PPC Coach Worth It?

Is PPC Coach Worth It?

  • Yes. I learned a lot from it

    Votes: 131 35.2%
  • No. You can learn the same stuff from WF

    Votes: 241 64.8%

  • Total voters
I just banned the PPC Coach guy. Been meaning to do that for a while now. He's a douche thats been spamming people via PM here hocking his stupid product, not to mention he reported a moderator's post because he disagreed with him. Fuck off!

I just banned the PPC Coach guy. Been meaning to do that for a while now. He's a douche thats been spamming people via PM here hocking his stupid product, not to mention he reported a moderator's post because he disagreed with him. Fuck off!

LOL!! Owned! Gee, you think that'll hurt his business more than someone "posting his secrets"? :evil_laughter: What a tool. I'm actually amazed that people even bother with PPCcoach, it's some pretty basic shit, and at $50 a month!?! Wut? :eek7:
not to mention he reported a moderator's post because he disagreed with him. Fuck off!

That's hilarious that he reported my post. Just to share with everyone this is his reasoning:

Reason: He is posting material the he agreed not to share with the general public upon signing up for my site. Please remove this post.

I completely made the shit up in my post as an example. That's hilarious that he thinks as much of his site as I made up.
I quit PPC Coach.

As others have pointed out, the later months are really lacking. There isn't even much activity in the later months, which either means a lot of people quit before then or everybody is making a killing from the methods in the earlier months. Also, as someone mentioned, things change fast in this industry, and I don't think PPC Coach is moving fast enough. I get a lot more current information from WF.

On the upside, the community is great and supportive (some of the most useful threads I've ever read on any forum came from regular members) and the first few months have a fuckton of detailed information. And truth be told, my first "big" PPC earnings came from what I learned in Month 1, which is why I'm letting PPC Coach down easy.

Honestly, it's not a bad site, but $49.99 a month would be better spent on testing. That's 1666 three cent clicks on the content network! :1bluewinky:
...I'm gonna stay on for another month or two, and if shit doesn't turn around, I'm probably gonna kick - that's $50 a month I could be putting into testing...

I agree with pretty much everything you said.

I'm on there too and frankly, even though I've learned a lot, I don't think it's quite worth $50. Maybe it was in 2007-2008 when Coach was answering posts himself and actually had time to 'coach' people and troubleshoot people's problems.

His tracking software is pretty good, but like I said, there is no one to answer questions about it when things go wrong and the mod in the forum is totally fucking useless. So without anyone to help, his software goes unused for most people who then turn to 202. You'd think that with all the money he makes on subscriptions, he could afford to hire a guy to answer software questions which would probably cut down on on people unsubscribing due to frustration.

The info in the forums is scattered everywhere and could be better organized. There are some helpful people on there, and really, for newbies they are your only salvation as it's a steep learning curve with the bare minimum of info to get you started.

I was hoping there would be more of a step-by-step for AM newbies like myself but that's not the way it is over there. I think that's the big misconception about the place.
I joined. Day one I looked around and it didn't thrill me. Totally forgot about it until I saw this thread. It def isn't worth it if you don't use it but from what I saw it was really basic info with some tools that could probe useful.
I was hoping there would be more of a step-by-step for AM newbies like myself but that's not the way it is over there. I think that's the big misconception about the place.

I saw a few ppl asking for step-by-step . and ppc coach mod will jump out tell you to do you own research, everything already there. nobody will spoonfeeding you. man, u paid htem to do your own research.
You can try to read every thread, get confused, get depressed at the mountain of information you just tried to swallow then quit.


You can launch some campaigns and get started with manufacturing yourself some "luck". The harder you work the luckier you get.

So why the fuck do we need PPC coach again?
Not sure how it looks today but I was a member of almost every PPC coaching/training you can sign up :/ I was a member of PPCClassroom 1/2, The Black Ink Project and PPC Coach. All I can say is if you're new into PPC then The Black Ink Project II (affiliate link) is the way to go.
I was amazed about the structured way that Jeremy has put all this together. This is in no relation to Coach's forums and outdated vids and buggy tools. You'll find a friendly community though with a lot of helpful members but its not really worth the monthly fee. Pay once the $77 bucks TBIP costs and get started right away. Building your first campaign contains keyword research, adwords editor, excel sheets for managing your campaign, selecting your product offer, creating a converting landingpage etc. etc. Its meant to be for the guys who think in a longterm mindset...
I was a memeber of PPC coach for 2 months... learned a lot and then realized I was learning more by DOING and reading here than I was there. I canceled my subscription a few days ago (since I hadn't even logged in in over a week).

That being said, I recently moved away from PPC as a pub, and started work for my company on the advertiser side, and PPC Coach 2.0 has been INCREDIBLY helpful in pointing me in the right direction and anwsering my noob questions.
That being said, I recently moved away from PPC as a pub, and started work for my company on the advertiser side, and PPC Coach 2.0 has been INCREDIBLY helpful in pointing me in the right direction and anwsering my noob questions.

What exactly do you mean, are you advertising through their Wotogepa network?
Soooo, is there or is there not a way to get the program for around $20 as mentioned in a previous post? I only have a few hundred bucks to get started and after reading posts from people with like $10K and $20K to start, I'm terrified. (and discouraged since now I feel like I need to have thousands of dollars lying around or AM and PPC will not ever pay off for me)
Soooo, is there or is there not a way to get the program for around $20 as mentioned in a previous post? I only have a few hundred bucks to get started and after reading posts from people with like $10K and $20K to start, I'm terrified. (and discouraged since now I feel like I need to have thousands of dollars lying around or AM and PPC will not ever pay off for me)

There is no 'program' to get for $20. There are no ebooks, no guides, no 'ppc for dummies' guide at PPC Coach. Its the fucking deep end and people either sink or swim.

Its a community with content and method. Symbiotically speaking. There is no shortcut, although there are many paths. If you're scared now save your monies, because at one point or another you'll part with it. And when you have you'll either have the knowledge how to get it back or not.

Titties and beer are making me all Zen and shit, but seriously, you better have more than $20 to invest just about now and an attitude a few notches above terrified to pull through.
if you have the time ppc-coach is a pretty good deal. it definitely will save you some of the "tuition" costs of failing. I'm an affiliate of them because I believe in the product. (if you sign up to be an affiliate through Copeac it only costs like $20 anyway) check yourself before ya wreck yaself.
The above was what I was referring to. I didn't ask for a cheat sheet, I asked if there was a way to join PPC Coach for less than the advertised price. I also didn't say I only had $20 to invest, I said I had a few hundred bucks. (I know, not much, but alot more than freakin' $20) What is so wrong with my not wanting to waste money?