New WP/Twitter Plugin Gets *GUARANTEED* Traffic To Any Blog [FREE Reviews]

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How about a Twitter account creator? :)
<shameless plug> Mix and Merge the respective strengths of WPTwitterBomb with UBot Studio and you have everything you can dream of. :D </shamless plug>

I will post a review as soon as I get a chance to try this plugin out -- sounds pretty yummy.
The latest results:

Remember that we can all go ooooooooooo al the big number above but's click tracking is know to be overinflated as it has trouble differentiating humans from bots. Just to be perfectly clear - the figure above is not traffic to my site - it's clicks registered by Some of the beta testers are saying their stats tie in with actual visitors, other are saying's figures are higher.

Obviously you are going to get more traffic from people who are following your account rather than just from the public timeline because your tweets are rammed down peoples necks thanks to Twitter. With that in mind I added a new feature :)

V1.1 Released

  • The de duping feature is done now so if you want - the posts can be more unique for Google and friends.
  • WTB will now auto follow other Twitter accounts to get the most from your tweeting. How it works will be obvious when you look at the admin area.
  • Handful of bugfixes and some code cleanup have been done.

Anyone currently testing the plugin wants the latest version shoot me a PM and I'll send it.

Any review copies left? (note post count and itrader)

PM Sent.

How about a Twitter account creator? :)

<shameless plug> Mix and Merge the respective strengths of WPTwitterBomb with UBot Studio and you have everything you can dream of. :D </shamless plug>

To add automatic account creation would require integration with decaptcha or something similar which would be an extra cost and more importantly: If you're registering lots of accounts from your server's one IP address it will stuff things up for you.

Quick question for everyone: If you're on a dedicated server and have a bunch of IP addresses I can add a feature to automatically pick a random IP address from your server for each post. If enough people could use this I'll add it.

Cheers :D
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Hey SpamHat, this looks really cool. Did you mention the feature for the unique postings coming in the future?

Also if I buy now do I get updates as they become available?
This looks very interesting. I'm looking forward to reading some of those reviews.

So am I :D

I am interested in a review if any left. Thanks

All review copies are out with people now - waiting for them to post when they've got a sec.

Hey SpamHat, this looks really cool. Did you mention the feature for the unique postings coming in the future?

Also if I buy now do I get updates as they become available?

Update: I went ahead and purchased anyways. If you subscribe to the NL I am told you get lifetime free updates :)

Thanks for the purchase, Eric ;)
If you need anything just shoot me an email.

You obviously already know now, but for anyone else:

  1. Yes, you get lifetime updates on all versions of WTB for free
  2. The unique post feature is included along with the auto follow feature :)

You of course get support whenever you need it and there's an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee as well.

So if I understand right, I need some twitter acconts and some followers? The more you have the more traffic you'll get?

When people visit my site through this process, what pages of my site do they land on? the individual stories?

Looks intersting for sure.
So if I understand right, I need some twitter acconts and some followers? The more you have the more traffic you'll get?

When people visit my site through this process, what pages of my site do they land on? the individual stories?

Looks intersting for sure.

You can run it without Twitter accounts and just make use of the autoblogging feature, but to get the full benefits you need to enter some Twitter accounts, yes.

I recommend just buying or making a bunch and uploading them in the admin area - you can use as many as you want. I just bought 100 for $19 here at WickedFire to use, or there is other software you can get to make them for you.

The more you use the more spread out your Twitter footprint will be, so if you've got 10k account you might as well upload them, but I'm running blogs with just 5 accounts and it works well - it just means that those 5 will be more active accounts.

The latest feature that has been added is auto follow for your Twitter account - so it's fine to use brand new Twitter accounts and let WTB build your accounts for you. Or you can use accounts already with followers - it's up to you.

Yes - the more followers your accounts have, the more traffic you'll get - but even with no followers you still get traffic form the public timeline and keyword searchs.

The way the plugin works is like this:

1. Find a piece of content on your keyword and post it to the blog according to your settings (with de-duping if required.)
2. Tweet about that specific blog post with a link in the tweet.
3. Add a bunch of friends to that Twitter account.

There's more than that, but that's the overview.

So each post you make is individually promoted on Twitter - meaning that you get traffic to each individual page of your blog.

I can explain more about any particular aspect of the plugin if you let me know the direction you thinking in :)


If anyone can think of any new features that would make this even better let me know. I'm doing another feature brainstorm :)
Was going to edit the message above but the time limit expired...

Also I'm thinking of adding the following new features:

  • Support for using multiple IPs on your server (if it has lots)
  • Better language management for content
  • Multiple content sources to choose from
  • Some other content filtering options
Should be good.

I'm out of the office for a couple of days and will be adding these new features when I get back. Still available if anyone's got questions though :)
Can I set up the layout of my blog anyway I want using this plugin? I.e themes, setting up a sticky post on the frontpage, banners, etc.
Can I set up the layout of my blog anyway I want using this plugin? I.e themes, setting up a sticky post on the frontpage, banners, etc.

The layout of your blog is all down to the theme you use.

WTB will post content to the blog and promote that content, but it can't change the design of your template.

There are plugins in the WP plugins directory that manage banners and stickies - check out the WP site to find them.
hmm new features:

Tie it in with Youtube API for video pulling as well;
Ebay API cos who knows :p
Possibly Yahoo answers as well....

Will come banging on your door in a bit with some questions...
This sounds cool, once the reviews actually come in I may give it a try.

I think I'm looking forward to the reviews more than anyone :D

Also on specific setups there's a bug that can cause some "headers already sent by blah blah" in php. I know what this is and have a hotfix for anyone that's seeing this - just PM me and I'll send it to you.

As soon as I get back in the office I'll repackage and send an update to everyone along with the features mentioned in my last post :)

hmm new features:

Tie it in with Youtube API for video pulling as well;
Ebay API cos who knows :p
Possibly Yahoo answers as well....

Will come banging on your door in a bit with some questions...

1. It's already able to use Youtube vids in the posts :)
2. Ebay API sounds interesting - I'll do some research on this as well as some other API data sources.
3. Same as above - will look into this - I have a few ideas on unique implementation I can look at...

Also You've just given me 2 AWESOME ideas for something that I'm not going to mention till I find out it's possible and will work. I'll keep you updated...
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