My Conversation with Mark Karpeles of MtGox

I don't trust him a second. There is so much happened. Has he delivered a single logical or proofed fact?

Or from the other side: If he has something to hide, is there a way to act more shady?
I can't imagine one... and there is again the duck.
unfortunately that's been the growing suspicion I'm hearing lately. lookig at his past behavior & present:

past: Tibanne Co. Ltd. sentenced in 2013. Mark Karpeles's lies are not new.

What Did Not Happen At Mt. Gox

Wow, I had heard of the online fraud case in France, but I had never heard of this case. That behavior is totally consistent with what happened at Mtgox. Now I`m convinced it`s a massive con job. Even if the coins actually were stolen due to incompetence, he knowingly kept running and profiting from the exchange as long as he could.

I know for a fact that Mtgox was accepting deposits until the very moment they went offline. On the last day of trading, I saw the massive fluctuations and thought I would take a gamble with a few hundred bucks and see how much I could turn it into through trading. 15 minutes after I deposited, trading was disabled and the site went offline. I`m not going to cry about it because I took a gamble and that`s all I lost, but I thought it was dirty to keep taking deposits right until the end. And that pretty much sums up his attitude towards others and his obligations towards them. "You give me money even though I have no intention of giving you anything in return".

I looked at my account in the hacker database and my balance is exactly as expected. But I know those aren`t real coins, they`re just a voucher for coins that are missing so can`t be redeemed. I don`t think the database can prove that the coins are actually still there in cold storage. Maybe some tech wizzes can somehow crosscheck it with the blockchain to figure out where the BTC is and how it got there.
Dear Frenchie: Time to embrace your countries' long-standing tradition: Run & Hide.

haha, that reminds me of a joke i once heard about the French army surrendering to an Underdog float that got loose during the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Wow, looks like you could make like $300/day with this? It would be paid off in a month.

This is what I thought with Butterfly Labs stuff for bitcoin.

It depends entirely on when they deliver. I bought a machine that when I bought it would produce 1 bitcoin per day. When I received it, it produced .15 per day and that dropped quickly every 2 weeks.

I ended up mining 2 bitcoins in the end and then shutting it down.

If I had bought 10 bitcoins at $65 versus 1 miner for $650. I would have done much better.

If you have $10k to spend, why not just by litecoins and dogecoins?
The price has been slowly going down over the past week or so, but 99% down seems a little extreme lol.

inb4 he finds another 200k somewhere else.

"I reached for the toilet paper and the next thing I know I see my scooby doo flash drive underneath my people magazine!"

Why is it that easy money and the internet crowd always get taken by such morons? First there was Ryan Eagle, and now Karpeles.

Can't wait to see who the next one is, but I'm sure most of the neckbeards on Reddit will be ready and willing to bend over and hand over their hard earned obama dollars without even thinking the decision through.

Where's an internet_is_real_bidness.gif when you need one.
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[ame=]If bitcoins were around in the '90s... - YouTube[/ame]
Another exchange (Vircurex) says it doesn't have enough reserves to do withdraws.

BTC price is down to $550

Blackcoin is hot