RankHACK is back! ATTN: 100% Money-back guarantee to celebrate $100,000 in orders

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My aged domain that has been taking a hit from your efforts with other clients by doing a new rankhack blast, or setting up a webs.com site and using that?

Domains that already have backlinks (and which, thus, already have some trust) are better still.

Did you have thousands of backlinks pointing to it? That seems really odd.

After 40+ webs parasites of my own, I'm tempted to say that backlinks are NOT a factor in webs.com takedowns. All of mine also use only spun content and go unpunished. I've literally never had a single one removed after 40+ rankhacks.

Just in case, though, when one of my webs.com sites starts ranking well enough (page 1) I just upgrade to the $5 monthly account as a form of insurance.

PS - I've seen a lot of webgardens get removed, especially those that have been rankhacked. You can see this yourself if your smart enough to find people who have been using rankhack on webgardens. YMMV.

I'm quoting this just so people read it twice. I only mention webgarden because they're the only web2.0 that allows 301s to external domains (that I know of).

[thread tag] arrogant prick good copy

I ordered a rankhack blast on 19th april transaction id 2PS79579KL101604S. I am not seeing any links building up in ahrefs which is unlike my earlier experience where I started seeing the backlinks in ahrefs in as soon as 48 hours and serp results in 9 days. Can you pls check if the order was indeed put in the system. Thanks
Just ordered another. I see a site that is killing it with 186K backlinks and it looks like he also did a blast with his .webs site and then linked that site to his main money site.
I ordered a rankhack blast on 19th april transaction id 2PS79579KL101604S. I am not seeing any links building up in ahrefs which is unlike my earlier experience where I started seeing the backlinks in ahrefs in as soon as 48 hours and serp results in 9 days. Can you pls check if the order was indeed put in the system. Thanks

If you emailed me about this, I've replied. We loaded orders much more infrequently while we did not have an active thread. I apologize.

Our guarantee will force me to stay on top of orders.
My initial RH blast has got my site bouncing around the 2nd page for the last month or so. Any suggestions of what might compliment the RH blast and push it on to page 1?
I have emailed you about this but I have not received any reply. The email address I have used is the same one that I got the message from when I ordered. I dont have any other.
My initial RH blast has got my site bouncing around the 2nd page for the last month or so. Any suggestions of what might compliment the RH blast and push it on to page 1?

Add some juicy ass paid links from your friendly local neighborhood link network.

Also - Rankhack is the shit. And don't be hating on tripod.co.uk (even for US) or SBwire (and the various press release sites) for parasites.
I have had great results with the many RHs I've ordered. Sometimes you'll need more than a 1 pager. Will try it with a parasite.
In for another 10. Not sure I agree on the fresh domain thing, unless this is a really recent change in the past two weeks. From my last batch the two newly registered sites are the top performers thus far for me
This service is powerful... too powerful sometimes. Just got a blog deleted because it was flagged as spam right before it went up like a rocket. I just wish it was possible to spread the juice to several tier 2 sites, had strange experiences with 301 redirects in the past...
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This service is powerful... too powerful sometimes. Just got a blog deleted because it was flagged as spam right before it went up like a rocket. I just wish it was possible to spread the juice to several tier 2 sites, had strange experiences with 301 redirects in the past...

If you don't ask, you don't get ;)
That's funny because I asked you about this possibility and you said the system couldn't handle it. Did you lie to me or are you lying to this other gentleman?

I'm sure Matt meant it's not worth our time to run custom orders for the average client.
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