N00b Arbitrage Tutorial

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Another way to make your ads stand out is to make all of your text and internal links (links to other articles within your site) the same color, while using the bright blue default link color for your text ads. This keeps attention away from your other links and focuses it on your ads.

It ain't pretty but I think it boosts CTR.

Most arbitrage sites have very few if any links. This is how I do it, I make all of my content text black and then my adsense ads are the default blue, so that it jumps out at them and yells click here to leave this shit.

Ah! That's the one.

Anyway, I don't use standard deviation for arbitrage but have incorparated it into my niche choosing for some long term sites, I haven't tested any of the long term sites yet though.

I think it is a waste of time for arbitrage, but I plan on trying it out on my next longer term site.
From that other thread (thought it was worthwhile to post here):

From Jon:
You can make an unlimited amount using the same template, since with arbitrage, the goal is to make money from paid traffic and not free traffic, it doesn't matter what your site looks like, as long as you get those fuckers to click and make you money. It's by far one of the easiest concepts to make money around. Whether you use AdSense (beware of smartpricing) or YPN (beware of images without borders) it doesn't matter, because with both, you can make some really great money. The CTR is nuts too, 67% on lots of sites is the norm, with per click payouts going pretty damn high.

If you're really nervous about starting out, make one site for adsense and one site for YPN, on one very simple template, using the same niche, content, ad setup and traffic, and choose the one that does better for you. Or even better, keep them both, and continue on that road. Try and spend $50 per day, per site, and just keep monitoring. And by monitoring it I don't mean hitting refresh every 2 minutes, but just look at the campaign from the ppc end and from the revenue end and see what it does for 24 hours, or until your cash runs out from it.

And please don't use Adwords for traffic, because that would be a big mistake. Use 7search or Searchfeed and just "set it and forget it!".

So using AdWords and AdSense seems to be a big mistake on my part. I'll look into 7Search and Searchfeed and YPN and report back....
Well, you COULD do arbitrage using only adwords and adsense, but basically you would have to find low-priced relevant keywords in Google to link to your site trying to sell high-paying ads from Google.

It is possible, but your margin will be less than if you are using 2nd or 3rd tier engines to send traffic to your site. The prices on more relevant keywords are normally cheaper.

Blargh, I still wish I could get into YPN.

BNWFinance said:
So using AdWords and AdSense seems to be a big mistake on my part. I'll look into 7Search and Searchfeed and YPN and report back....
Well i was just about to post this, most people use 2nd tier PPC engines to drive traffic to arbi sites, as said by emp, you can still use Adwords for long tailed keywords that are not that popular, but your still looking at a high bid for click compared to 7search where you can bid on keywords starting at $0.01 and sometimes even cheaper.
I've started a campaign on 7Search and kept my AdSense on the site. I've already started logging some clicks, but I'm not sure how to track this traffic on site (i.e. how do I know whether people are getting to my site from a 7Search related search and if they are clicking on ads or not?)

I've also got some stats related to my ad revenue:

4x180 = $0.28/click average
5x200 = $0.22/click average

lg rectangle = $0.31
med rectangle = $0.32
half-banner= $0.29

So assuming I'm only paying between $0.05 and $0.25 for my keywords on 7Search, I'm golden right? Assuming the traffic from 7Search is actually clicking on ads...How do I track that? Awstats? Google Analytics? phpAds?
Well, the clicks are coming though now, but I still have no numbers to back up whether these people are clicking on ads or not...I saw another thread about some ways to track these visitors and I'm thinking I may need to add these to the site simply so I can track them...What do you guys/girls use to track arbi performance?
Well, the clicks are coming though now, but I still have no numbers to back up whether these people are clicking on ads or not...I saw another thread about some ways to track these visitors and I'm thinking I may need to add these to the site simply so I can track them...What do you guys/girls use to track arbi performance?

Adsense Tracker for me.
Same product as adsense tracker. I am real happy with it.

Yeah just installed it and saw it is Adsense tracker. Yeah it looks real cool so far. Can't wait till some stats show up :).

By the way, can something like this help in a case if google bans you for click fraud when you really haven't?
Yeah just installed it and saw it is Adsense tracker. Yeah it looks real cool so far. Can't wait till some stats show up :).

By the way, can something like this help in a case if google bans you for click fraud when you really haven't?

I have not been in that situation thankfully, but it will provide you with the IP address and the ad that was clicked on. So that info could be talked about to google, however they are their own animal and do what they want.
I have not been in that situation thankfully, but it will provide you with the IP address and the ad that was clicked on. So that info could be talked about to google, however they are their own animal and do what they want.

Yeah I also have thankfully not been in that position, but was wondering for future reference...never know when your luck goes bad :mad:
for standard d I use the wolf howl formula, I use it for arbi and it has been a very good judge of success. The higher the answer the better I have done as far as ROI. The thing is once you get into using math to make your decisions there are many vairiables you start to look at. this could be a bad thing. I follow what wolf howl said and it works for me. try it on about 10 pages and see if you have the same success! by the way, once you have 1 or 2 days of profit even if it is just 2:1 I would move on to build another page. don't get to bogged down with this. Just my advice, you want to move forward as much as possible. what will happen is the more you build the better your ROI.
There are only so many things you can play with on a page and at some point you work backwards. Also the # of ads displayed on a page can determine how much you make. If you are running 3 ad spaces and showing 12 ads well after the top 3 or 4 you might not be making what you spent. The flip side is if you only have 4 ads they might not attrackt any clicks you have to test that.
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