Pussy trap

cougarclaws wins thread

So, my best friend just found out his girlfriend told him friday night that she is pregnant. Since 24 months ago when they started dating, he had always told her kids were out of the question for basically the decade ( he's 24, she's 22 ). Nonetheless, she takes a preg-test on Friday night and says she wants to keep it despite his decision otherwise.

It's not really his decision; the fact that this has to be said out loud says your friend is a fucking idiot. If he's all that worked up about being stuck being a dad, he just needs to leave. As a father of three children, I can assure you that the financial aspect of the process is trivial relative to the time invested, personal sacrifices made, and thousands -- I mean it, fucking thousands -- of tiny little events that will make you want to punch yourself in the dick for having ever done this to yourself. And ... it is absolutely, 101% worth it.

Some other good advice you'll ignore: No one is ever ready for kids. 9/10 people, guys in particular, think "Oh, well, we can't have kids right now. I'm trying to put together this deal with the Rice-A-Roni people and I'm planning on climbing the Matterhorn in '14 and blah blah fucking blah." You will never reach that point that you are "ready for kids." No matter how much money you have, it won't feel like enough; no where you are in your relationship, you'll almost kill each other over the kids at some point. It's just the way it is. "Not ready" is just the pussy way of saying "fuck living for someone else; I still want to act like I'm fifteen."

Some more: The relationship between your friend and his kid will never truly sever. One day, when the kid is a teenager or young adult, he or she will seek out your friend. What does he say then, when he's married and has a kid or two with some other woman? "Sorry dude; I just wasn't quite ready. But hey, you got the check every month right? What's the problem?"

LMAO@ any and all guys who think that the real hassle of fatherhood is the check. Fucking simpletons.

He told her if she wants to go against his decision, he's leaving her. My friend is a solid guy in every way possible, and had this been 5-10 years down the line, he'd be totally supportive. He's stressing out hard, and I need to do something..

No, he's not a solid guy in every way possible; see also this thread for supporting evidence. But as far as I can tell, there's nothing he really needs to do. If he doesn't want the kid, he should pack his shit and go, and be ready to pay child support and to mind his own business in -any- issue related to the kid's raising.

What would you do to convince the bitch otherwise? Why do girls do this??

Leave her alone. I mean, the best case scenario is that he's going to abandon her and probably try to duck out on financial responsibilities; surely he could at least have/feign the decency to let her make her own choices and live with the consequences, instead of trying to get her to have an abortion. Don't forget, the relationship tether will never truly be broken -- does your friend really want to face his kid some day, with the kid knowing that he tried to force the mother to get an abortion/give up the child?

Also "the bitch" and "why do girls always" suggest to me that maybe your friend really isn't ready for parenthood. Goodness knows he isn't ready for a daughter.

Stories welcome...

Once upon a time, there was some jackoff who got a girl pregnant, and posted on a forum known for it's bromantic solidarity in hopes he could high-five himself back to a state of calm. It didn't work. And he lived garnished ever after. The End.

the dude is 24 years old.. its understandable that he may still want to put off children for a few more years.. but fuck hes a grown ass man and really needs to man up and take care of the kid..

im 22 and been with my girlfriend for over 5 years now and im no where near ready for kids.. if this shit happened to me, i would be pretty upset but in the end theres really only one clear option.
“Pro choice” only applies to women. For men it is “no choice.” If a woman poke holes in condoms or “forgets” to take the pill when she knows the guy doesn’t want a child, she has committed a type of paternity fraud (IMO). The problem is, it is near impossible to prove it wasn’t an accident.

The law and society at large sides with women in these circumstances by default, so what has she got to lose? If he leaves, the courts will have him paying child support for years to come (plus extra for momma). If he stays, she gets the wage slave she was hoping for.
This thread:
cougarclaws wins thread

It's not really his decision; the fact that this has to be said out loud says your friend is a fucking idiot. If he's all that worked up about being stuck being a dad, he just needs to leave. As a father of three children, I can assure you that the financial aspect of the process is trivial relative to the time invested, personal sacrifices made, and thousands -- I mean it, fucking thousands -- of tiny little events that will make you want to punch yourself in the dick for having ever done this to yourself. And ... it is absolutely, 101% worth it.

