N00b Arbitrage Tutorial

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for standard d I use the wolf howl formula, I use it for arbi and it has been a very good judge of success. The higher the answer the better I have done as far as ROI. The thing is once you get into using math to make your decisions there are many vairiables you start to look at. this could be a bad thing. I follow what wolf howl said and it works for me. try it on about 10 pages and see if you have the same success! by the way, once you have 1 or 2 days of profit even if it is just 2:1 I would move on to build another page. don't get to bogged down with this. Just my advice, you want to move forward as much as possible. what will happen is the more you build the better your ROI.
There are only so many things you can play with on a page and at some point you work backwards. Also the # of ads displayed on a page can determine how much you make. If you are running 3 ad spaces and showing 12 ads well after the top 3 or 4 you might not be making what you spent. The flip side is if you only have 4 ads they might not attrackt any clicks you have to test that.

Chris, can you post this formula or a link to it? This is the whole point: how do you know whether you're making 2:1 or not? I have a site that gets most of its traffic from other places than 7Search right now, so I need to figure out if the money I'm spending on 7Search is giving me ROI.....
so how is the test site doing now? Still good?

I looked up my stats for yesterday:

7Search Clicks = 39 Cost=$5.40 Avr CPC=$0.14 Position =1.3
AdSense CTR=10.89% (with leaks plugged) Revenue=$9.79

Now before I get all excited, $9.79 is the lowest amount this week (the high was $15.79 - BEFORE arbitrage) and there were 395 impressions, so only 39 of those came from 7Search. If I assume the same CTR, that means that about 4 people from 7Search clicked an ad, bringing in an average of $0.2276/click = $0.91.

In other words, I spent $5.40 in order to make $0.91 - a NEGATIVE ROI.
One thing I'm still not sure of is why 7search reports 45,677 search results for the term I'm bidding on, and I only get 39 of them being that I am the top bid (or second from the top).

Any comments? Am I doing something wrong here? The research suggests that this niche should be profitable, but the results aren't matching the estimates being given out by 7search.
Chris, can you post this formula or a link to it? This is the whole point: how do you know whether you're making 2:1 or not? I have a site that gets most of its traffic from other places than 7Search right now, so I need to figure out if the money I'm spending on 7Search is giving me ROI.....

The formula Chris is talking about is from here


I read Graywolf Adsense Arbitrage part.I-III, I say I have a better understanding of how PPC Arbitrage works now, compared to just yesterday where I didn't know shit!

The formula is a bit tricky but Graywolf breaks it down for yah.

Hey Chris, Graywolf uses only 4 Bids to input into the formula but recommend more to get a better reading. How many bids do you input into the formula? Top 10 bids?
BNW- why are you not using ad chanels in adsense? that would tell you exactly what is arbi and what is not.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I do use channels. All channels info tells you is who clicked on what ad block, not where they came from.

There are some programs out there to help with that, but I just turn them all off except one for a day to see what is working. I haven't found anything that works for me well other than 7search, but I'm going to try adbrite next week.
BNW - are you sending arbi traffic to your financial blogs? I have looked at those and I have to say they are nice blogs but they should not be used for arbi. maybe make 1 page with some general information on whatever like mutual funds, you are not trying to educate you are trying to get them to click on an ad. I do not think what you are doing, sending traffic to your blog is traditional arbi. YOu are sending traffic that is honestly crap to blogs that are designed to provide real information and well that I think might be a waiste. You might want to start an adwords campaign paying only $.05 or so and see if you get any traffic that way for your blog, the people will stay longer. Just my 2 cents not that it is worth 2 cents.
ROI Excel Tool

I've attached an excel spreadsheet that is a great ROI calculator for this kind of thing. Let's you play with the numbers to see what will work and what won't. It only gives you numbers based on history, so its not a predictive tool. Any suggestions? Rep? :rasta:


  • report.zip
    2.3 KB · Views: 59
It's not a leak in that I get paid if someone uses it. How much do I get paid? I have no idea since I've never used AdSense for Search before.

best of luck man...let me know the payout of the seacrh function....wouldn't mine implementing that on my arbit site also
best of luck man...let me know the payout of the seacrh function....wouldn't mine implementing that on my arbit site also

I had it on one of my sites for a test. Out of 13 queries, I had 6 clicks for a grand total of .92.

I think your price will vary depending on what they are searching for. If they search for high keywords, you might get more $$.
So you can auto-fill the search fill in the google search box on your site? I've thought of doing it but haven't checked to see if it's legal.
I had it on one of my sites for a test. Out of 13 queries, I had 6 clicks for a grand total of .92.

I think your price will vary depending on what they are searching for. If they search for high keywords, you might get more $$.

when you say clicks, did you mean when they actually click teh search button?
They did 13 searches where they actually hit the search button, and they clicked on one of the search result's ad 6 times.

Does that make sense?

oh so they have to search and also click ads from the search...I seee
So you can auto-fill the search fill in the google search box on your site? I've thought of doing it but haven't checked to see if it's legal.

You'll notice that I've done just that. If I had wanted to be really clever, I could track what search term they used to get to my site and insert it there. Either way, I'm not sure if it violates Google's TOS or not, but since technically I'm adding to their code not changing it, it is a "grey area".
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