New WP/Twitter Plugin Gets *GUARANTEED* Traffic To Any Blog [FREE Reviews]

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Have to put in my review on this. I've only been running it about 2 days now. It has been working incredibly well and I highly recommend this. It does exactly what it has been described to do. My traffic has spiked greatly and SpamHat's support has been great and he is certainly listening to all feature ideas and requests.

Definitely recommend this. It's CHEAP for what it does. Will be upgrading to the pro version very shortly.

Will update this again soon after running this for longer and will post some stats.

Have to put in my review on this. I've only been running it about 2 days now. It has been working incredibly well and I highly recommend this. It does exactly what it has been described to do. My traffic has spiked greatly and SpamHat's support has been great and he is certainly listening to all feature ideas and requests.

Definitely recommend this. It's CHEAP for what it does. Will be upgrading to the pro version very shortly.

Will update this again soon after running this for longer and will post some stats.

Thanks for the kind words, Taylor :D

Much appreciated.
hey thanks for the reply..

anyway one more question to ask before i buy..

what is the diffrent between this and WProbot, interm of traffic and monitization.

and one more suggestion, you should find a way to avoid this script easily null. I fed up to see thsi kind of good script easily distributed for free.

and can we set multiple keyword for one blog?

the youtube post, can it automatically added in the post?

sorry for lot of this question.

what is the diffrent between this and WProbot, interm of traffic and monitization.

That's an excellent question.
I'll do some research and maybe add some info to the site, but here are some bullets to show the features that WpTweetBomb has, that WP Robot doesn't...

  • WTB doesn't limit the number of keywords you can use
  • WTB mass tweets in an organic, traffic getting way
  • More content formatting options with WTB
  • WTB automatically gets your non-indexed posts, indexed :)
  • There's an instant-links button that gets you 200 links.
  • With WTB it's not more money for extra modules - you get everything.
  • Built in keyword finder & rss feed finder.
  • Proxy support is included with WTB

That's from a quick look over the WProbot site. If you want more info on any particular point just let me know, but to focus on the 2 areas you mentioned:

WTB is a traffic getting plugin; it scoops up clicks from Twitter. This is the one main reason why WTB kicks WP Robot's butt for traffic-getting.

This of course depends a lot on your marketing & conversion skills, but from a feature comparison point of view WP Robot has more affiliate link options than WpTweetBomb... at the moment. I've almost finished coding a full monetization area for WTB with templating and contextual ads that will put WTB ahead here as well.

Plus there's some more KILLER features coming for WTB. In my opinion WTB is way more powerful but I'm biased of course ;)

If anyone that's used Wp Robot could point out how it's better than WTB please do so I can update WTB :D

and one more suggestion, you should find a way to avoid this script easily null. I fed up to see thsi kind of good script easily distributed for free.

I'm currently working on ways to secure WTB even more :)

and can we set multiple keyword for one blog?

Yep, as many as you like. There's even a built in keyword research tool.

the youtube post, can it automatically added in the post?

Yes. It's one checkbox in the admin area then YT vids will be added to each post (if WTB can find one for your keyword).

sorry for lot of this question.

It's no problem - I'm making notes of them all ready for a wiki, knowledge base or something similar. Each time you ask a question you help me :)
I have purchsed the plugin and all seems to be working. I have a question about the twitter accounts. If I have 100 twitter accounts and I set the tweet frequency to 3 how many posts a day should I be doing? Also, Can I use the 100 accounts on several blogs or will the content be too similar? Sorry I guess I'm a bit dense. The plugin is really awesome and has almost every "set and forget" feature you can think of. I am really, really impressed!!
I have purchsed the plugin and all seems to be working. I have a question about the twitter accounts. If I have 100 twitter accounts and I set the tweet frequency to 3 how many posts a day should I be doing? Also, Can I use the 100 accounts on several blogs or will the content be too similar? Sorry I guess I'm a bit dense. The plugin is really awesome and has almost every "set and forget" feature you can think of. I am really, really impressed!!

All the post:tweet ratio's I give you are give my opinion based on my experience - there are no set-in-stone rules, but...

To stay under the radar you don't want to be following a load of people from each Twitter account each day, so the follow frequency is the main thing to keep low if possible.

As a rule of thumb I add one Twitter account to WTB per post I want to make per day. So if want to make, say, 100 daily posts then I would make sure to add 100 Twitter account to WTB. With 100 accounts and 100 daily posts it would be safe to put the tweet frequency and follow frequency up to 10.

If you set the tweet frequency to 3 like you said (and assuming the follow frequency is also 3 or lower) and you have 100 accounts then you could use that same batch of 100 accounts on a total of 3 blogs and still be fine. Or you could split the accounts up and have 33 per blog.

You can just use 10 accounts and have a high number of daily posts and high tweet frequency and you'll just end up with more active Twitter account - but just make sure not to put the follow frequency too high as Twitter can get bitchy and suspend accounts if you're blasting out too many "add friend" actions.

As the tweets made by WTB easily pass human inspection and are top quality you can theoretically blast out as many as you like per twitter account and not have any problems. In some other testing I'm doing I've been making about 1k tweets per day, per twitter account for months and have had no problems.

So the ratio I use is 100 accounts allows for 100 posts and all settings at full. Adjust as necessary :)

I will probably add a quick JavaScript calculator to the admin panel so this can be worked out quickly.

The plugin is really awesome and has almost every "set and forget" feature you can think of. I am really, really impressed!!

Just had to make that sentence stand out a bit - I'm glad you like it, sparro :D
just notice about the main idea of this script. you mentioned about using hot trends, tweet this trend and u will got traffic both twitter and google. The test you organize was about this rite.

