RankHACK - 75 orders were placed last weekend. Was one of them yours?

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I have sent through email the details for order Transaction ID :xxxxxxxxxx3333746 that was in stand by

Have you got them ?

I cannot PM

Thank you

I'm just gonna say this. I got in during the early stage of this about two months ago and my fucking site is still ranking top 3 for a few nice health terms. My ROI is so high that it would probably break the character limit on wickedfire. This shit fucking works and if you don't buy it, chances are you're an idiot.
Everything is working well, going according to plan, and is on schedule.

Mine seem to be affected as well do you want me to PM you the information to confirm?

Could you have please a look on my order? Haven't seen any movements so far and wonder about the reasons.

Same here. Haven't received any word from you, nor keyword movement.

Can you confirm all my orders if they were effected and are being redone please? I have another 2 to submit tonight. Thanks Cam hit me up on skype if you like.

ALL of these orders were affected and they are ALL being reblasted.

The site I'm wanting to try this on has 1 small ad$en$e block on it, should I take this off before trying? would this kill the account if I did not remove?

As far as I'm aware this is a non-issue. Don't worry about it.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 4PX632345X8922548.

I can not find your order specifically. Can you please PM me your name, email address, or the site you submitted?

I have sent through email the details for order Transaction ID :xxxxxxxxxx3333746 that was in stand by

Confirmed and replied.

Are you back open now? Looking to give this a try

Nope. Thanks though.
I can not find your order specifically. Can you please PM me your name, email address, or the site you submitted?

site is tiger**********s.com

I just have to say, regardless of any rankings, this is still the shiznit. You guys have gone above and beyond regarding communication, the reblast, as well as quality of service.

My advice to anyone questioning whether their order was a good idea to just be patient. As far as I am aware, their are not too many places you can get hundreds of thousands of Google indexed links for under $150. I would have thrown in a handjob with the $145 for this beast, although no one asked...

I do have one question though, what am I looking at as far as time frame for rankings to settle after the reblast. I know you guys had said 10 or more days after the first blast, but I don't know when the second one was finished so I am just curious as to a rough timeframe...another week or so? Or are we looking at longer? No problem with either, just want to get my plan setup for a 301 if the rankings don't happen to go up.

Either way, everyone who ordered you made a good decision, just hang in there. Anyone on the fence about ordering do it as soon as they open back up. Just my 2 cents. Thanks fellas.
Maybe mine was affected.. I see a ton of pages indexed using URL in quotes since the blast.. but looking, most of them have random semi related keywords and phrases inserted..
I was one of the first batch of orders, so it's been a few weeks. My domain had 53 total links prior to ordering. Here is the deal now:


SERP movement has been very good. About to 301 like a warm shot of heroin. :thumbsup:
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