Pussy trap

It depends what colour your friend is. If he's white he should step up to the plate and be a good father. If he's black, then he should leave her and not pay child support.

If she goes clubbing, then maybe your friend can pay some guy to put liquid ecstasy in her drink ( without the rape afterwards). She most likely knows, that taking drugs during pregnancy fucks up your baby and will change her mind.

If not, he's stuck with a retarded kid.
I am an expert in Coitus Interruptus.
Works every time. No Pills, No condoms, Just spray it on the stomach...
Never failed me... Not sure how I have such good timing... But I have never failed.. SO Far..
So, my best friend just found out his girlfriend told him friday night that she is pregnant. Since 24 months ago when they started dating, he had always told her kids were out of the question for basically the decade ( he's 24, she's 22 ). Nonetheless, she takes a preg-test on Friday night and says she wants to keep it despite his decision otherwise. This guy is a union electrician, she...works part time at a pizza shop, lives at home, has a $10k car loan debt, and mentioned applying for WYC, if anything. Her whole family supports her decision, and it sounds to me, like they're encouraging her decision even if he leaves. He told her if she wants to go against his decision, he's leaving her. My friend is a solid guy in every way possible, and had this been 5-10 years down the line, he'd be totally supportive. He's stressing out hard, and I need to do something..

What would you do to convince the bitch otherwise? Why do girls do this?? Stories welcome...


Send your friend this, pic, it should make him feel better:

This is why I keep telling my buddies... you should always have a guy on speed dial who can take care of issues like these.

I feel your (I mean his) pain on this. Women do that shit all the time. The only reason the pill is 99% effective is because 1% of the time they stop taking it so they can get pregnant against your will. Most guys realize this as teenagers, if "your friend" is 24 and still didn't realize bitches do shit like that then it's his own fault. She obviously sees it as a financial decision since the pizza job doesn't pay as much as child support will.

However, "your friend" still needs to be a father to his child (after a DNA test confirms it of course), but he can turn the table on her. He has a good job, she doesn't. Tell him to bite the bullet for a couple of years, and then file for custody of the kid and get her dumb ass to start paying child support to him. He'll have pussy knocking his door down to help him raise a kid because chicks dig single dads like you wouldn't believe.

This happened someone I know. She kept "forgetting the pill" and he now has 5 kids and is stuck doing a job he hates to support them.

Much as I love my kid, I think if I ended up with 5 + hated job, I'd just pack up and head for the middle of the Amazon Rainforest one day if that happened to me.
I am an expert in Coitus Interruptus.
Works every time. No Pills, No condoms, Just spray it on the stomach...
Never failed me... Not sure how I have such good timing... But I have never failed.. SO Far..

one of my friends has a kid (with a chick he despises lol) and he used to swear by this
If she's worth it, he'll stay. If he's a great guy, he'll be a great dad. If he's a great dad, he'll have super kids.

Many people do this, I'm confident he has what it takes. Parenthood matures a guy and helps him develop in many ways.

Not everyone has what it takes, it's a major responsibility, so he may run like a chicken. She may not be worth it, perhaps he was just using her all this time.
yo my friends stressed about having a child, he told her to kill it or hes gone. why are girls like this?
This happened someone I know. She kept "forgetting the pill" and he now has 5 kids and is stuck doing a job he hates to support them.

I know someone in this same position. His lady "forgot" to take the pill twice. Now, he has three kids (2nd time resulted in twins). Oddly, his lady has a Type A personality, is a micro-manager, and doesn't forget things.

Aren't electricians supposed to have kids anyway? I mean, it's not like he's a struggling writer or something like that. An electrician is totally a dad job. Might as well be a dad. Or move to Europe...but their power outlets are all weird and shit.
Seriously, I've never understood why you would ask these types of questions on a message board for internet marketers. I mean, surely you'd be able to get better qualified help for this sort of situation elsewhere, right?

I take that back. This is excellent help, lol:
It depends what colour your friend is. If he's white he should step up to the plate and be a good father. If he's black, then he should leave her and not pay child support.
Adoption is an option. If she doesn't want to go the adoption route, then I'd tell him to man up and give it a go. They've been dating for 24 months, sounds like they have a decent relationship to at least try to give it a shot and raise the kid right.