How about you pick your chosen keyword. Maybe the scenario will be varied. You should put this on test. we would like to see it.

Anyway i like the script much. i like what it can do. ill buy it asap and will give some review later. thanks
just notice about the main idea of this script. you mentioned about using hot trends, tweet this trend and u will got traffic both twitter and google. The test you organize was about this rite.

Yep, TweetGazette is using Twitter + Google keywords.

How about you pick your chosen keyword. Maybe the scenario will be varied. You should put this on test. we would like to see it.

That wouldn't prove much as everyone's keywords will be different. "Casino" will get more traffic than "buy second hand lizard skins".

Also if you use the auto-follow feature to build friends on your Twitter account then you will get a bunch of traffic whatever keywords you're using as your Twitter followers will click your Tweets. Plus you get traffic from Google as well.

Another factor that affects traffic is the number of times you post, and the number of tweets per post and all the other settings you choose.

Grab a copy and try out your keywords - you'll see it works :)

Anyway i like the script much. i like what it can do. ill buy it asap and will give some review later. thanks

Sounds good - let me know if you've got any more questions.
Is it possible to create a couple of wp categories and assign traffic sources and keywords to different categories? That'd be cool, because having thousands of categories looks to spammy for me.

Additionally an auto-unfollow feature would be cool. E.g. if somebody hasn't followed you back after 1 week, unfollow them. This keeps the following/followers ratio healthy ;)
Is it possible to create a couple of wp categories and assign traffic sources and keywords to different categories? That'd be cool, because having thousands of categories looks to spammy for me.

Not sure exactly what you mean here... "assign traffic sources and keywords to different categories"???

How would you "assign a traffic source", exactly?

Check out the screenshot above and you can see all the category options ;) You don't have to create tons of categories.

Additionally an auto-unfollow feature would be cool. E.g. if somebody hasn't followed you back after 1 week, unfollow them. This keeps the following/followers ratio healthy ;)

I'll add it to the list :)

It's at least a few versions away though as I'm working on some other cool features right now and the list of new features is a month's work :)
Not sure exactly what you mean here... "assign traffic sources and keywords to different categories"???

How would you "assign a traffic source", exactly?
keywords "blue widget", "red widget" and feed --> category "widgets"
keyword "hypno cake", feed --> category "cakes"
Check out the screenshot above and you can see all the category options ;) You don't have to create tons of categories.
Got you, I didn't see the link to the screenshot before.
He's saying you need to be able to assign specific keyword based content to a particular category. This is what kept me from purchasing yesterday...

If you don't have this, it makes it extremely difficult to organize content for users, as you'd want "poker bluff techniques" in a different category than "card counting" on a niche poker blog.
He's saying you need to be able to assign specific keyword based content to a particular category. This is what kept me from purchasing yesterday...

If you don't have this, it makes it extremely difficult to organize content for users, as you'd want "poker bluff techniques" in a different category than "card counting" on a niche poker blog.

Exactly. English isn't that easy ;)

Btw, not only keyword based content but also specific feeds. That'd be great.

Ok, gotcha.

That's a good idea and something that needs to be implemented - I'll get it into the next release.

Would this approach work for you:

Currently you supply a list of keywords for the whole blog, choose some content sources and stuff is posted...

  • All in one category
  • Each post in a random category
  • Each post in a new category created for that keyword

If I added a category option that match's the specific keyword to one of the blog's current categories, would that work for you?

So if you had a category called "poker tips" all content found through the following keywords would be put in the "poker tips" category...

hot poker tips
poker bluff tips
poker tips today
best tips about poker

It would ensure that content gets posted in a relevant category without having to setup a bunch of stuff on a per-category basis (which could take ages if there's 30 categories on 100 blogs).

Any good?
Yep, I'm sold with those options!

Just to reinforce the clarity of your example:

"poker, poker sets, poker accessories, poker books" keywords from all sources to drop into Poker Products category.

"big blinds, small blind, bluffs, sunglasses and sweaters" to post to Poker Techniques category.

And so on.... :)

I run WProbot, so I typically do dedicated sections for Q&A, and without proper structure, it could seriously make things a cluster fuck in a hurry combining these two. But I think since you added the functionality to assist content not posted by WTB, this is a WIN!
"big blinds, small blind, bluffs, sunglasses and sweaters" to post to Poker Techniques category.

And so on.... :)

No, that's no what I meant, but having thought about it for the last 10 minutes and making a few notes I'm going to do it a different anyway...

I run WProbot, so I typically do dedicated sections for Q&A, and without proper structure, it could seriously make things a cluster fuck in a hurry combining these two. But I think since you added the functionality to assist content not posted by WTB, this is a WIN!

Yeah - there are a few situations where a cluster fuck can be a good thing, but autoblogging is defiantly not one of them ;)

The way I'm going to structure it is by letting you add a series of "content pods" (or some similar name) where you choose the post frequency, keywords, category options, content sources, formatting, tweeting options etc.

You can add as many of these "pods" of you like - and each posts to it's specified frequency with it's own keywords.

That should make it cleaner and easier :)

Also - whoever sent me a message about your Twitter accounts for the domain ending with "" please let me know your valid email address as my reply keep's bouncing :)
The way I'm going to structure it is by letting you add a series of "content pods" (or some similar name) where you choose the post frequency, keywords, category options, content sources, formatting, tweeting options etc.

You can add as many of these "pods" of you like - and each posts to it's specified frequency with it's own keywords.
Is it already christmas or what? :xmas-smiley-016:
Sounds great!
when will the new version be released. The version with all the monetization option and the content pots.
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