N00b's guide to surviving WickedFire

Hi, I'm Bob, AKA BOB "BIGTIME SEO" and I thought I'd introduce myself on these here Forums. I just wrote this handy dandy special $7 Dollar Ebook called "Get Google Cash".


Whew... what a hottie...Anyways I'm waiting to get accepted to one of those fancy CPA networks. Anyone know how long it takes these days...I didn't bother calling because it's the web after all. well shucks, I guess I'll just keep posting and trolling this here forum till magic checks fall from sky and I get my stimulus check. I reckon that will buy me at least 3 more Guru books.

Oh wait...That's WHAT NOT TO DO! What do you expect, it's the noob forum? Fuckers.

hahaha - am sure glad am not related to Green Hat

U fucking asshat! obviously u neglected 2 read the extensive postings on etiquette ( is that spelled right? fuck it I dont care... where the hell was I? ) for WF NOOBS! Ur worseless and have to start back at page 1 . Now I gotta go find me some boobies to post so I can gain some fucking respect here.

Hey fucktards! Welcome to hell! I'll be your tour guide, so keep your arms, legs, asses, heads and whatever else sticks out inside the car at all times. If you don't, it'll probably get cut the fuck off.

On a serious note...naw fuck it. This ain't the thread for serious.
Ok, thanks for the guide, you should write one on how to survive 2012 as well.
Thanks for this. I might have been offended otherwise... *cough*

Well, on the bright side it's nice to be on a forum where you don't get banned for saying damn.
This was a great way to be welcomed to this forum. I was laughing as I was trying read through all the rules.
Add this too

Using the words like "fuck", "tits", "MFB" at places where they are not needed does not make you uber cool and a member of WF. It just makes you look LAME :D

Nice to see like minded people around.