Pussy trap

On that note, I would like to add that there are plenty of bombshell chicks that every one in the bar/work place/subway wants to nail that would be equally (or potentially more) terrible to be caught up with in this sort of scenario.

Exactly, in fact the hottest chicks have been some of the worst at what I would want in a mother for my child.

cougarclaws wins thread

It's not really his decision; the fact that this has to be said out loud says your friend is a fucking idiot. If he's all that worked up about being stuck being a dad, he just needs to leave. As a father of three children, I can assure you that the financial aspect of the process is trivial relative to the time invested, personal sacrifices made, and thousands -- I mean it, fucking thousands -- of tiny little events that will make you want to punch yourself in the dick for having ever done this to yourself. And ... it is absolutely, 101% worth it.

Some other good advice you'll ignore: No one is ever ready for kids. 9/10 people, guys in particular, think "Oh, well, we can't have kids right now. I'm trying to put together this deal with the Rice-A-Roni people and I'm planning on climbing the Matterhorn in '14 and blah blah fucking blah." You will never reach that point that you are "ready for kids." No matter how much money you have, it won't feel like enough; no where you are in your relationship, you'll almost kill each other over the kids at some point. It's just the way it is. "Not ready" is just the pussy way of saying "fuck living for someone else; I still want to act like I'm fifteen."

Some more: The relationship between your friend and his kid will never truly sever. One day, when the kid is a teenager or young adult, he or she will seek out your friend. What does he say then, when he's married and has a kid or two with some other woman? "Sorry dude; I just wasn't quite ready. But hey, you got the check every month right? What's the problem?"

LMAO@ any and all guys who think that the real hassle of fatherhood is the check. Fucking simpletons.

No, he's not a solid guy in every way possible; see also this thread for supporting evidence. But as far as I can tell, there's nothing he really needs to do. If he doesn't want the kid, he should pack his shit and go, and be ready to pay child support and to mind his own business in -any- issue related to the kid's raising.

Leave her alone. I mean, the best case scenario is that he's going to abandon her and probably try to duck out on financial responsibilities; surely he could at least have/feign the decency to let her make her own choices and live with the consequences, instead of trying to get her to have an abortion. Don't forget, the relationship tether will never truly be broken -- does your friend really want to face his kid some day, with the kid knowing that he tried to force the mother to get an abortion/give up the child?

Also "the bitch" and "why do girls always" suggest to me that maybe your friend really isn't ready for parenthood. Goodness knows he isn't ready for a daughter.

Once upon a time, there was some jackoff who got a girl pregnant, and posted on a forum known for it's bromantic solidarity in hopes he could high-five himself back to a state of calm. It didn't work. And he lived garnished ever after. The End.

Fuck yes, this *1000

While it may be hard at 24, it is no easier at 35 (trust me), but you can make it work.

And no matter how cliché it sound to guys without kids, one smile from your kid and you know it is worth everything.

Tell him to give this guy a call

DUI? Dealing Drugs? Better Call Saul!

On that note, I would like to add that there are plenty of bombshell chicks that every one in the bar/work place/subway wants to nail that would be equally (or potentially more) terrible to be caught up with in this sort of scenario.

Because when it's time for a quick fuck, we don't take into account the external factors. That shit takes time to uncover.
That's what you get by not using condoms. If he was serious about not being a father for the next 10 years, then I would really like to see what seriousness means to this guy. Now, about the baby... His best bet is to make up a story of how his whole family has some terrible genetic disease, etc... Maybe she would get scared enough to abort. If that doesn't work, then he HAS to do a paternity test as soon as birth occurs, no if or buts.

If it turns out it's really his, then man up and see if you can tolerate the woman, if not move and pay child support only. That's it - 18 years of payments for not using a condom - congratulations!
Ok, a little message for people talking about "taking the kid":


I'm gonna stop trolling here for a moment to back up what Frank's said.

Your friend has just learned the meaning of 'consequences' for the first time in his life. Nobody forced him to have sex with this girl, and I presume he's mentally capable enough to understand what can happen if you have sex.

You can't force a woman to have an abortion. It's her body, that's the deal. Having watched a woman go through childbirth, and having to deal with the permanent after-effects on her body, believe me, it's a fair bargain.

Any dickhead can send (or fail to send) a cheque to a child every month, but to be a father takes serious, ongoing commitment. It's what separates a mature adult from an overgrown child who thinks it's clever just to stick his dick into whichever hole feels warm, and damn the consequences.

Anyone here who runs a business knows that really rewarding things usually take a lot of work and commitment. Parenting's one of those things. Yeah, it's sometimes a pain in the ass having to work round a little person, but the reward of seeing them develop, knowing that you're creating them day-by-day more than pays for it.

As for your friend's age? Well, maybe it's not ideal. It has its upsides though - when your friend's kid is 18, he'll be just 41. Still young enough to take up partying again, if he really feels he missed out.

I know someone who was 17 when she had her son. At the time it felt like her life was ending, but it worked out well for her, because he left home at 18 and she took up where she'd left off, only with more life experience and money. She's also got a kid who's she's very close to, because their ages are closer.
Ok, a little message for people talking about "taking the kid":


I'm gonna stop trolling here for a moment to back up what Frank's said.

Your friend has just learned the meaning of 'consequences' for the first time in his life. Nobody forced him to have sex with this girl, and I presume he's mentally capable enough to understand what can happen if you have sex.

You can't force a woman to have an abortion. It's her body, that's the deal. Having watched a woman go through childbirth, and having to deal with the permanent after-effects on her body, believe me, it's a fair bargain.

