My wickedfire brethren...

[ame=]Chris Crocker Meets Gig Gay Bubba The Prison Bitch - YouTube[/ame]

Who wants to organize a SoCal WickedFire trip to OC Men's Central Jail to visit Dresden and sneak him in a metal file inside of a cake? Perhaps a small rock hammer inside of a Bible?

You'd be better off slipping him something orally during a visitation while you're acting like you're kissing. You have 3 seconds of kissing before the guards start yelling to break it off and they're less likely to check Dresden afterwards for what you slipped him.
This just gets better and better :)
Dresden, thanks for offering your life up for our entertainment.
Dwight, do a lookup in 24 hours to find an "Incarcerated" update. lulz. Alright, I'm off. Wish me luck ya fucks.

By 'offline for awhile, g'luck bros' he means....

.... hes offline on the weekends because he'll be picking up trash on the side of the road.
Dresden, I'm drinking this one for you tonight. Like it or not, you're my WF brother and I fucking hate it when another person goes to jail. Jail sucks hardddddd. I wouldn't even wish it on my worst current enemy (and I mean that from the bottom of my heart). I hope all goes well. The worst part about cases are the amount of money you have to spend (I blew $20,000 on fucking lawyers and court fees).


f-f-fuck the popo

"Kiss Jail Goodbye" *kissing audio effect* LOL

This picture of a small, white dog probably closed the deal..

Most homoerotic thread I've seen in a while.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

As of 3:15pm PDT, according to Orange County, CA court records, WickedFire's resident white supremacist Dresden14 is still considered a fugitive of the law.

I will update this thread when I have confirmation that Mr. Dresden has been processed by local authorities.

Dwight Schrute
Official WickedFire News Correspondent

So I was thinking to myself, if I was a judge I'd be pissed off if it was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and be more stoked when it was Thursday or Friday - so similar to vegas, I'm going with the odds.. So it's my "strategic plan" to get this done on Thursday or Friday max. Guaranteed outcome by weeks end. This is the official weekly lol thread, so stay tuned.

Dwights the official (Official WickedFire News Correspondent) as outlined in his signature. I also will my account to him if I go in for life. In the event I get locked up (say a week, month, two months, etc), in remembrance of me I'm requesting an immediate ban for pewep for the whole duration while im in there (shouldnt be long). If this isn't done, I'm gonna come out pissssssed...

So I was thinking to myself, if I was a judge I'd be pissed off if it was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and be more stoked when it was Thursday or Friday - so similar to vegas, I'm going with the odds.. So it's my "strategic plan" to get this done on Thursday or Friday max. Guaranteed outcome by weeks end. This is the official weekly lol thread, so stay tuned.

Dwights the official (Official WickedFire News Correspondent) as outlined in his signature. I also will my account to him if I go in for life. In the event I get locked up (say a week, month, two months, etc), in remembrance of me I'm requesting an immediate ban for pewep for the whole duration while im in there (shouldnt be long). If this isn't done, I'm gonna come out pissssssed...

You really need to turn yourself in tomorrow. If you turn yourself in on Friday, they will not be able to schedule a hearing for you over the weekend, meaning you'll be stuck at Men's Central Jail over the weekend.

Instead, turn yourself in Wednesday morning, get processed by tomorrow afternoon, then have an opportunity to get in front of a judge by Thursday or Friday (when they'll be in a good mood).

Otherwise, if you turn yourself in Friday, you'll have to sit in the pokey until Monday morning when a judge will be pissed off and will look through all your traffic violations (no mudflaps, really?) and see how long it took you to turn yourself in and may go off on you by raping you with jail time.


PS: Thanks for willing your acct to me if you go in for life. I look forward to posting shit in German in the near future on your behalf.
Man this reminds me when I went UA for 6 weeks while in the Navy. I was paranoid as fuck. Just turn yourself in dude. Get it over with and straighten you ass out. Nothing good comes out of being a fugitive.

Do they have Internet in Prison?
wait, hold the phone, Dresden was DRIVING WITHOUT MUDFLAPS?!?

It's criminal behavior like this that gives our industry a bad name....
Do they have Internet in Prison?

Dresden jumps on monitored prison internet.
Gaurds report up about a "secret cult-like" forum.
10 more "oh noes jail!" threads pop up.

Meanwhile, pewep is excited to write his pen pal.