Some other good advice you'll ignore: No one is ever ready for kids. 9/10 people, guys in particular, think "Oh, well, we can't have kids right now. I'm trying to put together this deal with the Rice-A-Roni people and I'm planning on climbing the Matterhorn in '14 and blah blah fucking blah." You will never reach that point that you are "ready for kids." No matter how much money you have, it won't feel like enough; no where you are in your relationship, you'll almost kill each other over the kids at some point. It's just the way it is. "Not ready" is just the pussy way of saying "fuck living for someone else; I still want to act like I'm fifteen."

Some more: The relationship between your friend and his kid will never truly sever. One day, when the kid is a teenager or young adult, he or she will seek out your friend. What does he say then, when he's married and has a kid or two with some other woman? "Sorry dude; I just wasn't quite ready. But hey, you got the check every month right? What's the problem?"

LMAO@ any and all guys who think that the real hassle of fatherhood is the check. Fucking simpletons.

No, he's not a solid guy in every way possible; see also this thread for supporting evidence. But as far as I can tell, there's nothing he really needs to do. If he doesn't want the kid, he should pack his shit and go, and be ready to pay child support and to mind his own business in -any- issue related to the kid's raising.

Leave her alone. I mean, the best case scenario is that he's going to abandon her and probably try to duck out on financial responsibilities; surely he could at least have/feign the decency to let her make her own choices and live with the consequences, instead of trying to get her to have an abortion. Don't forget, the relationship tether will never truly be broken -- does your friend really want to face his kid some day, with the kid knowing that he tried to force the mother to get an abortion/give up the child?

Also "the bitch" and "why do girls always" suggest to me that maybe your friend really isn't ready for parenthood. Goodness knows he isn't ready for a daughter.

Once upon a time, there was some jackoff who got a girl pregnant, and posted on a forum known for it's bromantic solidarity in hopes he could high-five himself back to a state of calm. It didn't work. And he lived garnished ever after. The End.

What he can do is lawyer up, take the kid and put it up for adoption.
"Take the kid"?? That's not quite how it goes down brah.

You have PROVE the mom to be a severely fucked up, drugged out, whore of a mom for her to lose her kids.

Frank drops fucking knowledge:
cougarclaws wins thread

It's not really his decision; the fact that this has to be said out loud says your friend is a fucking idiot. If he's all that worked up about being stuck being a dad, he just needs to leave. As a father of three children, I can assure you that the financial aspect of the process is trivial relative to the time invested, personal sacrifices made, and thousands -- I mean it, fucking thousands -- of tiny little events that will make you want to punch yourself in the dick for having ever done this to yourself. And ... it is absolutely, 101% worth it.

Some other good advice you'll ignore: No one is ever ready for kids. 9/10 people, guys in particular, think "Oh, well, we can't have kids right now. I'm trying to put together this deal with the Rice-A-Roni people and I'm planning on climbing the Matterhorn in '14 and blah blah fucking blah." You will never reach that point that you are "ready for kids." No matter how much money you have, it won't feel like enough; no where you are in your relationship, you'll almost kill each other over the kids at some point. It's just the way it is. "Not ready" is just the pussy way of saying "fuck living for someone else; I still want to act like I'm fifteen."

Some more: The relationship between your friend and his kid will never truly sever. One day, when the kid is a teenager or young adult, he or she will seek out your friend. What does he say then, when he's married and has a kid or two with some other woman? "Sorry dude; I just wasn't quite ready. But hey, you got the check every month right? What's the problem?"

LMAO@ any and all guys who think that the real hassle of fatherhood is the check. Fucking simpletons.

No, he's not a solid guy in every way possible; see also this thread for supporting evidence. But as far as I can tell, there's nothing he really needs to do. If he doesn't want the kid, he should pack his shit and go, and be ready to pay child support and to mind his own business in -any- issue related to the kid's raising.

Leave her alone. I mean, the best case scenario is that he's going to abandon her and probably try to duck out on financial responsibilities; surely he could at least have/feign the decency to let her make her own choices and live with the consequences, instead of trying to get her to have an abortion. Don't forget, the relationship tether will never truly be broken -- does your friend really want to face his kid some day, with the kid knowing that he tried to force the mother to get an abortion/give up the child?

Also "the bitch" and "why do girls always" suggest to me that maybe your friend really isn't ready for parenthood. Goodness knows he isn't ready for a daughter.

Once upon a time, there was some jackoff who got a girl pregnant, and posted on a forum known for it's bromantic solidarity in hopes he could high-five himself back to a state of calm. It didn't work. And he lived garnished ever after. The End.
What he can do is lawyer up, take the kid and put it up for adoption.

