Put the fuckin' noob forum at the top of the forum list. I just posted a pissy comment about the response to a legit noob question before I found the newbie forum further down the list (yeah, I should have looked first but I came for answers not fucking forum etiquette training).
Since everyone here seems to get off on spewing their personal shit around....
Where the fuck do all of you get off slammin' noobs for their questions when most of you are selling the "IM Get Rich" products that cause them to ask questions? Oh, I forgot, that's what the paid access gets 'em, isn't it - answers to the questions the freebie teaser got you all wet over.
This whole fucking IM "industry" is full of people trying to out hustle the other guy ("no you can't see my site!") at the same time workin' the IM niche tellin' the noobs how much money you made without tellin' anyone where you made it.
Fuck all of you cocksuckers and your fuckin "holier than any noob" attitude. I'll just lurk sucking up what I can from your posts, this being the last post from me.
Flames welcome.....PEACE OUT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!