Any dickhead can send (or fail to send) a cheque to a child every month, but to be a father takes serious, ongoing commitment. It's what separates a mature adult from an overgrown child who thinks it's clever just to stick his dick into whichever hole feels warm, and damn the consequences.

Anyone here who runs a business knows that really rewarding things usually take a lot of work and commitment. Parenting's one of those things. Yeah, it's sometimes a pain in the ass having to work round a little person, but the reward of seeing them develop, knowing that you're creating them day-by-day more than pays for it.

As for your friend's age? Well, maybe it's not ideal. It has its upsides though - when your friend's kid is 18, he'll be just 41. Still young enough to take up partying again, if he really feels he missed out.

I know someone who was 17 when she had her son. At the time it felt like her life was ending, but it worked out well for her, because he left home at 18 and she took up where she'd left off, only with more life experience and money. She's also got a kid who's she's very close to, because their ages are closer.

Taking the kid = attempting to take custody of the child. No implication of property.

But with all this, one thing I don't get is how easy it is to glance over an agreement like "hey, we're having sex but we both agree we don't want kids. You gotta be using birth control, aite?"

I bet you this was the agreement beforehand. And I bet you he would have found another girl if she refused to take birth control and wanted to get pregnant.
Taking the kid = attempting to take custody of the child. No implication of property.

But with all this, one thing I don't get is how easy it is to glance over an agreement like "hey, we're having sex but we both agree we don't want kids. You gotta be using birth control, aite?"

I bet you this was the agreement beforehand. And I bet you he would have found another girl if she refused to take birth control and wanted to get pregnant.

Yeah, I know that's what you meant legally. However a LOT of people still get possessive over their kids (especially in divorce), and start thinking in terms of their "right" to have custody of them. It's stewardship, not ownership. A lot of bitter fights would be avoided if people bore that in mind.

The only reason it would be right to seek exclusive custody of the child is if the other parent proved to be incapable of looking after them. Such as if they were a heroin addict, alcoholic, or abusive. Otherwise, she's the other parent. He has to deal with that, and if necessary help her to become better if he doesn't think she's up to the task.

Sounds like they're both pretty immature right now, but that can change fast.
I just hate the double standard. When a woman feels that they are not at a financial level to raise a child, and aborts, she's applauded. When a man feels the same way, he's denounced.
I just hate the double standard. When a woman feels that they are not at a financial level to raise a child, and aborts, she's applauded. When a man feels the same way, he's denounced.

Here, here. Double standard indeed. Personal accountability is one thing, but when one party has complete control over a $90K cost (at least) to the other party, it's time to call it out for what it is. Reflexively saying "man up" is a bit reactionary. The 1950's ended 50 years ago, we live in a Feminist era now...
Here, here. Double standard indeed. Personal accountability is one thing, but when one party has complete control over a $90K cost (at least) to the other party, it's time to call it out for what it is. Reflexively saying "man up" is a bit reactionary. The 1950's ended 50 years ago, we live in a Feminist era now...

The worst part about it is that guys are perpetuating this shit.

I'm not arguing for abortion here. I'm arguing against the pussy ass white-knight double standard that guys are spewing.

Why not just de-incentivize frivolous abortion period.
No. She knew what he said about children from the get go. Raising a child is a mutual decision. All the more reason why I don't get into relationships. Selfish you say? I don't fucking care. I believe it's called being responsible, actually.

Yeah stupid bitch, how fucking selfish of that cunt to let a guy pound out her pussy and spray all up in that shit. I don't fucking care either kill HER not the baby IT's not being selfish.

The guy is being TOTALLY selfless by fucking her and then saying no no no no no no no no I don't want baby (then crossing his arms with mad baby face). He probably sits and wonders why a woman can't kill her baby for the man that she loves. . . . then remembers oh yeah she is a selfish bitch who doesn't know the first thing about being mature. . . example:she won't kill the baby (who would have thought you could even have a baby from having sex. Like serious who knew? ? ? ?Dr. Drew should have a show about young people having kids because seriously WHO KNEW? ? ? ?)

any way enough pretending you and your friend are fucking retards... ...

I usually go with banana but in your case knife would work MUCH better.

good luck grown ups!
You realize you're talking about convincing a girl to abort her baby, right? If she doesn't want to do it, you have no shot. Your friend trying to use their relationship as leverage to coerce her into an abortion seems pretty skeezy, in my opinion. It's a fucked situation, and I won't get into the ethics of even having an abortion, but at this point trying to force your girlfriend against her wishes to terminate the pregnancy because it will fuck up your life(and it probly will) is just about the least honorable action I could imagine at this point.

Also, depending on what state he lives in, he could be doubly fucked. Child support, custody, etc... all tilted against men. The New Hampshire man who self-immolated on the steps of the courthouse did so because he was about to be jailed for child support payments.
you can't change her mind, I don't believe in abortion. I am a 20 year old guy from England living in Thailand with my 23 year old thai wife and we have a daughter together. You can't make her change her mind. your friend should of been making sure protection was being used.

P.S my daughter is the best thing to ever happen to me, thinking she could of been aborted or another baby is horrible.
you can't change her mind, I don't believe in abortion. I am a 20 year old guy from England living in Thailand with my 23 year old thai wife and we have a daughter together. You can't make her change her mind. your friend should of been making sure protection was being used.

P.S my daughter is the best thing to ever happen to me, thinking she could of been aborted or another baby is horrible.

OMG. You are being pussy whipped.