RankHACK Rapid-ROI SEO now Public Money-Back Guarantee Limited-time Offer $145

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Hi just ordered and need to make an amendment (wrong URL d'oh!).

I have emailed your PayPal email, but if you could pm with a contact email if you haven't received that..would be appreciated.


Transaction ID: 9BH63225BG500283R
Thanks for the orders everyone. We ARE currently able to keep up with demand.

Every blast ordered prior to now will be finished by Friday EST.

can you please confirm you received my email that i sent on saturday? i need to change up the project, but haven't heard back. I assume it's cause you guys don't work weekends, but it's critical to the project. Thanks!

All is well! Sorry, I try to not work on some weekends.

I have emailed your PayPal email, but if you could pm with a contact email if you haven't received that..would be appreciated.

I got your email; no worries.
1. Register a new domain or ideally use an aged one.
2. Put up a single page of relevant spun content.
3. Send it to us and put it into your rank tracker.
4. When results stabalize, 301 it to your money site.

It is my opinion that you need a very good reason to NOT use the above method. The above method protects you from future algorithm changes (as you can un-301 the newly-offensive site). It's basically insurance, and 301s pass basically 100% of the ranking/juice.

I have a question about 301ing. Is it best to do it via the .htaccess file, as in one of the methods listed here: How to Redirect old Domain to new Website with a 301 Redirect or should it be done at the DNS level. Or, does it matter? What do you recommend. Thanks.
So let me get this straight. We have to get a new domain and do this redirect to any website that we care about and want to stay up and not get penalized? And this is for any site (regardless of their age or authority)?

Please answer as this is important to know.

Thanks for the epic orders.


Please read the first question below and my response.

Yes, here's what you do.

1. Register a new domain or ideally use an aged one.
2. Put up a single page of relevant spun content.
3. Send it to us and put it into your rank tracker.
4. When results stabalize, 301 it to your money site.

It is my opinion that you need a very good reason to NOT use the above method. The above method protects you from future algorithm changes (as you can un-301 the newly-offensive site). It's basically insurance, and 301s pass basically 100% of the ranking/juice.

I want in when you reopen for a medical niche site 1 year old. Can't send PMs yet so.... please let me know? Would you recommend this for a business site that is supposed to stay and survive?
Thanks everyone! All orders placed prior to now are in the system. If you were the very last person to order (an hour ago) your order will finish on Friday.

We're accepting only (12) new orders
You wrote :"Put up a single page of relevant spun content." (Since my keywords are not in English, does it matter to write the article in the language i am targeting the keyword or English article is just fine ?)

What is the usual time for the new buffer site usually to stabilize ?
Please read my extensive advice on 301s here.

Since my keywords are not in English, does it matter to write the article in the language i am targeting the keyword or English article is just fine ?

Write the article in the non-English language of your keyword.

What is the usual time for the new buffer site usually to stabilize ?

9 days.

We have to get a new domain and do this redirect to any website that we care about and want to stay up and not get penalized? And this is for any site (regardless of their age or authority)?

Yes, that is absolutely my position on the matter. This is dirty.

I'm responding to all PMs now.
Has anyone already seen some results? None here.

Update: I see my website ranking #19 from Not in top 100 now, decent start.
It's still a few days 'too early' for even some early buyers to see results, and realize that if you're using a 301 you need to wait about a week(?) longer for the ranking to pass. This is one reason I wouldn't actually 301 the fresh domain until I see it ranking.

Glad you're seeing results. More importantly, and having said the above, a handful of people who were ranked page 2 for $x,xxx per day keywords are suddenly ranked top 3, and a dozen or so people who weren't indexed yet are page 3 for the toughest keywords online.

We've cleared the order queue, by the way.
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