My wickedfire brethren...


Dresden14 has turned himself in to local authorities in Orange County, CA. He is no longer a fugitive of the law, and has been sentenced to 25 days in the county jail, a light sentence in light of the charges faced.

Witnesses said that the Judge quietly said, "88 my brother" to Dresden as he was leaving the courtroom.

This has been a WickedFire News Special Report.
-Dwight Schrute, Official WickedFire News Reporter


I got exclusive pics of him being lead away.

4 or 5 of us will roll down there wearing NAZI apparel and make our "BRETHREN" feel right at home. Lets make sure we roll in when the most people are visiting so everyone knows he's part of the 'group'.
So I was thinking to myself, if I was a judge I'd be pissed off if it was...

Doesn't matter what day it is, it really matters what cases come before you on the day you see him. They get all pissed off dealing with fuckheads all morning if yours isn't early you're as good as fucked...

I was a victim in a case and sat down while talking to the judge, he got all pissed off and gave the guy 16 years. Everyone was glaring at me for sitting down but fuck not my problem.
I was a victim in a case and sat down while talking to the judge, he got all pissed off and gave the guy 16 years. Everyone was glaring at me for sitting down but fuck not my problem.
I are confused, good sir.

Please enlighten me with the explanation of why you did something that makes the judge mad and then the judge takes it out on your enemy instead?
I are confused, good sir.

Please enlighten me with the explanation of why you did something that makes the judge mad and then the judge takes it out on your enemy instead?

Someone you rent a room to steals your wallet the night before you go out of town, and claims to helps you look for it when you realize you don't have it. (When you're already out of town, drove across 2 states, realized your wallet was missing when you stopped for gas)

Meanwhile he takes the social security card, drivers license, and takes out credit cards and cell phone plans and says the wallet wasn't at the house (I then thought it must have fallen out of my pocket). He even received the credit cards to the house while I was out of town, opened the mail, activated the cards with my SS# and went on a shopping spree. (more than 35 counts with several felonies)

Lived with me the whole time he was doing this. Telling me, man that sucks when I was talking about all the shit I lost in it. My padi scuba card from when I was 12 and sentimental shit.

He's eating chinese food, then leaves for work. I pick up the chinese menu on the coffee table, feel something attached to the back, flip it over to see a visa receipt with my name and signature on it, along with a $5 tip. I call visa, they say you haven't been using this card?? I never got it, then they tell me it's been used all over for more than $3500.

He confessed initially, then asked for jury, then skipped out on further court dates over more than a year time. On the way home from court, I was at a stoplight and saw him on the payphone. I called 911 and said I was just leaving court where they put a bench warrant on the guy, and he was right there at the mini mart.

The next court date, he was there, and I sat on the bench the entire time while I told them what a nightmare it was to get my credit sorted out, along with the meaningful shit I lost from the guy.
It just really blows my mind the one who claims to hate blacks the most is the one who acts like one the most.

Nazi in 1942:


Nazi in 2012:


Seems like neo-nazis are just extra racist white trash.
What's funny is the way Dresden is acting like he's proud to be going to prison. Maybe it's just my interpretation, but it comes off like one of the local chavs wearing it as a badge of honor.

This does actually illustrate what a fucking waste of time short prison sentences are. 25 days isn't a deterrent. They should give people convicted of minor stuff the option of 500 hours' unpaid community service done over a year, or 10 years in jail.

They should assign you to the Strafkompanie, see how you like it.
He thinks its cool just like every other faggot gang banger. Reminds me of this:


What's funny is the way Dresden is acting like he's proud to be going to prison. Maybe it's just my interpretation, but it comes off like one of the local chavs wearing it as a badge of honor.

This does actually illustrate what a fucking waste of time short prison sentences are. 25 days isn't a deterrent. They should give people convicted of minor stuff the option of 500 hours' unpaid community service done over a year, or 10 years in jail.

They should assign you to the Strafkompanie, see how you like it.
... Judge was a klansman, gave the nod. Updated to reflect, but skated. Lulz at you all for thinking I'm in jail though. Or am I? Maybe I'm in a cell with uber white privileges and was given a laptop and wifi card? It's all unknown at this point, either way, lol though

Edited! And it's said this for 24 hours. You bitches didn't honor my pewep and danke temporary ban. Disappointed