My wickedfire brethren...

This is like the 3rd Thread that Dresden has started like this. In another he was drunk because he'd just picked a fight with a whole bunch of black ppl and was seriously beaten down. In one just last week or so Dresden gave himself a serious knife wound and sewed it up with catgut himself.

I don't know everything, but I can certainly tell that his daughter isn't going to have a daddy much longer at this rate. Perhaps a good, long prison sentence is just what he needs to chill the fuck out.

OP is not lying! May God protect your cornhole.


after dresden get's out.....

[ame=""]White boy dancing like a black girl - YouTube[/ame]
It is so funny that all the Nazis don't have a clue what it means to be a good German.


I think between me and you, you're closer to eating a bag of dicks ;). Stay safe!
Sounds like someone's been to OC Men's Central Jail...

Serious huh, lol...

2012 and pleading out
Are you a fucking peasant? Next time hire a lawyer.

Oh I had a lawyer dude... I was charged with a felony, and had it reduced to a misdemeanor and saved my gun rights. But pleading not guilty when they have the shit in hand would be rather stupid...

Also, did someone say something?

Dwight, do a lookup in 24 hours to find an "Incarcerated" update. lulz. Alright, I'm off. Wish me luck ya fucks.
Serious huh, lol...

Oh I had a lawyer dude... I was charged with a felony, and had it reduced to a misdemeanor and saved my gun rights. But pleading not guilty when they have the shit in hand would be rather stupid...

Also, did someone say something?

Dwight, do a lookup in 24 hours to find an "Incarcerated" update. lulz. Alright, I'm off. Wish me luck ya fucks.

So you're only going to do a county term. Less than a year?

Maybe if you liked the juices you would've had the case dismissed.

Give me jew lawyer anyday of the week.

P.S. taking the cawk in jail doesn't count.
Hell. For Dresden Jail = networking opportunity with his neo-nazi brethren.

As I'm looking through your case documents, I'm laughing my ass off at the name of the bail bondsman you used for your $20,000 bail:

I'm also laughing at the thought of you doing this:

Who wants to organize a SoCal WickedFire trip to OC Men's Central Jail to visit Dresden and sneak him in a metal file inside of a cake? Perhaps a small rock hammer inside of a Bible?