommended products.

With a mentor the learning curve can be decreased, but that will result in a bigger initial net loss after paying the mentor.

I paid $1,300 for my first online coaching then $500 for my next online mentor.

I made absolutely no money for my entire first year online, because I played around more than I worked.

If the newbie is committed to taking action rather than "program hopping" they will succeed.

But, I know most will give up within three months.
affiliate marketing is truly not an easy job.
i am new in AM but iv tried doing all i need to do
today im starting off my affiliate campaign but with just a little problem

iv written a couple of quality article i wanted to use for my marketing [25 in all=relationship=more than 350 words] but i dont feel like doing the promotions any more but i want to sell the articles

how to go about doing this
I hope it will better & better....from month to month......with all new tips at forum, book or whatever.... :)