RankHACK is back! ATTN: 100% Money-back guarantee to celebrate $100,000 in orders

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Jun 26, 2006
Rating - 95.2%
20   1   0

Stop slouching. Sit up straight.

Close your googlehammer window and focus. This is important.

I made $0 last week. Or maybe a few thousand. I honestly don’t know. I’ve been at the beach.

You guys, on the other hand, are fucking killing it. I’ve still got all of your sites in my rank tracker, and if I sent a screenshot to Larry Page he’d fire Matt Cutts.

Do you really want that? Would that make you happy? What is wrong with you?

Doesn’t matter. I’ve got the cure.

RankHACK is back.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, we’ve been kicking ass. Our army of three dozen dedicated servers is constantly spamming the internet, helping thousands of housewives learn 1 silly trick to a flat belly, helping tons of searchers apply for payday loans, and saving people millions on their car insurance.

We made you all rich. Now we’ve improved.

You need to know 2 things to bank with this. The second point is crucial.

1) If you use a parasite/web2.0 and it doesn’t break the top 40 within 9 days, we’ll refund 100% of your order price.

Got that?

If. You. Don’t. Rank. I. Will. Refund. Your. Money.

You risk nothing.

Note that RankHACK doesn’t work well anymore with fresh domains. They rank for a day or a week or two and then drop. RankHACK kicks ass on established websites and parasites/web2.0s.

2) You can now target up to 4 primary keywords per URL. That’s effectively a 75% discount on top of a money-back guarantee.

Alternatively, you can keep doing the same thing you’re doing and keep getting the same results.

Bubbles tend to pop. It’s their nature. Don’t miss out.

The guarantee expires at the end of this month.

$100,000 says this is a good deal.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to work.

Just ordered... how long does it usually take to complete an order? Looking to order more if possible.

What web 2.0 do you generally recommend people use?

I'm curious because I want something that won't get removed for spamming, and you have seen as having good ranking power.
What web 2.0 do you generally recommend people use?

I'm curious because I want something that won't get removed for spamming, and you have seen as having good ranking power.

Would like to know as well. I'm planning to use a Weebly.

Furthermore, I just registered a domain today and I want to try your service before the monthly guarantee is over. What should I do. Blast my site or the weebly?
Is your moneyback guarantee on all 4 keywords hitting top 40? And does a Youtube video count as parasite/web2.0?
You mentioned that New Domain don't work that well anymore.

Does this method still work?

Thanks for the epic orders.


Please read the first question below and my response.

Yes, here's what you do.

1. Register a new domain or ideally use an aged one.
2. Put up a single page of relevant spun content.
3. Send it to us and put it into your rank tracker.
4. When results stabalize, 301 it to your money site.

It is my opinion that you need a very good reason to NOT use the above method. The above method protects you from future algorithm changes (as you can un-301 the newly-offensive site). It's basically insurance, and 301s pass basically 100% of the ranking/juice.
Thanks for the monies.

Just ordered... how long does it usually take to complete an order? Looking to order more if possible.

We'll put them in the system every 48 hours. Once in, the servers can handle something like 30 every day. So typically just 24 hours after insertion, they finish.

Does this method still work?

When we first launched, 95%+ of the fresh domains were ranking. These days we're not so lucky. On the other hand, I sent 6 RankHACKs to 6 fresh domains all for the keyword "[X] insurance quotes" and 301d 5 of them to the 6th, and it's been sitting at the bottom of page 1 for over a month now, unmoved by algorithm changes and similarly unmoved by my lazy ass.

So basically, I can't guarantee results on fresh domains, but sometimes they still work. Maybe this is because I'm 301ing them.

What web 2.0 do you generally recommend people use?

Webs.com for USA/international websites. I've used this one the most. They never take down anything.
Webgarden.com if you might want to 301 it later, but they sometimes take down sites.
Webeden.co.uk is good for UK, and rarely take down sites.
Tumblr.com, blogspot, etc., often take down sites, but they rank incredibly well.

Then there's options like the following (no guarantee applies):

http formspring.me/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE
http en.gravatar.com/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE
http archive.org/details/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE
http drupal.org.uk/user/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE
http behance.net/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE
http scribd.com/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE
http viddler.com/channel/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE
http veehd.com/profile/YOUR-PARASITE-HERE

The above are ranked by ranking power, descending. That means line 1 is the most powerful. Lines 2 and 3 are a great balance between power and themability, and as such are a favorite of viagra spammers. To see examples, google "site: parasitehost.com buy viagra"

Is your moneyback guarantee on all 4 keywords hitting top 40?

I really hadn't thought about that. No. If any of your 1-4 primary keywords hit top 40, the guarantee does not apply. If that keyword later drops out, the guarantee does not apply. This doesn't happen with parasites in my experience, I just can't possibly offer a guarantee with no expiry date.

Does a Youtube video count as parasite/web2.0?

No, because YouTube is weird. Thanks for bringing this up.

FYI, I've had customers mention that RankHACK boosts their internal ranking in youtube's search, but that the youtube indexer takes longer to show results.
Im looking to order, but Im curious.

You say the gar. is good for this month ONLY. There are 6 days left in this month.

You say if the web 2.0 doesnt rank in 9 days in top 40, you will refund.

9 days is the 3rd of May though.. how does your gar apply if the ranking time is longer then your gar. time?
Im looking to order, but Im curious.

You say the gar. is good for this month ONLY. There are 6 days left in this month.

You say if the web 2.0 doesnt rank in 9 days in top 40, you will refund.

9 days is the 3rd of May though.. how does your gar apply if the ranking time is longer then your gar. time?

The guarantee is applicable to orders placed and paid until the end of this month, assuming they meet the requirements.

So if you place an order on April 30th, and none of your 1-4 primary keywords break the top 40 by May 9th, you'll get a 100% refund.

Nothing shady here - just poorly articulated.

Thanks for your question. I can't post again today, so I'll see you all tomorrow.
Webs.com for USA/international websites. I've used this one the most. They never take down anything.

Just a heads up for anyone using webs.com...don't be an idiot like me and drop in a list of over 100 LSI keywords on a page linking to the page itself lol. Got that site frozen within a day or two, but the account is still intact.

Other than something ridiculous like that, I can't see webs.com taking down a site.
I got to say that the .webs.com has been killing it in my niche and I don't have any, but have seen 10 of these creep in knocking my rankhack site from bottom of page two to bottom of page 4. I need to get my own .webs page put up if another rankhack blast won't do it.

g1c9, what do you think would rank better. My aged domain that has been taking a hit from your efforts with other clients by doing a new rankhack blast, or setting up a webs.com site and using that?
g1c9, what do you think would rank better. My aged domain that has been taking a hit from your efforts with other clients by doing a new rankhack blast, or setting up a webs.com site and using that?

x2. Curious about using this on an aged domain too. I've never had bad luck with a spam service on an aged domain, just don't have any to test right now or else I would be testing it myself instead of asking questions.

PS - I've seen a lot of webgardens get removed, especially those that have been rankhacked. You can see this yourself if your smart enough to find people who have been using rankhack on webgardens. YMMV.
Just a heads up for anyone using webs.com...don't be an idiot like me and drop in a list of over 100 LSI keywords on a page linking to the page itself lol. Got that site frozen within a day or two, but the account is still intact.

Other than something ridiculous like that, I can't see webs.com taking down a site.

Those fuckers took down a site of mine.
On the front page there was a 600 word article, with 2 links to the same site with related anchors. There were images and some widgets on the sidebar to make the site more legit. And boom, frozen site.

I have contacted support to hear an explanation, or at least to know what "abuse" means for them. Never heard back from their staff.
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