RankHACK - 75 orders were placed last weekend. Was one of them yours?

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:banana_sml: Thanks for your orders. :banana_sml:

Ordered 4 days ago, no links when I google my URL in quotes. Can someone please update me on the status

Every order placed prior to yesterday the 27th has finished being blasted. Orders from yesterday and today will be blasted tomorrow. This 48 hour interim is being used for my own sites. :bootyshake:

So Google's bots must be taking a nap.

A quick note: A percentage of orders placed between the 18th and the 22nd still aren't seeing results, but every day more of them pop from nowhere to page 2. My best guess is that the dance is taking longer because we started building more links per order on the 18th. Anyway, if this applies to you, send me a PM on Monday and I'll take care of you.

Also I'll answer all emails and PMs tomorrow morning.

FYI: if you guys follow the 301 instructions given in our previous thread on page 2 and your order flukes and doesn't work as intended, we'll retry it for free. Yet another reason to use a 301. Having said that, this is absolutely crushing it on some aged domains. Up to you.

Thanks for your orders.


I ordered 20 blasts a few days ago.

I unfortunately want to change one client url, if that is possible due to some payment issue. I sent an email on this.

Please let me know if this can be changed.

I really do not want to get this guy who is not paying me good ranks.
Placed an order on 2-13 straight to money site, tons of links showing but up and down between 45-55 in google, hoping to see some positive movement soon. Been holding off on any other services just to see.

The form is password protected to prevent new orders while we take care of past clients.

24 hours ago we discovered a bug (although our programmer would rather call it a 'feature') that has, essentially, royally screwed up a ton of orders placed in the past 2 weeks. Orders were delivered but not nearly with the level of quality I'd like to hold this service too. This insidious problem was able to exist undetected for so long because we wait 9 days to check ranking results anyway.

It was a silly mistake and we have complete confidence that it has now been resolved.

We are re-blasting the vast majority of orders that were placed in the past 14 days, and have setup an additional 10 dedicated servers (22 total) in order to complete all re-blasts within the next 7 days.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our solution to this problem, kindly send me a PM or email.

We will not accept new orders for the next 7-14 days while we make sure everyone gets the value they deserve.

Thanks for your support,

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any updaate to my order? Transaction ID: 48N25120PV3093925

quotes show x,xxx results. thinking it has to due with the post above
Hey I place a order on 2-26 , Trans id: 0048-0690-8032-8619 - can you confirm that I am apart of this mixup and that there will be a reblast... I thought something didnt seem right before i read your post above but I thought id give it time... Thanks for the update..
any updaate to my order?
quotes show x,xxx results. thinking it has to due with the post above

Hey I place a order on 2-26 - can you confirm that I am apart of this mixup and that there will be a reblast

I have confirmed that both of your orders were most certainly affected and are currently being reblasted.

I appreciate your understanding and apologize for what is surely an inconvenience.


The site I'm wanting to try this on has 1 small ad$en$e block on it, should I take this off before trying? would this kill the account if I did not remove?
Your transaction ID for this payment is: 4PX632345X8922548.

Would appreciate if you could confirm if im part of the reblast.

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