What planet are you on? Unless I missed something about the mother being psychotic, a convicted felon, child molester, junkie or something else of that magnitude, there is zero chance that this plan is workable. Adoption laws are extremely strict, and just having nominal legal custody over the kid does not mean that the kid's biological mother would not have a say in putting it up for adoption.

Why can't he just take the easy way out and leave, and let the woman have the kid she may or may not even want, but at least is willing to try?

one of my friends has a kid (with a chick he despises lol) and he used to swear by this

Bitch Must have used her fingers to smear some of the cum into her pussy. You gotta to be careful with them bitches

Same, for almost 20 years. Even used to use the rhythm method of the time of the month until one time I miss heard her, went inside and got her pregnant.

Luckily we were young and she opted to get rid of it.

Self Control my friend..
Also I count the days of bitches I go out with.. and I know her safe days.. I have a hay day on those days..
Laughing at the me too and knee jerk "man up" replies. Sorry but a man that does not want a child would ultimately resent the biological prison he is trapped in.

You really think that the life with the mother and ultimately the child would somehow benefit from this forced relationship?

You or "your friend" don't know anything in your twenties and to make such a huge decision with life long repercussions because you should "man up" is just ridiculous.
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While I don't agree with having a child unless you want one, leave the bitch and man up and take care of your child. I never had my father around as a kid and had a single mom that had to hustle to survive. It wasn't fun, and I don't agree with abortion so personally I would take care of my obligation as a human being and be a dad.
"Take the kid"?? That's not quite how it goes down brah.

You have PROVE the mom to be a severely fucked up, drugged out, whore of a mom for her to lose her kids.

Frank drops fucking knowledge:

That's not very difficult if you know how to handle things.

For the record, I'm in no way suggesting that a guy manipulate the situation so that his child's mother looks like a psychopath, take the kid and put him or her up for adoption. That would be disgusting.

But in my opinion it's no more reprehensible than knowingly tricking a man into getting her pregnant, taking his money and leaving the child to live without a father.

As for the logistics, it won't be too hard to make her look bad. He can already show her to be financially irresponsible.
Laughing at the me too and knee jerk "man up" replies. Sorry but a man that does not want a child would ultimately resent the biological prison he is trapped in.

You really think that the life with the mother and ultimately the child would somehow benefit from this forced relationship?

You or "your friend" don't know anything in your twenties and to make such a huge decision with life long repercussions because you should "man up" is just ridiculous.

No quite the contrary actually, i believe that his life is gonna blow fuckin dick for the next 18 years or so but thats kind of the point behind the term 'man up'.. if it were gonna be all cupcakes and lollypops no one would say 'man up', they would say pussy out and take care of the kid. see where im goin with this eh?

the point is, this isnt some dumb bitches fault. either the dude fucked up and slept with some bitch he didnt want to have children with without proper protection. (carelessness) or hes a complete moron that doesnt know how human reproduction works. (highly unlikely)

so the bottom line is, a real man with a solid set of ca-hones stands up to his mistakes and takes responsibility for his actions.
protip: stop having sex with women you wouldn't want to have your children

You would get so little sex that way. And you will only get it from one Woman..
And, it is not easy to find a women you would want to have children with. Specially when there are so many hot pants around, specially in college, or when you start earning a bit...
You would get so little sex that way. And you will only get it from one Woman..
And, it is not easy to find a women you would want to have children with. Specially when there are so many hot pants around, specially in college, or when you start earning a bit...

What I mean is, don't sport fuck fatties. And don't add concubines/have relationships with women who are sub-par.

You are exactly one pregnancy scare away from knowing what the "sub-par" line is.

Unfortunately for many such as OP's friend, if that scare turns out to be reality, its out of your control at that point.
What I mean is, don't sport fuck fatties. And don't add concubines/have relationships with women who are sub-par.

You are exactly one pregnancy scare away from knowing what the "sub-par" line is.

Unfortunately for many such as OP's friend, if that scare turns out to be reality, its out of your control at that point.

On that note, I would like to add that there are plenty of bombshell chicks that every one in the bar/work place/subway wants to nail that would be equally (or potentially more) terrible to be caught up with in this sort of scenario.
"Why are women like this"

as in, why women don't like killing babies? Lol

Did she have sex by herself? she didn't right?

she had it with your "solid" fucking friend.

he's not that solid after all.

take care of the baby. man fucking up.