N00b's guide to surviving WickedFire

Already figured out this shit just by checking out the previous posts here. Will meet you fuckers in Affiliate Summit.
yeah, i've been fucked an i dun mind to get fucked, hard... do i swear enough with this forum's standard?
What a great welcome! I like this lax environment with business oriented mother fuckers. :cool:

If you are female and looking to look at cocks, don't waste your time here, there's just lots of boobs!

If you are female and looking for others like you, know most of the members w/female advatars are men, females are in the minority. There's probably enough gay men here you will feel at home anyways!

There are a few members here who are legally trained to help you with your meds when you are ready to go back on them, just ask! EDIT (I agree!)

For every member posting there are countless more members lurking, watching, reading, and of course....pointing and laughing.

You don't have to swear, but it helps to fit in. I don't really swear, but they let me stay anyways.

If you are in my age group (mid 40's), most of the members here are younger than those old jeans at the back of your closet you actually still believe you'll fit into someday!

Hi, I'm Bob, AKA BOB "BIGTIME SEO" and I thought I'd introduce myself on these here Forums. I just wrote this handy dandy special $7 Dollar Ebook called "Get Google Cash".

Anyone heard of this crazy thing called Adsense? How's that copy and paste thingabob work? Anyways, all this insavory language sure sounds funny to my superfine religious background. I heard some people even have to post pictures of scantily clad women just to fit in. Ok, here goes but this is little outta my character so you may have to cover your eyes...


Whew... what a hottie...Anyways I'm waiting to get accepted to one of those fancy CPA networks. Anyone know how long it takes these days...I didn't bother calling because it's the web after all. well shucks, I guess I'll just keep posting and trolling this here forum till magic checks fall from sky and I get my stimulus check. I reckon that will buy me at least 3 more Guru books.

Oh wait...That's WHAT NOT TO DO! What do you expect, it's the noob forum? Fuckers.
My first post and I fucking love this forum. DP members are pantzies and I can't stand those low balling bitches.