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Been doing SEO for quite sometime but Never did 301 to another site for rank juice.
Any proof this works like that?
More importantly, any chance for this to hurt my money site? I worked too hard on it to blow it.
Just ordered a blast (id: #18T11589924054028 ) and I am up to make a case study out of this.


Target: fairly new domain and site, good content, unique theme, opened 2 month ago, EMD with .info for medium comp keyword in the finance niche, nothing done to the domain except 2 PRs via prweb. Currently at page 3 for main KW

Blast: setup a new worpdpress, standard theme, low quality article using target and related keywords, EMD with different TLD - pointing blast to this domain. If there will be rankings, I will 301 it to the target site.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: 48N25120PV3093925.

12k searches a month. bouncing between 5-10. sending direct to money site. lets see what this can do

Thanks, good luck pushing up the front page!

You just completed your payment.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: xxxxxxxx2A859451F.
I can't PM as I'm a 'newbie' and way to fresh.. Awaiting obligatory dick rolling I've seen so much of! ;)

Danke, will PM dickroll ;)

Just placed an order on a new site to test this out... looking forward to seeing this in action



Been doing SEO for quite sometime but Never did 301 to another site for rank juice.
Any proof this works like that?
More importantly, any chance for this to hurt my money site? I worked too hard on it to blow it.

301ing has worked very nicely in our tests.

See http://www.wickedfire.com/traffic-content/170536-best-301-method.html#post1992090 for an explanation of how it all works.

Just ordered a blast (id: #18T11589924054028 ) and I am up to make a case study out of this.


Target: fairly new domain and site, good content, unique theme, opened 2 month ago, EMD with .info for medium comp keyword in the finance niche, nothing done to the domain except 2 PRs via prweb. Currently at page 3 for main KW

Blast: setup a new worpdpress, standard theme, low quality article using target and related keywords, EMD with different TLD - pointing blast to this domain. If there will be rankings, I will 301 it to the target site.

Sounds interesting, will be tracking this one closely!

In on this with a 20-minute old virgin site. TransactionID ********WT187951A


A repeat customer, nice to see, keep churning!

Yeh not going to give details, but ordered 6 blasts.. this sh*t really works. Ranking well for most now...

Is it safe to order a second blast or is it overkill? I sent first direct to money-site, but little worried if I fire again it might kill it.
I ordered a blast two weeks ago. Google shows about 600K results matching the URL I submitted, but I have yet to see much in the way of movement.

The second blast (for another property) placed about ten days ago is still too early to say anything about movement, but Google returns about 430K results for the URL when searched.

I am hoping things change over the next couple of weeks.
Hi I haven't received my report yet and sounds like it should have been done by now, sent a PM to g1c9 please can you check and let me know...

P.S. I ordered this for a brand new Youtube video, just checked one of the high comp keywords and it's already on page 1, if it sticks there then fair to say I will be ordering a few more of these :)

Would also like to know if ordering more than 1 pack to the same URL is overkill or good idea?
Ordered one up. transaction ID for this payment is: 4AV639606V439321S.

Looking forward to seeing how this performs.
:banana_sml: KICKING ASS, ACCEPTING ORDERS :banana_sml:

I ordered 10 packs -- 76A43742WC393691Y
i made a second big order of 10 packs - 63475185RG983184V

You are the man!

Any reviews on this service yet? After 3 pages of orders I'm kind of expecting some movement. Pretty much the only thing stopping me from ordering right now.

See above, etc. It does what it says on the tin.

I don't really know what to say here except that people are indeed being quiet about how well this is working, but I will never ask a customer to leave a review as I've never appreciated that behavior myself. Nor will I entice people with freebies, or ask friends to do so.

We are making $x,xxx daily with this in-house. Screenshots are silly.

Would also like to know if ordering more than 1 pack to the same URL is overkill or good idea?
Is it safe to order a second blast or is it overkill? I sent first direct to money-site, but little worried if I fire again it might kill it.

I believe that no reasonable number of blasts will 'kill it', however there will be diminishing marginal returns with each blast. Perhaps buy a second. I, and others, are in niches and positions where we can afford to buy 10 for a single keyword and 301 them all to a single target.

But it is my personal belief that after 2 or 3 the affect is quite marginal.

I ordered a blast two weeks ago. Google shows about 600K results matching the URL I submitted, but I have yet to see much in the way of movement.

Okay, PM me transaction details and I'll take a look. A million or so links normally will cause your SERP position to be re-evaluated (be that positively or negatively) so seeing not much movement either way points to a third factor being in play.

If you are in a similar position send me a PM. There are a handful of you outliers.

Hi I haven't received my report yet and sounds like it should have been done by now, sent a PM to g1c9 please can you check and let me know...

I've responded to all PMs now.

You gotta admit, this is a badass thread. Glad I got in early. Feels like I bought a rare hit of LSD like microdot or windowpane, and I'm sittin on my couch listening to Pink Floyd, waitin for it to hit.

Precise description of my feel as well! :)
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